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Sport and Tourism

Scholar Year: 2020/2021 - 2S

Code: DESP2020    Acronym: DT
Scientific Fields: Ciências do Desporto
Section/Department: Science and Technology


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
DESP 21 Study Plan 4,0 48 108,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Paulo Alexandre Correia NunesHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 3,20
Paulo Alexandre Correia Nunes   3,20

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Since the Greek culture that the idea of progress is assumed as civilizational matrix of the West and includes the time, advances in the previous reality, giving the dynamics above this, from the perspective of human development. indisputable fact that is reflected in systems that make up today's society, be they political, economic or social, causing profound changes that characterize and operate in the present.
In this connection, the areas of sport and tourism have been discussed by various sciences, now acquiring a character of "product" or as a typical economic activity, and this program, they will be analyzed in the logic of "product". In this symbiotic relationship, each area give and receive, without losing the specificity of the parties involved, ie, tourism is nonetheless an economic activity of major importance and expansion in the world, the fact that provide services to sport, as well as the sport is nonetheless one of the social phenomena of greatest expression in the world, from the point of view of its ability to mobilize supporters, wants and feelings as well as vehicle engine behavior excellence expression.
In this sense, this program is geared to the acquisition and application of knowledge as well as understanding the importance of sport and tourism as areas of professional intervention, allowing to make known, relations between them and the "Products" there derived by reference to variable temporal, organizational, economic and social issues

a) Provide training to enable contribute to the sports top technician has an adequate qualification for technical and pedagogical intervention in sport and tourism, as social development agent, economic and cultural, within the professions of Sport Sciences .
b) To train students skills of analysis and interpretation of information relating to sport and tourism, in a logic of becoming interventional related fields with reference variables temporal matters, organizational, economic and social.
c) Identify and analyze "case studies" related to sports and tourism, which enhance any professional opportunities.
d) To relate the theoretical concepts acquired in concrete situations characteristics of sport and tourism practices.


1. Tourism, contexts and practices
1.1. concepts
1.1.1. Relationship between concepts
1.2. forms of tourism
1.3. basic units
1.4. The tourism professions
1.5. The tourism market and motivation
1.6. The demand and tourism: general approach
2. Structure of tourism
2.1. Structure of the tourist market
2.2. tourist classification
2.3. tourist typologies
2.4. Motivating factors and corresponding tourist typologies
3. International Tourism
3.1. The world tourism Importance
3.2. marked data of its evolution
3.2.1. Principles of Sustainability in Tourism
3.2.2. Global Code of Ethics for Tourism
3.3. Supranational tourism organizations
3.4. Prospects for the sector's future
3.4.1. quantitative perspectives
3.4.2. qualitative perspectives
4. The national tourism
4.1. The institutional and operational framework of tourism in Portugal
4.2. The tourism Basic Law: general approach
4.3. The National Strategic Tourism Plan: general approach
5. Sport and Tourism
5.1. Emergency Recreation Society and Consumption
5.2. International Olympic Committee and the World Tourism Organization
5.2.1. Cooperation Agreement
5.3. Sports System versus Tourist System
5.3.1. dynamic links between sport and tourism
5.4. Sport tourism versus Tourist Sports
5.5. Tourism sports event and tourist destinations
5.5.1. sports event tourism
5.5.2. Tourism sports
5.5.3. Other tourist-sporting contexts
5.6. tourist destinations and sports events as a tourist attraction
5.6.1. Basic components of a tourist destination
5.6.2. Planning, destination possibilities and destination expectations
5.7. sports tourism events
5.7.1. Strategies and critical success factors
5.7.2. joint tourism marketing and sports
5.8. Impact of sports tourism in the perspective of sustainable development
5.9. Tourism nautical
5.10. Golf
5:11. Case Studies: Examples of companies with "good practice in the sports tourism.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

Importance will be attached to the methodology that favors the theory / practice relationship, based on the research work, both individual and group, aiming at the development of problem solving, analysis and synthesis skills. It is also intended to develop critical thinking, creativity and autonomy in students, so targeted discussion of project work, discussion and presentation of program themes will be preferred strategies.

In order to develop analytical reasoning and the appropriation of instruments related to the management of sport, the program contents are organized in a perspective of complementarity with practical examples drawn from the national sports system.

