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Traineeship (Internship) in the 2nd Cycle

Scholar Year: 2015/2016 - 2S

Code: M12C20009    Acronym: EST2C
Scientific Fields: Prática de Ensino Supervisionada

Instance: 2015/2016 - 2S

Responsible unit: Science and Technology


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
M12C1 14 Study Plan 23,0 276 621,0

Teaching - Hours

Contact hours: 13

Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 13,00
Ana Maria Boavida   2,93
Leonor Saraiva   2,93
Luiz Souta   2,93
Paulo Feytor Pinto   2,93

Teaching - Responsibilities

Ana Maria Dias Roque Lemos BoavidaHead

Teaching weeks: 15

Teaching language



- deepen the concept of curriculum, curriculum development and class curriculum project;
- know dynamics and the organization of upper primary schools (2nd cycle) and, in particular, of the school where the student is doing his/her training;
- deepen, in context, knowledge about the curricula of subject areas from the 2nd cycle;
- Know and understand the management of the classroom where the training takes place;
- implement appropriate educational intervention actions in the classroom where the training takes place;
- identify problems and test solutions;
- Understand the ways of thinking and the difficulties of the students and act appropriately;
- Discuss and reflect on situations experienced during the training;
- Be able to develop a research project based on practice.


Teaching practice: Planning and intervention
Teaching practice and research
Reflection on action

Teaching Procedures

The course "Training in Upper Primary Schools" is a privileged space of intervention, sharing, reflection and analysis of teaching practices in the areas of Portuguese Language, History and Geography of Portugal, Mathematics and Natural Sciences; it supports the development of fundamental professional knowledge of teachers in these areas.
In order to achieve this, the classroom is the privileged place of student’s action and simultaneously for the development of reflection capacities. In addition to other dimensions, training in context must provide reflection on practices fostering personal and professional development of future teachers as individuals and as members of a professional group.

Evaluation Type

Frequency Attainment

Training in context takes place in an upper primary school and occurs in a class of 5th or 6th grade, for 10 weeks in
three moments whose purposes are: (i) recognition of the context; (ii) preparation and teaching classes (iii)
intervention, aimed at developing the research project.
The team of supervisors of the scientific areas will teach this course and will support students in schools where
there are training in context and in ESE / IPS. In the training context, the students benefit, also from the support of
the cooperating teachers.
Students should develop a research project on their practice. To do so, they will have the support of the course
"Research Seminar and Project" and of a supervisor according to the theme they are investigating.

Final Classification

The assessment will be focused on the journey and the productions performed during the semester. The classification obtained in the assessment elements will also be weighted by assiduity, punctuality and relevance of the work in seminars and tutorial support sessions as well as the meeting deadlines.

Student´s approval is subject to the obligation to have a rating equal to or higher than 10 in each of the following two dimensions:
1) educational intervention in practice (50%)
1.1. lesson plans (15%)
1.2. Performance in the classroom (25%)
1.3: written reflections (10%)
2) Research Project Report and its discussion (50%).

In addition, students must have also a rating equal to or higher than 10 in item performance in the classroom

Special Evaluation
(Working Students, etc)

This course can not be accomplished through examination. The teaching of classes in training school and participation in training seminars is mandatory.


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Egan, K. (1994). O uso da Narrativa como técnica de ensino: uma abordagem alternativa ao ensino e ao currículo na escolaridade básica. Lisboa: Publicações Dom Quixote
Egan, K. (2001). Mente de criança: coelhos falantes e laranjas mecânicas. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget/ Horizontes Pedagógicos.
Formosinho, J. (2007). O currículo uniforme pronto-a-vestir de tamanho único. Mangualde: Edições Pedagogo.
Leite, C., Pacheco, J. A., Mouraz, A., & Moreira, A. (Orgs.) (2011). Políticas, fundamentos e práticas do currículo. Porto: Porto Editora.
Pacheco, J. A. (2001). Teoria e práxis. Porto: Porto Editora.
Perrenoud, P. (2001). Porquê construir competências a partir da escola? Lisboa: Edições Asa.
Pinto J. & Santos, L. (2006). Modelos de Avaliação das Aprendizagens. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta.
Rich, D. (1992). Mega Skills. Boston: Houghton Mifflin / NEA.
Roldão, M. C. (2009). Estratégias de ensino. O saber e o agir do professor. Vila Nova de Gaia: Fundação Manuel Leão.
Roldão, M. C. (2003). Gestão do currículo e Avaliação de Competências – as questões dos professores. Lisboa: Editorial Presença.
Roldão, M. C. (1999). Gestão Curricular – Fundamentos e Práticas. Lisboa: ME – DEB.

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