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Exercice Physiology

Scholar Year: 2017/2018 - 2S

Code: DESP19    Acronym: FE
Scientific Fields: Ciências do Desporto
Section/Department: Science and Technology


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
DESP 45 Study Plan 5,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Mário André da Cunha EspadaHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 6,34
Ana Cristina Figueira   2,67
Mário André Cunha Espada   3,67

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Know the terminology used in the Physiology of Exercise.

Master the concepts related to the functional response of the human body to physical exercise.

Demonstrate mastery of knowledge in the areas of biology and biochemistry required for the foundation of physical activity, with special emphasis on bioenergetics and nutrition.

Use with knowledge and objectivity the various methods of evaluation of effort parameters.

Relate the theoretical concepts acquired with concrete practical situations, characteristics of intervention in physical and sports activities.


Notion of physiological adaptation
Basic concepts of Exercise Physiology; Relationship stimulus-adaptation; Analogy between stimulus and training load; Notion of training load in an exclusively physiological perspective; The training load is seen as a physiological stimulus, predictable and controllable, disturbing the homeostatic balance; Notion of acute adaptation and chronic adaptation.

Notion of capacity and power of each energy process; Traceable and non-trainable factors that determine the fatigue and recovery time in each type of effort taking into account the process of energy production; Allatic anaerobic fatigue; Lactic anaerobic fatigue; Fatigue aerobic. Physiological parameters (lactic threshold, concentration of 4 mmol.L-1, maximum stationary lactate

Muscular Bionergética
Characterization of the main groups of nutrients. Nutritional requirements of the various types of physical efforts; Biological energy cycles - review of concepts. Cell structure and substrates for exercise. ATP resynthesis systems; The transformation of chemical energy into mechanics in skeletal muscle; The anaerobic wing, anaerobic and aerobic anaerobic process; Metabolic pathways and energetic substrates; Importance of knowledge of energy production processes for understanding different types of sports effort.

Cardiorespiratory Physiology
Main generic alterations of cardiorespiratory function in the acute response to aerobic effort; Central and peripheral component; Cardiac, vascular and hemodynamic adaptations of muscles. Modification of pulmonary volumes in acute adaptation to stress; Modification of heart rate, systolic volume and cardiac output in acute adaptation to stress; Notion of oxygen consumption, maximum oxygen consumption, aerobic threshold and anaerobic threshold

Thermoregulation and Physiology of Organic Liquids
Hydroelectrolytic balance and its modifications in acute adaptation to stress; Specificities resulting from the characteristics of the environment: cold, heat, humidity and altitude.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The Physiology of exercise is a pillar of understanding the functioning of the human body in situations of physical effort, so it is intended to provide the student with knowledge that allows them to perceive the consequent organic repercussions of different exercise situations in different populations.

Teaching methodologies

The work will privilege the active participation of the students, through a group work that involves oral presentation, based on information provided by the teacher.
During the process: presentation of topics by the teacher; Oriented discussion of themes in plenary and / or small groups; Carrying out practical or applied work; Preparation of written works; Presentation and discussion of group work.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

At the end of the work the expected competencies are located in the following areas:
- Appropriation and mastery of the knowledge related to the various topics covered in the scope of the models and methods of evaluation of the effort parameters, in a critical perspective oriented to the continuous updating;
- Field of use of physiological control instruments of physical and sports activity.
- Use, in a careful and reasoned way, of the knowledge acquired in situations of practical / applied nature.
- Ability to bibliographical research in the accomplishment of written works and / or oral presentations.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

- Participation - 10%.

- Research - 30%.

- Test 1 - 30%.

- Test 2 - 30%.

Attendance system

Each student is expected to attend 75% of the classes (50% in the case of students with special status) and participate in the proposed activities, carrying out the scheduled work.


Astrand, P.O. (1987). Tratado de Fisiologia do Exercício (2ª edição). Rio de Janeiro: Editora Guanabara.

Foss, M. e Keteyin, S. (2000). Bases fisiológicas do exercício e do esporte (5ª eds). RJ: Guanabara Koogan.

Mcardle, W.D., Katch, F.I., Katch, V.L. (2003). Fisiologia do Exercício - Energia, Nutrição e Desempenho Humano (5ª eds). Rio de Janeiro: Editora Guanabara.

Powers, S. e Howley, E. (2009). Exercise physiology: Theory and application to fitness and performance (7ª eds). USA: McGraw-Hill.

Wilmore, J., Costill, D., Kenney, W. (2007). Physiology of sport and exercise (4ª eds). Champaign: Human Kinetics.

Página gerada em: 2024-06-12 às 10:51:48