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Innovation Management

Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 1S

Code: LMKT20591    Acronym: GINOV
Scientific Fields: Gestão
Section/Department: Department of Economics and Management


Acronym Nº of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LMKT 59 Study Plain 4,5 45 121,5

Teaching weeks: 15


Fernando José de Aires AngelinoHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes 1 2


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Theoretical Totals 1 1,00
Fernando Angelino   1,00
Practices Totals 2 4,00
Fernando Almeida   4,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

• Recognize the importance of innovation as a critical success factor in the current economic and social context;
• Understand the Innovation Management as a key factor in the enterprises global management model, taking innovation as part of continuous improvement of organizational performance;
• Develop the ability to act to accelerate the identification, creation, evaluation, implementation and dissemination of innovative ideas and projects, targeted to meet the needs and expectations of customers and other stakeholders;
• Develop skills in the use of methods, techniques and tools for the deployment of Innovation Management, particularly in creating organizational climates conducive to learning and change;
• Understand the ways to internalize and engage the entire organization innovation challenges.


1.1. Ideas, Invention and Innovation
1.2. Concepts and Types of Innovation
1.3. Innovation Sources
1.4. Innovations Diffusion

2.1. Creativity techniques
2.2. New Products and Services Development
2.3. Innovation Management Tools

3.1. Innovation Process
3.2. Change Management
3.3. Features and Routines of Innovative Organizations
3.4. Open Innovation

4.1. Strategic Dimensions of Innovation
4.2. Formulating Technology Strategies

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The unit of Innovation Management is taught in the classroom teaching system, being structured: lectures (in which it seek to familiarize students with the theoretical issues of the course) and practical classes (intended use of tools and management techniques innovation and case studies), which together aim to consolidate knowledge and skills development. The teaching-learning process will be focused on content, the learning needs of students, and the theoretical, based on the literature and supported in practical exemplification. The contact between the team and of the course the students will be done through Moodle and SI, where information will be disseminated.

According to the Teaching Model of ESCE, different types of work will be performed(individual and collaborative) that provide the creation of different training situations and contribute to the student that the privileged agent of their own training, following the guidelines of Bologna process).

The course is structured into topics whose content corresponds to thematic units presented, and requires the implementation of a series of training activities of individual and collective, that may be the object of analysis and discussion in class and own forums on the digital platform , being the teacher the task of giving theoretical training, guide learning and applied research of students and provide all the necessary support for successful learning.

Teaching methodologies

Avaliação distribuída com exame final

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

Continuous Assessment

The assessment consists of:

1 Written Test (T), individual.
Presentation of a working group (TG), on the subject of Innovation. If separable classification of work performed, presented and discussed values less than 10, the student shall complete the Final Evaluation.
Discussion and presentation of 2 Practical Exercises (EP) in group (of 3 or 4 studants), during the practical classes, the subject are defined by the teacher.

NOTE: The presentation of the work will take place in classes.

FINAL AC GRADE = 40% T + 30% TG + 30% EP

Final Evaluation

The final assessment consists of making a written individual. If the exam grade is less than 10 values, there is no approval.

There are three seasons final evaluation:

Regular Season | 1st time

It is intended for students who did not undergo continuous assessment.

Resource Season | 2nd season

It is intended for students who did not attend or did not get the time use
normal or continuous assessment.

Special Season:

It is intended for students who can complete the academic part of the course through the approval
maximum of two courses, and enroll in all of them, in addition to other
duly regulated.

Assessment methodologies and evidences


Final Classification = 40% T + 40% TG + 20% EP
(T-Test, TG - Working Group , PA - Participation in class)


Final Classification = Rating Exam

Attendance system

Agreed with the teacher

Assement and Attendance registers

Description Type Tempo (horas) End Date
Attendance (estimated)  Classes  33
  Total: 33
Página gerada em: 2024-06-02 às 13:06:17