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Data Bases

Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 2S

Code: LGDL20549    Acronym: BD
Scientific Fields: Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação
Section/Department: Department of Information Systems


Acronym Nº of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LGDL 89 Study Plan 4,5 45 121,5

Teaching weeks: 15


Maria Leonilde dos ReisHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes 3


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Laboratories Totals 3 9,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

The students will be able to develop user friendly database(DB) applications to improve the organizational performance. The learning outcomes are focused on knowledge acquisition:
• Understand the importance of DB in the organization;
• Know and use the features available in the DB;
• Develop DB Management applications to improve individual and organizational performance.

Macro Skills: ability to review/research; individual efficiency, interpersonal and group; troubleshooting; creativity.

Core Skills: ability to understand the information requirements necessary for DB Management in an organizational context; ability to define the pertinent information to solve the problem; ability to develop applications for managing DB for improving organizational performance.

Vocational Skills: ability to develop friendly applications to promote the DB usages in decision making and competitive advantages acquisition.


1. Background
Data and Information
Information Systems
Information Technology
Information Security

2. Databases
Data Files
Data Access Methods
Concepts and Components
Database Management Systems
Databases Models
The Relational Model

3. Data structure
Requirements analysis and specification
Conceptual Design, Logical and Physical
Database Relational Management Systems
Keys and Referential Integrity

4. Data handling
Creating tables
Data types Definition
Creating primary keys
Relationships between tables
Creating and using forms

5. Data presentation
Creating Queries
Search criteria definition
Use of operators
Creating and formatting reports
Conditions for ordering and summary

6. Applications
Defining the problem
Requirements Specification
Applications development

7. Integrations
Creating and using macros
Assigning macros to command buttons
Display menus development


Microsoft Access 2010

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The teaching methods used:
• Expository methods
• Exploratory strategies in order to:
o Laboratory Method (learning by individual discovery of specific software);
o Learning by individual research underlying the implementation of a task in a specific field;
• Use of the simulation in order to place the student at the teaching/learning center .
• Thereby bring closer the theoretical and practical requirements of the real labor market.
Theoretical components are taught using a combination the exposit in (concepts) and and participatory methods. In practical components the participative approach and problem is used, solving in a cooperative learning strategy.
The continuous assessment comprises:
• Individual theoretical test
• Individual practical test

Teaching methodologies

The teaching methods used:
▪ expository methods;
▪ Exploratory strategies in order to:
- Laboratory Method (a learning by individual discovery into a specific software);
- A learning through the individual research underlying the work implementation in a specific field;
- Appeal to the simulation in order to place student at the teaching /learning center .
- a real world simulation in order to closer the theoretical and practical requirements of the real labor market.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The continuous assessment comprises:
• Individual Participation ( 20% IP)
• Individual Theoretical/Practical Test (80%TP)
Final classification = 20% IP + 80%TP

Assessment methodologies and evidences

The assessment comprises:
• Individual Theoretical/Practical Test (100%TP)

Attendance system

The assessment comprises:
• Individual Theoretical/Practical Test (100%TP)

Assement and Attendance registers

Description Type Tempo (horas) End Date
Attendance (estimated)  Classes  45
  Total: 45

Main Bibliography

Gouveia, F.;Fundamentos de Base de Dados, FCA – Editora de Informática., 2014
• MacDonald, M.;Access 2010: The Missing Manual, Pogue Press, 2010
• Conrad, J. ;Microsoft Access 2010 Inside Out , Microsoft Press, 2010
Reis, L. Cagica, L., Silveira, C., Russo, N., & Marques A. ;Inovação e Sustentabilidade em Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação, Silabo. , 2021. ISBN: ISBN 978-989-561-146-1

Complementary Bibliography

• Date, C.J. ;An Introduction to Database Systems, 7th Edition, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 2000
• Elmasri, R. and Navathe, S.B. ;Fundamentals of Database Systems, 3rd Edition, Addison Wesley Longman, Inc., 2000
• Date, C.J. ;The Database Relational Model: A Rectrospective Review and Analysis, Addison Wesley Longman, Inc., 2001
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