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Sociology of Education and Educational Organisations

Scholar Year: 2017/2018 - 1S

Code: EDB20043    Acronym: SEOE
Scientific Fields: Formação Educacional Geral
Section/Department: Social Sciences and Education


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LEB 47 Study Plan 4,0 48 108,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Cristina Maria Gomes da SilvaHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 2 6,40
Cristina Roldão   3,00
Cristina Gomes da Silva   3,40

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

This UC aims to achieve two main objectives: on the one hand, provide students with theoretical tools that allow them to reflect more objectively on the current educational reality. On the other hand, broadening the scope of reflection on this same reality by appealing to the 'history of education' and to the association between social transformations and changes in the educational system. The analysis of educational organizations - from school cultures to models of organization and management, from (self) knowledge to innovation and change projects - as well as the analysis of the professional situation of teachers, besides being programmatic content, also assume a Important instrumental dimension.


1. From school as a product to school as a process
1.1 School and social context: social transformations and educational system in Portugal in the last 40 years
1.2 The school as an instrument of social change or reproduction
1.3 The school for all and the school for all: equality of opportunity and inequality of achievement
2. The school as an object of study: some contributions to an analysis of educational establishments
2.1 The social relations in the school or the interaction between the agents: actors and strategies in the educational institution
2.2 School Cultures and School Effectiveness: The School Effect
2.3 The climate of school organizations
2.4 School and territories: the case of urban peripheries
3. The school educational project
3.1 Autonomy, participation and educational project
3.2 The school as an educational community
3.3 The school and its partners: families and the educational community
3.4 Self-assessment of educational establishments: an instrument of regulation
4. The profession of teacher and the construction of his professional identity
4.1 Collective identities and identity strategies in educational establishments
4.2 Being a teacher in a changing society: what knowledge? What skills?
4.3 The role of the teacher in democratic school
4.4 Project work or the other way of teaching / learning

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The UC of Sociology of Education and Educational Organizations (SEOE) is part of a body of disciplines in the area of Social Sciences and Pedagogy that is present throughout the three years of the Degree in Basic Education. Although training in specific areas of teaching is essential, the need for the presence of the social sciences and education in the training of future educators and teachers is unquestionable today. The extension of the field of observation and action of teachers is part of the current challenges of the school and of educators and teachers. The classroom is no longer the only context of learning and understanding of education in the broad sense implies, on the part of educators and teachers, the development of skills beyond those specifically related to disciplinary knowledge.

Teaching methodologies

Program management strategies

In managing this program, the following types of activity will be promoted:
A) Plenary discussion sessions and / or small groups based on information provided directly by the teacher or using the use of texts and other materials.
B) Reading, discussion and analysis of fundamental theoretical texts provided by teachers
C) Elaboration and presentation of practical work, namely the analysis of educational projects of school, varied legislation, regulations, etc.

Tutorial follow-up

Students will benefit, in person and at a distance, from the support they request for the development of their work. In addition, specific tutorial sessions will be promoted and related to the themes / problems that students want to address in their respective works.

Student Participation

The students should try to be present in the classes and to carry out the individual and group work foreseen in the program of the discipline.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

It is hoped that at the end of this UC, students will be able to demonstrate competences acquired in the following areas: (a) organization and management of information, evidencing the appropriation and use of differentiated and pertinent concepts for the issues in question; (B) production of texts of varying dimensions and problems; (C) public presentation of works; D) contextualization of the learning proposed by the UC in the course and in the performance of its professional role.
In this way, and in view of the expected results, it is intended that the teaching methodologies be coherent with the target learning objectives.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Continuous evaluation
Students will be evaluated based on a set of activities developed during the semester. These activities will be organized so as to include moments of oral presentation and written benefits, as well as individual and group modalities. The option for the continuous evaluation modality presupposes the acceptance of certain conditions:
- obligation to carry out all the work components mentioned below
- attendance at class attendance
- relevant intervention in class
- obtaining a classification of more than 8 values in each evaluation product / moment

The final classification of the subject is the result of the weighted average of the classification attributed to each of the work components as well as to the participation in the classes. The student who presents a final grade greater than or equal to 10 values is considered approved in the continuous evaluation.

Work Components:

I. Individual work - 35% - the work consists of comparing two articles / texts from the points of view of two of the authors included in the program (the range of choices will be agreed between the teacher and the class)
Ii. Group work (individual) - 35% - Original research work to be carried out in groups on institutions, actors or educational processes. It should be presented at the end of the semester to colleagues in the classroom. .
Iii. Oral presentations (in group) - 30% (10% + 10% + 10%) - to be carried out during the semester and on themes presented by the teacher or suggested by the students since validated by the teacher. Each student must participate, formally and with prior notice to the teacher, in at least three sessions, counting each of these participations for 10% of the final grade.

Examples of work to be done:
- Analysis of a School Educational Project
- Analysis of School Regulations
- Legislation analysis - Statute of the teaching career, student status, diplomas related to self-assessment of educational establishments
- Analysis of newspapers, TV news, etc., in which the theme is the school
- Survey and analysis of "news" in the SEP
- (...)

The option for the final exam can be done from the beginning, be a resource for those who do not successfully complete a continuous evaluation trajectory, or for those who want to improve their grades (see different exam times).


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