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Didactics in Early Childhood Education I

Scholar Year: 2022/2023 - 1S

Code: MP1C10011    Acronym: DEI1
Scientific Fields: Didáticas Específicas
Section/Department: Science and Technology


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MPE1C 29 Study Plan 10,0 120 270,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Catarina Raquel Santana Coutinho Alves DelgadoHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 8,00
Ana Alcântara   0,80
Catarina Delgado   1,60
José Freitas   0,80
Maria Teresa Elvas de Matos   1,60
Mariana Alte da Veiga   1,60
Sónia Patrícia Limpo   1,60

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Knowing fundamental conceptual tools of didactics concerning content areas that integrate the Preschool Education.
Framing the foundations of Curriculum Guidelines for Preschool Education (CGPE) in the context of linguistic and communicative, artistic development, the knowledge about social and natural environment and mathematical thinking of preschool children.
Recognize the importance of everyday contexts, experimental situations and games for the development of artistic, linguistic and scientific thinking.
Mobilize and integrate knowledge, skills, attitudes and values relevant in planning of learning experiences related to content areas of Preschool Education, as an integrative perspective.
Plan and evaluate linguistic-communicative, artistic and scientific practices in the context of Preschool Education.
Develop a comprehensive and integrated view of Childhood Education curriculum.
Deepen construction and curriculum management skills in the context of Childhood Education.


Acquisition and development of language
-Communication, language and mother tongue
-Development strategies of orality and emerging literacy.
Development of number sense, spatial sense and the ability to organize and analyze data:
-Mathematical ideas that support the development of children
-Mathematical tasks: articulation and potentialities
Development of scientific knowledge, skills associated with scientific processes and attitudes towards Science:
-Role of exploration activities: questioning, observation, recording and data analysis on natural and social realities
-Tasks that involve sensory experiences, verification/illustration, practical exercises, inquiry and intervention.
Processes of artistic performance, creation and appreciation.
Integrative tasks: potentialities and articulation.
Planning and evaluation of learning experiences of children (3-5 years).

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The main purpose of this UC is to support the construction of didactic knowledge of the future educator. Therefore, their syllabus focuses on key issues for the teaching that integrate the Preschool Education. The focus is on the early learning related to the linguistic-communicative and artistic development, the knowledge about social and natural environment and the mathematical thinking of the child; it identifies experiences and educational opportunities that promote these learning and curriculum materials that can withstand these learning are analyzed. We highlight the
integrative tasks, linking together the various content areas. The planning and evaluation of learning experiences allow the future educator mobilization and integration of knowledge and reflection on situations that promote the development of speech and communication and knowledge about social and natural environment of the child.

Teaching methodologies

The work will focus on the active participation of the students, seeking to deepen the knowledge concerning the topics discussed. The activities that will be developed include: discussion of didactic texts; exploration and critical analysis of curriculum materials and analysis and construction/adaptation of didactic proposals that articulate the various content areas of Preschool Education. The monitoring tutorial will target the orientation of the student study, clarifying doubts and monitoring the preparation of written works. It can be done in person and remotely via Moodle platform.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The expected learning includes the following aspects: adequate use of the current Curricular Guidelines for Preschool Education (CGPE); mobilize concepts related to teaching content areas associated with the Preschool Education; reveal a critical and reasoned attitude based on the analysis of texts and episodes in the context of Preschool Education; and use carefully and critically the acquired knowledge in the construction/adaptation of didactic proposals that contribute to the development of expressions, communication and knowledge of the world of children.
Thus, the activities to be developed include discussion of didactic texts; exploration and critical analysis of tasks and appropriate materials to work with children of preschool age and of adapting of tasks and instructions on how to exploit them to reflect CGPE, with regard to the Communication and Expression and Knowledge about Social and Natural Environment.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

The assessment includes: writing episodes with preschool children related to
areas of Expression and Communication and Knowledge about Social and Natural Environment (40%) planning an integrative task, describing and analyzing their exploration in an internship context (60%). Alternatively, the students can take a final exam.

Attendance system

To take advantage of the form of continuous assessment, each student has to attend 75% (50% for working students) of classroom sessions. If this does not occur the students have to perform a final exam.


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