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Digital Photography

Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 1S

Code: PA06    Acronym: FD
Scientific Fields: Áudio-Visuais e Produção dos Media
Section/Department: Arts


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
TSPPA 18 5,0 60 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Pedro Miguel Rebelo FelícioHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 6,53
Martim Ramos   4,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Through this Course Unit (CU) we intend to sensitize students to the importance of photography in society in general, and in audiovisuals, in particular.
In this CU, the students are motivated to know the origins and evolution of the different photographic processes as well as the basic elements of the visual composition. We also intend to make the students aware of the different systems, brands, models and characteristics of a digital camera. Post-production and photo-image editing programs will also be in focus.

- Establish the link between photography and audiovisuals
- Know the historical evolution of the different photographic processes
- Apply basic knowledge of photographic technique to varied situations
- Identify and adopt "composition photographic rules” using basic visual elements
- On the ground, produce photographic images wihtin various contexts to consolidate the skills aquired.
- Know and apply basic photographic editing procedures
- Produce, edit and select sets of photographs to organize a Portfolio and a
photographic exhibition
- Design audiovisual products with other media in apart from photography


- The different photographic processes, equipment and their protagonists
- The different components of machines and accessories inherent to the photographic universe
- Machines; objectives; photometers; flash; tripods; filters and other photography accessories
- Basic rules of photographic composition
- Properties and characteristics of natural and artificial light
- Photographic exhibition: diaphragm; shutter and ISO sensitivity
- Reading and analysing photos in a semiotic perspective
- Angles of view, perspective, balance, symmetries, scale of magnitude in planes, lines of force
and geometric forms
- Editing and archiving: software for editing and archiving of photographic images
- Dynamics of design, production, organization and assembly of exhibitions, portfolios and
other photographic products

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

To accomplish the program contents listed above, the classes of this CU will have a theoretical component of conceptual and historical character, and a practical component. Starting from the analysis of images, students will be appropriating the most relevant concepts. Questions related to the use of light, composition of the photographic image, stylistic current, creativity and originality are approached. Students are sensitized to the importance of photography in society in general, and in audiovisuals in particular.
At the same time, a demonstrative and practical approach is taken in which students are led to exercise the contents learned in the presence of different cameras and environments. We aim to demonstrate the different functions and articulations of the essential components of the different cameras.
Image editing using computer media will precede the selection of the photographs to include in the individual portfolio, in the collective exhibition and in other audiovisual products to be developed.

Teaching methodologies

The CU’s teaching methodologies are based on the expository method of the various programmatic contents, using various supports, and in the functional/practical method, using diverse photographic material as well as the use of image editing software. Students will be encouraged to have a creative and critical attitude towards their own work.
In addition to the expository/demonstrative method of small group work, individual tutorials on equipment and viewing of student photographic productions will play a determining role.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The diversity of the methodologies adopted throughout the theoric and practical classes, as well as the variety of resources available to students, facilitate and enhance the learning preocess.
In order to approach the historical aspects, different visual media such as videos, photographs, old machines and contact with several photographic works of reference authors are used, followed by a debate.
The sessions in the exterior and in the studio, as well as individual demonstrations, are fundamental for the consolidation of the knowledge taught and are paramount in the assimilation of basic photographic technique knowledge. It will be a recurrent practice to have individual tutorials in order to ensure that the large group progresses without exclusion.
The general and individual level demonstrations allow the students to appropriate knowledge.
Raising awareness about photographic composition issues is introduced from video viewing and photographic images of experts to demonstrate the different options. In the individual accompaniment of students' work, reflection is made on technical and aesthetic issues.
With different image editing programs, students watch the (projected) demonstrations of the most appropriate procedures for the intervention of each photographic image. The most appropriate procedures for the different purposes for which the images are intended, what should be avoided in the treatment of images and the particularities of the different programs are the main concerns to be taken into account.
Competence in the choice and organization of photographic images with a view to the constitution of a portfolio, a photographic exhibition and other audiovisual products is accomplished through the individual accompaniment of each student in the selection of the photographs and presentation of their own final product. Initially, several works of the genre are presented, and then, the reasons why some options are better suited to the purposes for which they are intended than others, is explained.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

The evaluation of this CU is continuous.
The elements in evaluation are related to the objectives of the Course Unit and students should demonstrate the skills acquired during the semester: 1) Photographic technique; 2) Creativity and originality in the photographic composition; 3) Organization and presentation of the portfolio; 4) Participation in the collective exhibition and/or other audiovisual products; 5) Levels of involvement and participation in the Course Unit. These parameters and their weight in the final evaluation will be presented and discussed with the students during each semester.

Attendance regime

The evaluation will be continuous, applying the Frequency and Evaluation Regime in force in the ESE / IPS.

Attendance system

The evaluation of this CU is continuous.
The elements in evaluation are related to the objectives of the Course Unit and students should demonstrate the skills acquired during the semester: 1) Photographic technique; 2) Creativity and originality in the photographic composition; 3) Organization and presentation of the portfolio; 4) Participation in the collective exhibition and/or other audiovisual products; 5) Levels of involvement and participation in the Course Unit. These parameters and their weight in the final evaluation will be presented and discussed with the students during each semester


APARCICI, R., GARCIA-MANTILL, A. (1989) - Reading of Images. Madrid: Ediciones de la Torre.
BARTHES, Roland (1984) - The Clara Chamber. Rio de Janeiro: Fronteira
DONDIS, Donis A (2000) - Visual language syntax. 3ª Ed. São Paulo: Martins Fontes.
FREEMAN, Michael (1993) - Great Photography Manual. Lisbon: Dinalivro.
HEDGECOE, John (1994) - The new Book of Photography. Lisbon: Central books.
LANGFORDE, Michael - Philip Andrews (2009) Langford's Starting Photography, The guide to creating greta images. Sixth Edition. USA. Library of Congress Cataloging - in Publication data; Elsevier
MAH, Sérgio (2003) - The photography and the privilege of a modern look. Lisbon: Editions Colibri.
PRAKEL, David (2012) - Fundamentals of Creative Photography. Barcelona; Editorial Gustavo Gili SL.
RICHARD, Ehrlich (1986) - Dictionary of Photography. Lisbon: Don Quixote.
SANTOS, Joel (2015) - Photocomposition, Principles, Techniques and Inspirations for Creating Unique Photographs. V.N.Famalicão. Atlantic Center.
SANTOS, Joel (2010) - Photography - Light, Exhibition, Composition, Equipment. V.N.Famalicão: Centro Atlântico.
SENA, António (1998) - History of the photographic image in Portugal - 1839-1997. Porto: Porto Editora.
SHORT, Maria (2013) - Contexts and Narrative in Photography. Barcelona; Editorial Gustavo Gili SL.


Taking into account the specificity and the high percentage of technical training, student attendance is governed by a minimum of 75% attendance at CU, except for students with Special Status (Article 24 of the FRG).

Students with special status who can not attend regularly the CU may be evaluated on a continuous assessment basis, after negotiation with the lecturer. This negotiation may result in the definition of elements and moments of evaluation different from those exposed in this program.
Students with normal status who do not obtain proficiency in the assessment or do not attend the CU, will be evaluated by exam (on all contents exposed in this program), to occur in a date defined in the ESE / IPS academic calendar.

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