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Professional Contexts

Scholar Year: 2020/2021 - 2S

Code: LAIS110    Acronym: CP
Scientific Fields: Ciências Sociais
Section/Department: Social Sciences and Education


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
ANIM 43 Study Plan 5,0 60 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Isaura Fernanda Graça PedroHead
Carla Cibele Fiel Vasconcelos FigueiredoHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,00
Isaura Pedro   2,00
Ema Isabel Inácio   2,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Knows and explore values, attitudes and behaviours linked to the exercise of sociocultural animation;
Deepens the basic competences defined in the the general animator profile;
Acknowledges the animator statutes and the deontological code of the profession and identifies itself with the inherent values and attitudes;
Knows the general profile of the animator and its evolution;
Understands and further explores the general competences and functions of animation;
Identifies sociocultural animation dynamics in the local contexts observed;
Recognizes social and territorial dynamics at the local scale;
Identifies and acknowledges the municipal planning options regarding social and community dimension in relation to development strategies;
Comprehends and discusses social and community problems while reflecting about informed alternative solutions.


A. Career and profession
History of career and profession
Ethics and deontology
Professional associations and their intervention

B. Local development
Community and society
Local development and local authorities
Social and community development
Local planning instruments and their importance in development

C. Action and reflection on contexts
Practices and scope of sociocultural animation
Key questions / Dilemmas of professional practice
Interpersonal relations competences

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The goals of the UC entail the construction of a professional identity, set up at the local scale. Hence, the contents of 3.A and #.C are focused on the central aspects of the profession, from an historical point of view as well as practical, particularly aimed at the action and reflection upon the work developed at the local scale. The contents identified in 3.B are those that are required to master sociological, geographical and urbanistic concepts related to the community-society dichotomy and its territorialization mediated by the Portuguese political and administrative organization, its problems and dilemmas.

Teaching methodologies

Working sessions are organized around theoretical and theoretical-practical activities in which the participation of the
class is stimulated as well as working groups.
Observation and participant observation practices in the field (with and without in situ presence)

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

Methodologies used are in line with the general need to mix goals and contents of the discipline with the methodological principles mentioned in 5.
From the point of view of the articulation of disciplinary goals, the methodology used insure them, in the sense it is focused on the local scale of analysis and in the realization of observation short-trainings with in situ presence.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Evaluation includes:
A group report, decribing community knowledge acquired, the gathering and organization of data as well as the lived experiences of the group, among other relevant aspects (50%);
Individual essay (30%)
Public presentation of the group report (20%)
The evaluation criteria are formally defined in a document to be delivered.


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ANDER-EGG, E. (1998) — Reflexiones en torno al processo de mundializacion globalización. Buenos Aires.
Lumen Humanitas.
ANDER-EGG, E. (2001) — Dependência e Alienação Cultural - uma perspectiva latino-americana.
APDASC — Legislação Específica da Animação Sócio-Cultural [Em linha]. Disponível em d=96&Itemid=96
ASCHER, F. (2012) — Novos princípios do urbanismo: seguido de novos compromissos urbanos: um léxico.
Lisboa: Livros Horizonte. 174 p.
BARBER, B. (2000) — Un lugar para Todos - como fortalecer la democracia y la sociedad civil. Barcelona:
BAUMAN, Z. (1999) — Globalização – As consequências humanas. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor. 127
COSTA, A. F. (2008) — Sociedade de bairro: Dinâmicas sociais da identidade cultural. 2.a ed. Lisboa: Celta
CUNHA, T. e SANTOS C. (2008) — Das Raízes da Participação. Santa Maria de Feira: AJP
FERREIRA, F. I. (2005) — O Local em Educação. Animação, Gestão e Parceria. Lisboa: FCG
FONTES, A., SOUSA G., LOPES M. e LOPES S. (org). (2014) — Cultura e Participação: Animação
Sociocultural em Contextos Iberomericanos. Leiria: RIAP- Nodo Português
HARVEY, D. (2010) — The enigma of capital and the crisis of capitalism. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
296 p.
ICLEI (1994) — Carta da sustentabilidade das cidades europeias (Carta de Aalborg). Aprovada pelos
participantes na Conferência Europeia sobre Cidades Sustentáveis, realizada em
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LOPES, M.(2006) — Animação Sociocultural em Portugal. Lisboa: Editora Intervenção-APDC
Acessível em
LOPES, M., PEREIRA, J.(2008) — Animação Sociocultural e os Desafios do Séc.XXI. Lisboa: Intervenção
LOPES, M., PEREIRA, J. (2011) – As fronteiras da animação sociocultural. Chaves: Intervenção
LOPES, M., PEREIRA, J. e MALTEZ, M. (2014) — Animação Sociocultural – Turismo, Património, Cultura e
Desenvolvimento Local. Chaves: Intervenção
LOPES, M., PEREIRA, J. e Maciel, M. (2015) — O Animador Sociocultural no Séc. XXI – Perfil, funções,
âmbitos, metodologias, modelos de formação e projetos de intervenção. Chaves:
NUNES, J. P. (2011) — Florestas de cimento armado: os grandes conjuntos residenciais e a constituição
da metrópole de Lisboa, 1995-2005. Lisboa: FCG. 375 p.
NUNES, J.(1999) (Org.) — Estatuto do Animador. Contributos para a sua Discussão e Elaboração. Dossiers
sobre Política de Juventude/2. Porto: Federação das Associações Juvenis do Distrito do
PAIS, José (Coord.) (2003) — Contributos para um estudo sobre a noite no Bairro Alto. Traços e riscos de
vida. Uma abordagem qualitativa a modos de vida juvenis. Porto: Ambar. pp. 184-190
PINTO, T., Guerra I., Martins M. e Almeida S. (org). (2010) — À Tona de água - necessidades em Portugal
Tradição e tendências emergentes. Lisboa: Tinta da China
PORTAS, N. (2011) — Políticas urbanas II - Transformações, regulação e projetos. Lisboa: CEFA/FCG. 395
p.: il.
SALGUEIRO, T. B. (1999) — A cidade em Portugal: uma geografia urbana. Porto: Afrontamento. 433 p.
SILVA, A. (2007) — Estatutos Profissionais da Animação Sociocultural em Portugal: necessidade e utopia.
Práticas de Animação, http://revistapraticasdeanimacao.googlepages.com1(out.)


Fieldwork implies some investment in meals and places to stay, even if some support is provided by some host institutions.

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