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Internship II

Scholar Year: 2014/2015 - 2S

Code: MP1C10008    Acronym: ESTAG2
Scientific Fields: Prática de Ensino Supervisionada

Instance: 2014/2015 - 2S

Responsible unit: Social Sciences and Education


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MPE1C 28 Study Plan 13,0 156 351,0

Teaching - Hours

Contact hours: 15,6

Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 15,60
Ana Cristina Sequeira   3,30
Carla Cibele Figueiredo   3,00
Filipe Fialho   3,00
Jorge Pinto   3,30
Maria de Fátima Mendes   3,00

Teaching - Responsibilities

Jorge Manuel Bento PintoHead
Ana Cristina Crespo Pires SequeiraHead

Teaching weeks: 15

Teaching language



It is intended that students acquire and / or develop skills to achieve the following objectives:
- Understand the school entry from the point of view of social representation of children and parents involved and relational dimensions;
- Understand the concept of curriculum, curriculum management and class curricular project;
- Know the guiding principles and the program of the 1st cycle of basic education and curriculum goals;
- Know (s) Dynamic (s) management and organization of schools in the 1st cycle and, in particular, the cooperative school;
- Further, in the context of situation, knowledge of the programs of the various subject areas of the 1st grade;
- Know and understand the management of the classroom in which runs the training context;
- To design and implement educational intervention actions appropriate to the class which follows the stage;
- Test solutions from the identified problems;
- Understand and act appropriately on students' difficulties;
- Discuss and reflect on the situations experienced in the training context.


The contents of the address are embodied around three broad themes:

1) The teacher and the School
2) The teacher as curriculum manager
3) educational project: planning, action and evaluation

Teaching Procedures

The teacher's activity involves a deep knowledge of the context (school and your organization); their work object (curriculum); understand and be able to put into action all the necessary tools for the realization of its work taking account of their students.
The planning of activities in context, its implementation and reflection on this practice requires specific knowledge that are fundamental tools for the pedagogical action, know that you need a training in a work context.

Evaluation Type

Frequency Attainment

Training in integrated switching between training contexts allows socialization the profession and the specific nature of their work (cooperative school); training in ESE / IPS allows you to build and analyze reflectively the work in practice and plan new intervention.
For 10 weeks, the students matured in contexts of the 1st year of schooling in order to understand and act pedagogically on the various areas of knowledge and support students in their difficulties.
Wanted, at first, to develop an ability to understand the policy context; a second act collaboratively with (a) group colleague and finally a third time, act autonomously.
The supervision / mentoring is seen as an instrument for personal and professional development of future teachers. The supervisor should support and accompany the group both in some situations in context, as in brainstorming sessions. Wanted also that there is a permanent interaction between the cooperating teachers and tutors / internship supervisors.

Final Classification

The assessment focuses on the route and the productions performed during the semester.
The marks obtained in the following product evaluation discrimination will be considered for attendance, punctuality and relevance of communications during classes at ESE / IPS.

Special Evaluation
(Working Students, etc)



ALARCÃO, I. (2001). Professor-investigador: Que sentido? Que formação? In B. P. Campos (Ed.), Formação profissional de professores no ensino superior (Vol. 1, pp. 21-31). Porto: Porto Editora. [disponível no site:]
CARDOSO, C. (Coord.) (1998) Gestão Intercultural do Currículo – 1º Ciclo. Lisboa: ME – Secretariado Coordenador dos Programas de Educação Multicultural, nº 10.
FORMOSINHO, J. (2007). O currículo uniforme pronto-a-vestir de tamanho único. Mangualde: Edições Pedago.
GTI (Ed.). (2002). Reflectir e investigar sobre a prática profissional. Lisboa: APM.
ME – INAFOP (2001) Perfis de Desempenho Profissional do Educador de Infância e do Professor do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (Decretos-Lei nº 240/2001 e 241/2001 de 30 de Agosto).
PERRENOUD, P. (2001). Porquê construir competências a partir da escola? Lisboa: Edições Asa.
PINTO J. & SANTOS, L. (2006) Modelos de Avaliação das Aprendizagens, Lisboa: Universidade Aberta
PONTE, J. (2004). Pesquisar para compreender e transformar a nossa própria prática. Educar em Revista.
ROLDÃO, Mª do Céu (1995) O Estudo do Meio no 1º Ciclo: Fundamentos e
Estratégias. Lisboa: Texto Editora/ Educação Hoje.
ROLDÃO, Mª do Céu (1999). Gestão Curricular – Fundamentos e Práticas. Lisboa: ME – DEB.
ROLDÃO, Mª do Céu (2003). Gestão do currículo e Avaliação de Competências – as questões dos professores. Lisboa: Editorial Presença.
ROLDÃO; Mª do Céu (2009). Estratégias de Ensino. O saber agir do professor. Vila Nova de Gaia: Fundação Manuel Leão.

Curricular documents
Metas de aprendizagem

Metas curriculares -
ME – DGEBS (1992) Programa do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Lisboa: M.E.

ME – INAFOP (2001) Perfis de Desempenho Profissional do Educador de Infância e do Professor do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (Decretos-Lei nº 240/2001 e 241/2001 de 30 de Agosto).

Programa de Matemática
Programa de Português


1. It is noted that this course can not be performed by examination and validation of UC is subject to:
- Take note of not less than 10 within the "Stage: Performance" (for that among other things, it is necessary to respect the deadlines of lesson plans and reflections).
2 - Consult the platform Moodle documents:
- Organization of working sessions;
- Indications for Reflection on the Teaching Situations and
-Model Planning Support;
Stage-components of the Portfolio;
- Internship Portfolio Evaluation Grid.

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