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Networks, Social Solidarities and Cohesion

Scholar Year: 2018/2019 - 1S

Code: LAIS302    Acronym: RSCS
Scientific Fields: Ciências Sociais
Section/Department: Social Sciences and Education


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
ANIM 26 Study Plan 5,0 60 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Carla Cibele Fiel Vasconcelos FigueiredoHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,00
Carla Cibele Figueiredo   2,00
Ema Isabel Inácio   2,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

- Acquires knowledge of the techniques of observation and diagnosis of interpersonal relations within
social groups.
- It comprises, in Sociology and Anthropology, the theoretical and methodological genesis of social networks.
- Relates the concept of social network with other similar distinguishing its timeliness and specificity face
some of today's society characteristics.
- Debate the possibility of networks constitute an innovative way of building cohesion and solidarity
- Analyzes the múltipos senses of network organizations in the field of political and social practices.
- It understands characterized the trajectory of a social networking context, characterizing the conceptual point of view and intervention.
- You know how to integrate the knowledge acquired in the UC in the professional contexts of Sociocultural Animation.


1. In the early days of network concept
The study of the interactions within the groups
The sociometric test and the construction and interpretation of sociogram (s)
Sociograms as a starting point for intervention in groups.
Sociodrama and the theater of the oppressed

2. The types of networks: differences in approach and relationships
Personal networks - systems and interaction circles of people
Social networks - the beginnings of the use of the concept to the current use
Networks and construction of group identities
Networks and build communities of practice
The political networks - the influence of social groups in the construction of policies

3.Networks and Social Cohesion
Community social welfare practices
Policies designed based on social networks of social cohesion and solidarity - the case of networks
Social municipalities.
Network intervention in groups and communities
Network intervention: social causes and cultural

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

With this course it is intended that students deepen concepts related to knowledge and management of human groups, important in a course of this nature. This issue, although previously addressed in UC Interpersonal Relations, is here taken up with other study techniques and intervention with which students had no contact.
Interpersonal relations, considering them in its current size are worked, that is, in a world of multiple and diverse forms of connections, some of them especially interesting to analyze the potential of civil society in terms of social cohesion and solidarity. The area of social networking is here worked conceptually and from a multidimensional perspective, deepening, however, the social context of dimensions more significant for the future profession, particularly the social networks within municipalities.

Teaching methodologies

Plenary discussion and / or small groups from the information provided directly by the teacher or with the use of texts and other materials.
Interpreting sociograms and analysis of possibilities of intervention.
Viewing relevant audiovisual documents
Collection of information and critical analysis of a network of social cohesion and solidarity objectives and dynamics of work.
Seminars and practical sessions with experts - therapies and interpersonal development group;
Work experience in social networks of social cohesion and solidarity.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The methodology allows students to take ownership of the theoretical concepts - proposed by exposing the teaching and reading and some reference texts debate. It is also proposed the conceptual context in the professional field of the course through practical work: applying a sociometric and respective test analysis and intervention proposal; empirical research of a social network whose goal is cohesion and social welfare. The jobs are offered to students as the program is developed, thus allowing the assessment to keep building around these products that are shared fully and discussed in class.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

1. Individual work:
Available Options:
a) Presentation of the application and interpretation of a sociometric test
b) Presentation of a group therapeutic process
b) Presentation of the research on a network of cohesion and social solidarity (social network of the municipality or other network of cohesion and social solidarity).
Paper submitted and delivered in writing - 40%
2.Test - 60%

Attendance system

75% compulsory attendance for students (as) who opt for continuous assessment, to negotiate with the student workers.


Canário, R. A escola, o local e a construção de redes de inovação (1996). In: Campos, B. (Org.). Investigação e inovação para a qualidade das escolas. Lisboa: IIE, 31-58
Ferreira, I. (2004). Uma análise crítica das políticas de parceria: A metáfora da rede. Actas dos ateliers do V Congresso Português de Sociologia.
Fox, J. (2002). O essencial de Moreno. S.Paulo: Ágora.
Pavez, T. Acção Pública e Transformação de vínculos sociais em uma comunidade segregada. S. Paulo, Brasil: Comunicação apresentada ao 5º Encontro de ABCP.
Northway, M. , Lindsay, W. (1999). Testes Sociométricos. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte
Lemieux, V. (2008). Análise estrutural das redes sociais. Lisboa: Edições Instituto Piaget
Portugal, Sílvia (2006). As coisas, os modos e os laços: O papel das redes informais na provisão de recursos, in Actas dos ateliers do Vº Congresso Português de Sociologia - Sociedades Contemporâneas: Reflexividade e Acção.
4276 DIÁRIO DA REPÚBLICA—I SÉRIE-A N.o 114—14 de Junho de 2006

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