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Audiovisual for Mobile Devices

Scholar Year: 2018/2019 - 2S

Code: PA11    Acronym: ADM
Scientific Fields: Áudio-Visuais e Produção dos Media
Section/Department: Science and Technology


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
TSPPA 19 5,0 52 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Miguel Ângelo de Almeida Esteves de FigueiredoHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 3,47
Miguel Figueiredo   3,46

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Understand the potential of mobile devices to capture sound, still images and
Understand the specifics of audiovisual products for mobile devices.
Use sound and image processing tools in the elaboration of audiovisual products for use in
mobile devices.
Analyze and discuss the potentialities of mobile devices in the context of social networks.
Recognize the implications of the distribution of audiovisual products on mobile devices with regard to copyright and security.
Create audiovisual products for mobile devices using mobile devices.


Block programming tools;
Potentialities of mobile devices for the capture of sound, static and dynamic images;
Specific characteristics of audiovisual products for mobile devices;
Capturing and editing audiovisual products with mobile devices;
Treatment of sound, image and video for use in mobile devices;
Block programming for mobile devices.
Integration of audiovisual content on partner network platforms;
Copyright in relation to the use of audiovisual products on mobile devices;
Information security in the use of audiovisual products on mobile devices.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The syllabus contents of this curricular unit allow to acquire the knowledge and the development of competences in the area of the specific products for use in mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets. Both in terms of technical skills and in terms of legal aspects, the themes to be worked out can achieve the intended objectives.

Teaching methodologies

The classes will be held in the laboratory and the work in pairs will be encouraged, complemented by some individualized tasks.
From concrete examples, the groups will explore computer tools and reflect on their potentialities within the context of the curricular unit.
Specific texts will be presented and discussed that frame some of the planned activities.
In various activities, the students will formally share and present the work developed.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

Often, the objectives of the curricular unit will be reached from concrete activities of development of prototypes and products directed to mobile devices. The activities to be performed in groups will always have an individual work component and a group work in which the result is expected to be better than the simple sum of the parts.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Continuous assessment will only be possible in accordance with the institution's frequency and evaluation regulations.
The final individual classification will take into account the following weights:
Participation in classes and resolution of practical activities - 40%
Participation in thematic debates - 10%
Design and discussion of the final project - 10%
Elaboration of the final work project - 20%
Final Project Report 10%
Presentation and discussion of the Work Project - 10%


AGAR, Jon. (2003). Constant Touch: a global history of the mobile phone .Cambridge: Icon Books
BEIGUELMAN, Giselle. (2005). Linke-se –arte/mídia/política/cibercultura. São Paulo: Peirópolis
BUSH, Vannevar. As we may think. Atlantic Monthly, n. 1, p.101-108, July1945.[online], janeiro 2015.[].
CASTELLS, Manuel. A era da intercomunicação, Biblioteca Diplô. [online], janeiro 2015. [,a1379]
QIU, J. L., ARDÉVOL, M. F., e SEY, A. (2007). Mobile Communication and Society: A Global Perspective. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
GIBSON. William. (2003). Neuromancer. São Paulo: Aleph
KEEN, Andrew. (2007). The cult of the amateur: how today´s internet is killing our culture. London: Nicholas Brealey Publishing
LEMOS, André. Comunicação e práticas sociais no espaço urbano: as características dos dispositivos híbridos móveis de conexão multiredes(DHMCM), [Online], janeiro 2015. []
LEMOS, André, CUNHA, Paulo. (Orgs.). (2003) Cibercultura. Alguns pontos para compreender a nossa época. Olhares sobre a cibercultura. Porto Alegre: Sulina
SÁ, Simone Pereira de. (2003) Música Eletrônica e Tecnologia: Reconfigurando a discotecagem. In: LEMOS, André e CUNHA, Paulo (Orgs.). Olhares sobre a cibercultura. Porto Alegre: Sulina, 2003.
SILVA, Adriana de Souza. (2006). Do Ciber ao Híbrido: Tecnologias Móveis como Interfaces de espaços Híbridos. In: ARAUJO, Denise Correa (Org.). Imagem(Ir)Realidade: comunicação e cibermídia. Porto Alegre: Sulina

Online manuals to support the use of specific software.

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