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2D and 3D animation

Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 2S

Code: PA12    Acronym: ANIM
Scientific Fields: Áudio-Visuais e Produção dos Media
Section/Department: Arts


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
TSPPA 18 5,0 52 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Pedro Miguel Rebelo FelícioHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 5,50
António Tomé   3,47

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Develop a set of theoretical and technical knowledge of different processes of production and realization of animation products, allowing (the) student acquire the skills necessary for carrying out products in the field of 2D and 3D animation.
It is intended that the student: Identify different methodologies, techniques and processes used in 2D and 3D animation.
Acquire knowledge in the production of motion pictures and control of the concept of space / time.
Plan and carry out a project of stop motion animation (2D) and 3D Identify and learn to handle the technical equipment necessary for the realization of 3D digital modeling for the construction of objects and characters.


Techniques and moving image creation processes - stop motion (2D) digital techniques and 3D objects modeling processes.
Production phases of an animation project stop motion (2D) or 3D.
Definition and design of the various stages of animation and movement of characters and objects.
Development of characters, objects and 2D or 3D environments to integrate an animated product.
Painting, texturing and lighting integral elements of a 2D or 3D animation.
Animated objects and characters in an animation product, exploring the creative possibilities of 2D or 3D animation.


Adobe Premiére

Cinema 4D

Dragon Frame

Adobe Premiére

Cinema 4D

Dragon Frame

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The animation, in its different forms, is presented as a form of expression and communication strongly socially recognized that integrating a variety of procedures and techniques, assumes an important position in the field of audiovisual production.
The Course 2D and 3D Animation seek to articulate the conceptual, technical and experimental fields inherent in the development of this content to encourage the acquisition of specific knowledge of this area and apply them in the design and implementation of practical projects.
It is intended, through the content to address, provide students with a set of surgical instruments that meet the goals outlined and enable them to understand, analyze and develop the various stages of animation, both in expressive terms as functional.
The consequent intervention in specific areas of responsibility, through the use of design methodologies, aims to provide a systematic, deepening and consolidation of acquired knowledge and promote the acquisition and development of team work methods.

Teaching methodologies

(Adaptation to Covid 19 situation)
The sessions will be carried out through the Teams platform, and will be focus on the discussion from the information provided directly by the teacher or with the use of different materials. The process will include:

a) The discussion and analysis of texts, videos or soundtracks
b) The definition of project
c) The study of animation concepts
d) Process and equipment for digital image capture
e) The exploration programs for digital image editing
f) The capture and digital audio editing

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

This course methodologies will be used to, in a structured manner, combining the analytical dimensions, critical and experimental, proposed by the syllabus. The work will be theoretical and practical nature and will be based on two main aspects: on the one hand the study of the essential methodologies that will make a critical analysis and supported by scientific knowledge of the objects under study, allowing students to construct their knowledge of a sustained; on the other hand, favoring an experimental scale, the exploitation of communication and expressive potential presented by various processes and animation production techniques 2D and 3D.
The aim is also to promote a growing autonomy in the use of different equipment, as well as in procedures in the field of 2D and 3D animation. The link between these aspects will be developed either by conducting exercises and phased work proposals that allow a systematic acquisition and based knowledge and analysis and execution capabilities, either through contact with works of interest, with a view to establishing an extension of creative perspectives and technological knowledge inherent in the animation area.
The working sessions will develop in different contexts, covering the analysis and discussion of texts, videos and other works alongside a technical trial work inside and outside the classroom. It is intended, with the methodology established in the working sessions, a systematic link between the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and the development of functional skills in different fields of 2D and 3D animation production, perspetivando its application in different contexts, highlighting the between the domains of perception, knowledge and communication. Is promoted above all the discovery of fields and areas of intervention, to ensure a deepening and consolidation of structural knowledge of animation, inviting students to submit creative proposals arising from research processes that allow its statement in aesthetic terms and communicational .

Assessment methodologies and evidences

(Adaptation to Covid 19 situation)
It is expected that each student:

a) Participate in the sessions and the discussion of the issues under review
b) Do the proposed works
c) Present his work

The work will be at UC evaluation using the following format:

1. Participation in the practical application sessions 15%
2. 2D Animation (individual) 60%
3. 3D Animation (individual) 25%

Attendance system

(Scheme not applicable due to Covid 19 conditions)
The evaluation of UC is governed by the frequency of Regulation and Evaluation (RFA) ESE / IPS, a continuous assessment model. The student no use in continuous assessment will be given the possibility of essentially practical examination, to be developed in the examination period of normal time set in the academic calendar.
The attendance of students is governed by a minimum of 75% attendance in the practical application component, except for students with special status (Article 24 of the RFA). The student who does not meet this minimum requirement can not be classified as continuous assessment


Birn, Jeremy, Digital Lighting and Rendering (3rd Edition), San Francisco: New Riders, 2014
Capucho, Carlos, Magia, Luzes e Sombras, Lisboa: Universidade Católica Editora, 2008
Purves, Barry, Basics Animation: Stop-motion, Lousanne: Ava Publishing, 2010
Williams, Richard, The Animator's Survival Kit, Nova York: Faber and Faber, 2001
Bastos, Pedro, Produção 3D com Blender para Arquitectura e Personagens, Lisboa: FCA - Editora de Informática, Lda, 2010
Bastos, Pedro, Produção 3D com Blender de Personagens Bípedes, Lisboa: FCA - Editora de Informática, Lda, 2011
Vaughan, William, Digital Modeling, San Francisco: New Riders, 2012


(Adaptation to Covid 19 situation)
Evaluations, 2D animation - stop motion and 3D animation, are subject to presentation in Teams platform, without which the student will not be assessed.

Página gerada em: 2025-02-17 às 10:02:28