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Traineeship (Internship) I

Scholar Year: 2021/2022 - 1S

Code: MP1C10012    Acronym: ESTAG1
Scientific Fields: Prática de Ensino Supervisionada
Section/Department: Social Sciences and Education


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MPE1C 23 Study Plan 10,0 120 270,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Maria Manuela de Sousa MatosHead
Sofia Gago da Silva Corrêa FigueiraHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 15,00
Catarina Delgado   2,60
Filipe Fialho   2,60
José Freitas   2,60
Maria Manuela de Sousa Matos   4,60
Mariana Alte da Veiga   2,60

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

It is intended that students develop the ability to analyze integrated and holistic pedagogical phenomena, seeking to establish relationships and connections with other domains of knowledge, experience and other relevant answers in the field of child pedagogy, while if you want students to understand and incorporate the role of kindergarten teacher and their importance as people capable of meeting the needs of children and the expectations of families. Thus it is intended to create opportunities for training in the context of internship and in situations of reflection or in cooperative brainstorming internship, both in classroom sessions in ESE / IPS, enabling each student to develop skills in different areas of cross-educational intervention.


The syllabus of this course are organized around cross-cutting areas to act the kindergarten teacher in the context of kindergarten:
- The identity of the kindergarten educator in the performance of their duties in institutions with diferente legal regimes (Clusters of schools and private institutions and non -profit ).
- The pedagogical intervention of the educator in kindergarten : think, act and build integrating multiple knowledge of the scientific areas that inform pedagogical practices.
- Reflection of pedagogical intervention in investigative perspective.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The syllabus of this unit tools necessary to correspond to the intervention of a kindergarten teacher and articulate with the goals of UC in that cover complementary areas of their professional knowledge Wanted students to understand the specificity of the pedagogical intervention of a kindergarten teacher in the context of pre-school education.
The objectives are linked to the syllabus laid down in that allow students to learn the profession of early childhood educators across multiple areas of scientific knowledge to inform teaching practices. Through their experiences in real contexts, students develop their skills pre-professional and discuss them with the professionals, the different areas of knowledge must be integrated and interconnected.

Teaching methodologies

The program sessions will be developed through analysis, reflection and interpretation of contexts and pedagogical situations, promoting reflection on pedagogical intervention, provides alternating cooperating institutions - ESE IPS.The faculty advisor makes support and follow-up visits to students (at least two).
It is expected that the student is at least 75% of the sessions and to analyze and discuss the dilemmas, perform the assessment products, develop the final report internship in close relation with cooperating counselor and the teacher who supports and follows his internship.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

Students remain 1 week, from 2nd to 6th Mondays and 7 weeks, from 2nd to 4th Mondays in the context of kindergarten. This component of supervised teaching practice is achieved through the involvement of students in different activities in those contexts, always with the supervision of a kindergarten teacher and cooperating with the support and guidance of teachers who are part of this UC. It should be noted that this team is multidisciplinary in order to integrate the different areas of knowledge.
Supervision takes two aspects: supervision in contexts where it develops the internship and weekly
reflection on the ESE. Having teachers an important role in the process of training supervision conducted in the context assumes an essentially problematical, since it believes that it is the dialogic interaction between all of that knowledge is constructed.
These methodologies involve an educational model which consists of alternating training in alternating between training situations and situations of professional practice in order to connect the pedagogy four dimensions: the institutional dimension of partnership with shared responsibilities, the dimension of teaching-learning strategy learning, the pedagogical dimension of mentoring and shared knowledge and the personal dimension of learning for knowledge production.
The methodologies include spaces for sharing and reflection, in the sessions, but also in the contexts of aging in meetings among faculty advisors, students and educators of children cooperating. The meetings promote diversification of knowledge production, creating the possibility of all stakeholders want to understand the nature of the processes or the different types of knowledge produced. Because learning to teach is a process that begins in initial training that continues throughout the teaching career, it is intended to prepare the future professionals of education in the art of teaching, so that the supervisory process is performed in a constructivist perspective in which all engage in the process of knowledge construction.
The group class is confronted with different ways of organizing teaching in the contexts of probation. The proposed methodology encourages reflection about the congruence between the natural learning styles and strategies used. The cooperative kindergarten teachers as professionals with experience allow systematic comparison with their practices through dialogue and reflection. This dialog allows both constant reflection on the educational praxis, or exchanging information, discussing ideas, sharing dilemmas, allows, ultimately, the construction of knowledge.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

The evaluation of the UC focuses on the intervention and performance in the context of kindergarten and the academic productions carried out throughout the semester, respecting the following considerations:
(1) Evaluation of the student's intervention and performance (direct and indirect) in the kindergarten context (see document Internship Advisor and Opinion of the Cooperating Childhood Educator) - 60%.

(2) Realization of diverse academic productions based on intervention in the internship contexts (see guiding document of academic productions to be developed during the internship) – 40%.

Note that:
- a student who has insufficient intervention and performance in the internship will be considered not approved;
- the delivery of all academic productions is mandatory within the defined deadlines;
- This CU cannot be performed by exam;

Attendance system

It is expected that the student is at least 75% of the classroom sessions with the exception of students with special status.


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