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Animation in Libraries and Museological Spaces

Scholar Year: 2022/2023 - 2S

Code: LAS110    Acronym: ABEM
Scientific Fields: Línguas e Literaturas, Artes
Section/Department: Cultura, Línguas e Literaturas


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LAS 16 Study Plan 5,0 60 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Ana Maria Pires PessoaHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,00
Ana Maria Pessoa   4,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

With this Curricular Unit (UC) - being an Option - we intend to develop some competences, based on three pilars: reading, libraries, museums. The animation gathers all three and supports them through five lines: to see, to read, to think, to produce, to animate. The theory, always up to date, feeds the discussions in the classes and the students' work.
We want students to have information and to use it, form different cultural areas, to think about the contexts they will work with and to develop communication and written skills. We also support the production of oral and written papers and on other communication ways to make the difference in daily work.
The organization of different cultural activities for the animation of libraries and museums is another goal. The production of different materials for such activities, for different potential publics is another issue of this UC.
To use and to reorganize knowledge from other cultural areas, to think about the real conditions in which students must work, and to be able to plan animation activities for libraries and museums and other similar areas is another of our goals.
Another defy is to work with students' so that they can present some original animation activities that may be introduced during the internship they have to do.


1- Definition of the most important concepts related to reading (paper, audio, visual), museums and libraries;
- Diffreent languages and reading literacies - including MIL - Media Information Literacies.
2- Cultural policies and libraries and museums - their history and the present days;
3- Different types of libraries, museums and exhibition places;
4- Formal and informal education activities - the educative services in libraries and museums - organization and activities.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

In this UC students must understand the importance of self information and research in the areas of reading, libraries and museums in order to be able to interfere and to present animation activities for different publics and places;
They must also think about the challenges cultural organizers have to face;
it is also important that they can be able to answer to the aims of the communities in which they live/work and to be able to identify, to preserve and to reflect about the national and regional values they want to study.
They have to be keen on reading, seeing and discussing different information and source;
They have to be informed about the different exhibition spaces, libraries and museums that exist;
They have to be able to create and to deal with intervention activities.

Teaching methodologies

The classes will be organized: 1) reading, discussion an texts analysis; 2) Observation and analysis of reading places and museums; 3) production of small critical texts; study visits to two specific places (one form each area) and production of two final reports; presentation and group discussion of the intervention proposals.
The work done during the present sessions will be assessed every day; For the global and final assessment students must have an original activity that may be used as part of the work they will do during the in-training time. It must be an animation activity, about animation of libraries or museums (in a group till 3 elements - if in the same place; the proposal has to be presented in one of the sessions.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

As we want students to be able to create new activities we must support them and we must give them different texts about what exists and to give them different perspectives about what they can do.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Different products for the assessment in this UC:
Work in the classroom: 20% (5 interventions/reflections, written or oral)
Animation proposal (50%) (1st draft; 2nd draft; final version)
2 study visits to Lisbon museums/libraries or cultural places (30% in total; 15% for each visit)
preparation - 5% + report - 10%

The delay or the lack of any of the assessment products will have final marks consequences: 2% less (one day delay)to what 1% extra will be joined (till a maximum of 15%)

Attendance system

The one that is included in the Rules of Assessment for ESE.


It is given in each session; it is also placed on Moodle Platform for the UC.


Each student who is going to have exam must be present in a tutorial session, till 15 days before the exam day.

Página gerada em: 2024-09-19 às 03:59:01