Teaching methodologies

The programmatic content will be addressed through lectures on the presentation of contents and discussion of topics by students, through classes directed to the survey of questions and the development of practical studies. In theoretical-practical classes the emphasis will be on the use of demonstrative and active methods in teaching by discovery.

In the project work, the emphasis will be on reciprocal teaching, face-to-face and distance support in the orientation of the research of the subjects under study and in the accomplishment of written works and / or oral presentations.

The process will comprise: a) the exposition of topics by the teacher; b) reading and analysis of scientific texts; c) the performance of written works and / or oral presentations.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The choice of teaching methodologies is based on the learning objectives. Theoretical and practical classes are articulated, the first being based on an expository and interrogative method, calling for the acquisition and application of knowledge; the latter seek to operationalize concepts and to base their analysis on sport organizations.

We will focus on active methodologies, teaching by discovery, involving students in the teaching-learning process, centered on an approach of theoretical concepts referenced by scientific research and its application to practical situations.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

The evaluation of the curricular unit is based on the continuous evaluation, which is embodied in moments of process and product. The following are valences of continuous assessment:

At the process level (30%)
- Application exercises / Critical Reflections

At the product level (70%)
- Project work

For the purpose of assigning the final classification, the teacher may stipulate, if deemed necessary for a better clarification of the evaluation process, the oral discussion of any of the productions developed by the students.

Note: Weights and assessment instruments were adjusted according to distance learning, motivated by COVID-19.

Attendance system

Attendance system:
a) is present in 80% of classes and participate in the discussion of the issues involved, as well as in carrying out the proposed work;
b) read the literature to support and be prepared to analyze and discuss the issues presented;
c) perform the tasks and scheduled work, showing clearly and accurately the acquisition of knowledge on the subject.


Araújo, J. (1986). Guia do Animador e Dirigente Desportivo. Lisboa: Editorial Caminho.

Barros, J. (2004). A projecção do quotidiano no turismo e no lazer: o lugar dos actores dos contextos e dos paradigmas. Lisboa: Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas.

Byl, J. (2002). Dinamica de grupos - Mas de 100 Juegos para praticar em classe. Co-Ed Recreational Games.

Cunha, L., Abrantes, A. (2013), Introdução ao Turismo, 5a Edição, Lisboa: Lidel.

Cooper, C., Fletcher, J., Gilbert, D., Wanhill, S. (2008), Tourism: Principles and Practice, 4th Edition, Essex: Longman.

Daly, J. (2000). Recreation and Sport Planning and Desingn. USA: Human Kinetics.

De Knoop, Standeven, J. (1998). Sport Tourism. Champaign: Human Kinetics.

Ferreres, O. (2004). La animacion deportiva, el juego y los deportes alternativos. INDE.

Hall, M. (2008), Tourism Planning: Policies, Processes and Relationships. 2nd Edition, Harlow: Pearson Education.

Lança, R. (2004). Animação Desportiva e Tempos Livre. Perspetivas de Organização. Desporto e Tempos Livres. Lisboa: Editorial Caminho.

Lima. A. (1994). A Educação Física de Recreação como Meio Pedagógico Estruturado de Comunicar a Animação Desportiva Escolar. Tese de Mestre (não publicado). Coimbra: Universidade de Coimbra.

Ortiz, J. (2000). Dinamica de grupos: aspetos técnicos, âmbitos de intervención e fundamentos teóricos. Spain: Algibe.

Organização mundial de turismo. (1995). Conceptos, Definiciones y Classificaciones de las Estatisticas de Turismo. Madrid: OMT.

Shivers, J. & Delise, L. (1997). The Story of Leisure: Context, Concepts, and Current Controversy. USA: Human Kinetics.

Soria, M. et al. (2006). Prespectivas Actuales de la Animación Sociocultural – Cultura, Tiempo Libre y Participación Social. Editorial CCS.


Students with special status that may not be present in the planned sessions, should give notice of this status to teachers in the first fifteen days of classes, defined a work plan to be developed and adapted evaluation discretion, depending on the possibilities and particular conditions frequency of students involved, to allow monitoring of the respective classes and continuous assessment.

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