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Graphic Design

Scholar Year: 2018/2019 - 1S

Code: OP00034    Acronym: DG
Scientific Fields: Ciências da Comunicação
Section/Department: Arts


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
CS 15 Study Plan 5,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Fernando Alberto Pinho AlvesHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,00
Fernando Pinho   4,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students) Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
This course enables students to develop basic skills, theoretical and practical, in relation to the graphic arts. It is intended to develop skills that are facilitating the development of information, knowledge and production of materials in the area of communication design. These skills are developed through the practical implementation of projects involving the composition of text, images and other visual elements. Its goals are: Know and use appropriately, different means of graphic production; Reveal autonomy in the approach and resolving problems; Interacting with others promoting productive work environments; Recognize and describe the core elements of communication design; Identify principles
of organization in graphical elements compounds; Reveal basic knowledge of form and visual language; Reveal knowledge in the field of technical and graphic production processes; Develop graphic designs in the field of media.

Syllabus Syllabus:
The contents are related to the approach of graphical languages inherent in the conception, production and presentation of posters, logos and Layout of magazines, including:
A graphic language and its elements.
The graphic arts and communication design.
Illustration, image and text.
Materials printed and unprinted.
Technical and creative processes of visual communication products.
Creation and Layout of visual communication products.
Presentation of work.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the curricular unit's objectives.
It is intended to provide students with a set of surgical instruments that meet the outlined goals and enable them to understand, analyze and develop the various dimensions of communication design, in both expressive and aesthetic.
The consequent intervention in specific areas of expertise, through the use of design methodologies, aims to provide a systematic, deepening and consolidation of previously acquired knowledge on the one hand, and promote the acquisition and development of working methods and individualized creative autonomy, able to delineate spaces for dialogue with other fields of communication and design. It is intended, therefore, that students understand the importance of graphic arts and communication design in the world of visual communication, whether editorial or promotional areas.

Teaching methodologies Teaching methodologies :
The sessions will be focused on discussion in plenary and / or small groups from information provided directly by the teacher or with the use of various materials.
The process comprise:
The discussion and analysis of communication products printed and non printed, especially posters, logos and magazines.
The study of the anatomy of sources.
The capture and digital image editing.
The conception and realization of projects communication design.
A presentation and discussion of papers.
Assessment and classification
It is expected that each student:
Be present at least 50% of classes.
Participate in the analysis and discussion of the products in question.
Do the proposed works.
The work at UC will be evaluated within the following model:
Participation in the theoretical and practical component 25%
Production of a Poster 25%
Producing a logo 25%
Maquetização (part) of a Magazine 25%

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes Demonstration of the coherence between the teaching methodologies and the learning outcomes.
This course methodologies use in a structured way, the combine analytical, critical and experimental, dimensions of the proposed syllabus.
The work will be theoretical and practical and will be based on two main aspects: firstly study the essential methodologies that allow performing a critical analysis and supported by scientific objects of study, allowing students to build their knowledge in a sustained and on the other hand, focussing on experiential dimension, exploiting the potential communicative and expressive presented by various processes and techniques for the graphic arts communication design.
The aim is also to promote a growing autonomy in the use of different equipment, as well as in performing procedures in the different fields of expertise in graphic arts.
The link between these aspects will be developed either through exercises and work proposals to enable a phased and systematic acquisition of knowledge and skills based analysis and implementation, and through contact with concrete products, in order to establish an enlargement of perspectives creative and technology inherent in this policy area.
In this sense, the working sessions will develop in different contexts, covering the analysis and discussion of graphic communication products, printed and unprinted, along with an experimental technique work inside and outside the classroom.
It is intended to establish with this methodology in the work sessions, a systematic link between the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and the development of functional skills in different fields of graphic arts production in order to their application in different contexts, showing the relationship between the domains the perception, knowledge and communication design.
In this sense we promote above all the discovery of fields and areas, ensuring a deepening and consolidation of knowledge structuring on the graphic arts and communication design, inviting students to submit creative proposals stemming from investigations that allow its claim in aesthetic terms and communicative.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Evaluation and classification
Each student is expected to:
- Be present in at least 50% of classes.
- Participate in the analysis and discussion of study visits and preparation of the
exhibition of works.
- Execute the works proposed in the proposed times.

The work developed in the PA will be object of the following evaluation model:
- Computer skills and creativity 20%
- Production of a Poster 15%
- Production of a Logo 20%
- Layout of 4 pages of newspaper, including cover and logo 25%.
- Participation in the preparation and assembly of the exhibition of the works and
participation in scheduled study visits 20%.


BONNICI, Peter. Linguagem Visual. O misterioso meio de comunicação. Lisboa: Destarte, Representações e Edição, Lda, 2000
no SDI: 744 BOM-LIN
DABNER, David. Guia de Artes Gráficas: Design e Layout – Princípios, decisões, projectos. Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo GILLI, SA, 2003
no SDI:74(036) DAB-OUI 30120/11
GORDON, Bob e GORDON, Maggie. O guia completo do design gráfico digital. Lisboa: Livros e Livros, 2003
no SDI: 744(076) DES - 21321/03
KING, Stacey. Diseño de Revistas. Passos para conseguir el mejor diseño. Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo GILLI, SA, 2001
no SDI:744 KIN-DIS
KOREN, Leonard e MECKLER, K. Wippo. Design Gráfico. Receitas. Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo GILLI, SA, 2004
no SDI:744 KOK-DES
SWAN, Alan. Bases del diseño gráfico. Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo GILLI, SA, 2003
no SDI:744 SWA-BAS
Vv.Aa. Diseño de Logotipos Nº5. Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo GILLI, SA, 2008

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