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Experimental Research Workshop

Scholar Year: 2019/2020 - 1S

Code: EDB20047    Acronym: OIE
Scientific Fields: Formação na Área da Docência
Section/Department: Science and Technology


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LEB Study Plan 5,0 43 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


José Miguel FreitasHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,60

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Has knowledge of physical-natural objects and phenomena.
Uses the hypothetical-deductive reasoning in the formulation of problems and hypotheses testing.
Uses experimental procedures in investigation activities.
Demonstrates curiosity, critical thinking, respect for the evidence, openness to new ideas and persistence in the way that carries out the activities.
Gathers, analyses and interprets relevant data.
Develop of valid conclusions assessing the used methodologies and obtained results.
Shows interest and curiosity about the knowledge of scientific phenomena and technological objects at the primary education level.
Analyses/solves scientific problems suitable to experimental investigation.
Uses scientific language appropriate to a basic level.
Shows processes and attitudes of active research for real problems in the context of simulation


Having as reference the topics listed in the curriculum guidelines for pre-school and in the official programs of the 1st cycle of basic education, including properties of materials and objects, earthquakes and volcanoes, light,
sound, electricity and magnetism, functions of living beings in relation with the environment; students will perform several laboratory and field investigations to:
- Observe physical processes in nature and in laboratory environment;
- Identify/formulate problems and hypotheses suitable to experimental testing or computer simulation;
- Plan investigations, collect and process data, analysis and discussion;
- Design and develop simple technological models.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The need to provide children with a formal scientific education is widely accepted by most researchers and
education professionals. In this sense, it is essential that teachers and educators have a clear idea about the nature of their own experiences and scientific ideas, as they are crucial to their way of thinking and to understand their personal perspective on science: how to make it and why it is so and not otherwise. This Curricular Unit purpose is to provide the future graduates in Basic Education an experience and deep reflection about the investigative nature of scientific knowledge, and therefore the contents provided are directly related to the development of procedural and epistemological knowledge, essential in understanding how to build the scientific and technological knowledge.

Teaching methodologies

related to the syllabus and participation in field work. Learning situations: a) Reading and comprehension of
various texts and documents; b) Identification of problems and hypotheses suitable for experimental testing; c)
Experimental and field procedures with or without guiding protocols; d) Results analysis, discussion and
communication; e) Elaboration of experimental activities reports; f) Data organization, interpretation and analysis and conclusions.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The methodology focuses on the student and aims to approach science as an inquiry. Teaching experimental
science in primary education can only be undertaken after developing, through experimental methods, the problemsolving skills, central to scientific research. And in experimental sciences, these skills should be developed through direct experience in laboratory and field work, in order to develop the rigor of the planning and logical-deductive reasoning, using processes of quantitative analysis and meticulous data recording and conclusions. This Curricular Unit is offered as an option, due to the different student training background, mostly have completed undergraduate education in the areas of humanities and, as such, require a solid and thorough preparation in experimental sciences.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Assessment is continuous and focuses on work processes, reflected in the individual laboratory notebook that
each student should prepare. The classification is obtained by the following relative weights: theoretical and
practical test 40%, 30% group work and for individual participation 30%.

Attendance system

It is desirable that students participate in 75% of the sessions, given the practical and laboratory character of this CU. Students with special status only need to attend 50% of practical and theoretical-practical sessions, provided that they accompany the activities and prepare the individual laboratory notebook. In the tutorial sessions compulsory attendance is 90%.


ARDLEY, N. - 101 experiências com a ciência, 2ª ed. Cacém: Texto editora, 1998.
BRECKENRIDGE, J. - Experiências simples de física com materiais disponíveis. Venda Nova: Bertrand Editora, 1998
CENTRO DE CIÊNCIA DE ONTÁRIO - A magia dos alimentos. Lisboa: Gradiva, 1994
CARVALHO, R. (1995). "A Física no Dia-a-Dia", Lisboa: Relógio d´Água.
WILKES, A. - O meu primeiro livro de ciências - Um guia para experiências simples. Livraria Civilização Editora,
1991 WILKES, Angela - O meu primeiro livro da Natureza. 2ª ed. Porto: Civilização, 1992.
WILLIAMS, R. e outros - Ciência para crianças. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget, 1995 WOLLARD, K. e SOLOMON, D. - Sabes porquê? O grande circo da Ciência. Lisboa: Gradiva, 1995.

Página gerada em: 2024-06-03 às 15:12:48