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Risk Prevention and Management in Nature Sports

Scholar Year: 2021/2022 - 2S

Code: DN12    Acronym: PGRDN
Scientific Fields: Desporto
Section/Department: Science and Technology


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
TSPDN 29 5,0 45 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Mário André da Cunha EspadaHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,00
David Luis Sarmento Gonçalves   1,20
Ricardo Chumbinho   1,80

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

To understand the importance and relevance of risk assessment, prevention and management in nature sports.

To understand the basic concepts associated with risk management as well as the relationship established between them, applying the standard terminology adopted in Portugal.

To know and to apply appropriate methodologies and techniques of evaluation, prevention and risk management in sports of nature, in accordance with international and national standards.

To interpret the sports injury as an accident, to know the intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors of the injuries and the typical injuries in nature sports.

To know how to select and evaluate procedures and alternatives for risk minimization in a preventive perspective.


Prevention and Risk Management in Nature Sports
Fundamental concepts, Portuguese terminology and relevance of risk treatment in Nature Sports.
Brief history of risk management in Nature Sports.
International ISO standards. Adaptation of the Portuguese IQN standards. Legislation, regulations and benchmarks of good practice.
Processes and phases in risk assessment and management.
Real risk and perceived risk. Communication and acceptance of risk. Legal implications.

Sports injuries in the context of Sports of Nature
Definition and etiology. Evaluation of risk factors. Injuries associated with various sports and preventive aspects.
Definition of muscle injury according to its typology. Causes and predisposing factors to the injury. Symptomatology and therapeutic measures.
Muscle-tendon lesions.
Sports gesture as causal agent of injuries.
Modes of evaluation of the situation and the person (victim).
First aid in contexts of nature sports

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The program contents reflect a theoretical framework that frames, rehearses and promotes prevention and risk management in sports that use nature as the stage of their achievements.

Teaching methodologies

The discipline is semiannual and the organization of the syllabus is based on two parts: a part destined to theoretical studies and another part destined to the application of the theory.

For practical / applied studies the working methods are diversified and according to the objectives of each class. The most frequently performed by the students are the presentation of topics, discussion panels, individual and / or small group work, the preparation of synthesis and reflection sheets on theory, fieldwork and project work.

The evaluation is continuous and the students integrated in it are subject, during the process, to the small practical work of reflection and / or deepening of the study carried out, as well as specific situations of questioning. Attendance is a factor to be taken into account in the ongoing evaluation process, in the order of 80% attendance.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

Special emphasis is placed on interactive methodologies, teaching by discovery, involving students in the teaching-learning process, focused on an approach of theoretical concepts referenced by scientific research and its application to practical situations.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

The assessment of the UC "Risk Prevention and Management in Nature Sports" is based on the continuous assessment regime, which is based on process and product moments:

- Application exercises carried out in classes, individual and / or group work - 40%

- A written test - 60%

For the purpose of assigning the final classification, the teacher may stipulate, if necessary for a better clarification of the evaluation process, the oral discussion of any of the productions developed by the students.

Attendance system

To be present in 80% of the classes and participate in the discussion of the issues under analysis, as well as in the accomplishment of the proposed works.

To read the supporting bibliography and be prepared to analyze and discuss the topics presented.

To perform the tasks and the work programmed, evidencing with clarity and rigor the appropriation of the knowledge on the matter.

Assement and Attendance registers

Description Type Tempo (horas) End Date
Attendance (estimated)  Classes  0
  Total: 0
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