Intervention Project
Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - A
Code: |
DESP37 |
Acronym: |
PI |
Scientific Fields: |
Ciências do Desporto |
Acronym |
N. of students |
Study Plan |
Curricular year |
Contact hours |
Total Time |
49 |
Study Plan |
3º |
16,0 |
432,0 |
Teaching language
Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)
- Experience practical situations and "clinical" experiences in a real work context within the scope of the Sports System or in the area of Physical Exercise and Health.
- Observe, describe and analyze the structure and dynamics of the internship organization within the framework of its projects and activities programs.
- Support and intervention in the planning, organization, development and evaluation of projects or activities programs.
- Participate in planning meetings and in the organization and promotion of projects or activities programs.
- Select appropriate instruments to respond to the needs of the situations posed by the practice and the tasks defined in the respective plans / programs of activities, in order to reflect and problematize the situations experienced and to perform an improvement in the level of their performance.
- Apply knowledge and skills acquired throughout academic training in real work contexts.
- Acquire new knowledge and develop skills of a practical nature resulting from the experiences of training in a work context.
The Intervention Project is carried out encouraging the students to experience real sport work contexts in public or private institutions, public utility associations or other sports organizations, according to one of the following areas of professional intervention:
- Physical Exercise and Health
- Sports Management
Taking into account the framework of action of the above mentioned areas of intervention, the work may, in particular, be developed in the following fields:
1. Exercise and Fitness;
2. Physical Exercise and Sport for Seniors;
3. Recreation Sports;
4. Sports Management - Management of Projects and / or Pogramas of Sports Activities;
5. Projects and Organization of Sporting Events;
6. Planning, Management and Control of Infrastructures and Sports Equipment;
7. Innovation, Development and Promotion of Programs of Physical and Sports Activities.
Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes
The curricular unit intends to guide the student to experience pratical situations in the real sport work context, seeking to apply the knowledge and skills acquired in the different areas throughout their academic training and, simultaneously, integrating new knowledge and skills resulting from the practical training carried out in the work context.
In this sense, it is intended the students to develop technical and pedagogical skills in the sport intervention domain, as directly or indirectly intervenients in projects and / or programs of activities within the scope of the Sports System or related activities. This intervention is carried out through the experience of pratical experiences among several organizations / institutions, choosing contexts of intervention related to Physical Exercise and Sports Management.
Teaching methodologies
The internship model assigns different competences to the main actors in the process: (a) supervisor of the training school; (b) cooperating technician of the host institution; (c) trainee student (see annex "Stage Guidance Document").
The supervisor is responsible for the scientific and pedagogical orientation of the trainee (mentoring), for mediating the role and functions of the cooperating technicians and for the evaluation process of the trainee. The cooperating technician integrates and monitors the activity of the trainee in order to implement the intervention project, provides technical support and advice to the trainee, and relates to the supervisor informing him / her of the way the process is taking place.
Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes
The CU "Intervention Project - Internship" represents for the trainee student, in his final period of initial formation, a decisive moment of application of the knowledge and skills acquired and the reinforcement of the acquisition of pre-professional skills in the area of Sport. This phase is the corollary of the whole academic course of the 1st cycle of training and enables the start of the affirmation of a future Sports Technician.
The time set for the internship consists of a total of 6-8 hours a week during the school year, according to a pre-defined schedule.
According to the internship model adopted, the trainee student should perform, among others, the following tasks:
- Observe, describe and analyze the structure and dynamics of the host organization;
- Implement (and adapt to the vicissitudes of circumstance) the intervention project that was defined and previously agreed;
- Participate in meetings and collaborate with the cooperating technician in the programming, organization and implementation of the internship activities and in other initiatives, of a formative nature, promoted by the host organization;
- To integrate and reflect on the new knowledge and skills acquired during the "practices" experienced in real working contexts;
- Cooperation in the organization of actions to disseminate activities and / or knowledge promoted by the internship organization;
- Prepare the necessary documents for the final evaluation process, in particular the preparation of the portfolio and the final internship report.
Assessment methodologies and evidences
The evaluation of students is based on the assumptions of continuous assessment. In the process of continuous evaluation the following components are considered:
- Evaluation of the process (25%): Assessment of the work done by the trainee in the host institution reported to the trainees’ accompaniment / mentoring by the School of Education and the collection of information from the trainee institution;
- Portfolio of traineeship activities (15%);
- Final internship report (40%);
- Presentation and discussion of the final internship report (20%).
Evaluation by means of a final exam presupposes the previous accomplishment of the internship activities scheduled throughout the year. The final exam is restricted to the following assessment components of the CU: a) delivery of the portfolio; b) delivery and presentation / discussion of the final internship report (or reformulation of the document).
Attendance system
The assessment of students in the CU "Intervention Project" is based on the assumptions of continuous assessment.
The participation of the students in a percentage less than 85% of the activities of scheduled stage, compromises the assumptions of the continuous evaluation. In addition, absences from probationary activities will only be accepted if their justification is legally grounded.
Not applicable.