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Human Resource Management

Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 2S

Code: LGDL20556    Acronym: GRH
Scientific Fields: Gestão de Recursos Humanos
Section/Department: Department of Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management


Acronym Nº of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LGDL 56 Study Plan 4,5 45 121,5

Teaching weeks: 15


Célia de Jesus Fialho QuintasHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes 1 2


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Theoretical Totals 1 1,00
Practices Totals 2 4,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Presentation of specific models, methods and instruments of human resources management, aiming to develop in the students a set of skills that allow them to contribute to an adequate Human Resources Management.


1. The nature of human resources management
1.1. The organization's global policies and human resources management policies;
1.2. The structure and functions of the human resources area;
1.3. The human resource manager in organizations. Its role and functions.

2. From the analysis of functions to the analysis of competences
2.1. Functional analysis;
2.2. Competence analysis.

3. Recruitment, selection and integration
3.1. The recruitment and selection process;
3.2. Welcome and integration.

4. Development
4.1. The formation;
4.2. Performance evaluation;
4.3. Career development.

5. The compensation
5.1. Wage pPresentation of specific models, methods and instruments of human resources management, aiming to develop in the students a set of skills that allow them to contribute to an adequate Human Resources Management.olicy;
5.2. Components of remuneration.

6. The separation
6.1. Separation processes;
6.2. Separation and society.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The curricular unit intends to present the subsystems of HRM and the respective practices. The program contents are structured in six points that intend to respond to the proposed objectives

Teaching methodologies

The teaching / learning methodologies will be applied according to the type of classes: theoretical or practical. And also depending on the type of objective: preparation of group work or preparation for testing.
• Theoretical classes - Expositive / Interrogative Methodology, making use of participatory methodology, whenever possible;
• Practical classes - Participatory Methodology through the study, analysis and resolution of Practical Cases;
• Group Work - Tutorial Orientation of the groups in Practical Classes and Attendance Hours of Teachers;
• Preparation for test - Orientation in the elaboration of a Formative Test in the Theoretical Classes.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

With the expository sessions, the teachers present the main concepts related to the programmatic contents taking into account its multiple aspects.
The participatory methodology seeks to foster the critical and analytical spirit of the students in the face of the stated problems.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Continuous evaluation
The assessment of knowledge consists of:
Preparation, presentation and discussion of a Group Work - TG - 50%.
Conducting an Individual Test - IT - 50%

Final Score = 0.50TG + 0.50TI

In the test, the minimum grade can not be less than ten values. If the grade of the test is less than 10 values, the student will have to make the final evaluation.
Also, if the final grade of the Group Work is less than 10 values, the student will have to make a final evaluation.

Final evaluation
There are three epochs of final evaluation:

Normal | 1st season (intended for students who did not opt ​​for continuous assessment)

The evaluation of the normal time is constituted by:
• An individual test on the entire program
• Final Exam (E)

Final Grade = 100% E
If the exam grade is less than 10, there will be no approval.

Resource (it is intended for students who did not or did not obtain use in the normal time or in the continuous evaluation)

The evaluation system is the same as in the final evaluation of the Normal Season, where E is the examination grade of the resource period. For students who did not achieve Continuous Assessment, the Group Work grade is transported to Resource and makes an average of the grade of the test.

Special Season:
The evaluation system is the same as in the Appeal Time, where E is the Special Period exam grade.

Attendance system



• Caetano, A. & Vala, J. (2007). Gestão de Recursos Humanos: contextos, processos e técnicas. Lisboa: Editora RH.

• Gomes, J., Cunha, M., Rego, A. Cunha, R., Cardoso, C. & Marques, C. (2008). Manual de Gestão de Pessoas e do Capital Humano. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.

• Peretti, M. (1997). Recursos Humanos. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.

• Sekiou, L., Blondin, L., Fabi, B., Peretti, J., Bayad, M., Allis, D. & Chevalier, F. (2009). Gestão dos recursos humanos. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget.

• Sousa, M., Duarte, T., Sanches, P. & Gomes, J. (2006). Gestão de Recursos Humanos: Métodos e Práticas. Lisboa: Lidel – Edições Técnicas.

• Werther, W. & Davis, K. (1996). Human Resources and Personel Management. New York: McGraw-Hill.

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