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Adapted Physical Activity

Scholar Year: 2019/2020 - 1S

Code: DESP13    Acronym: AFA
Scientific Fields: Ciências do Desporto
Section/Department: Science and Technology


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
DESP 40 Study Plan 5,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Teresa Palmira Simões Baptista Teixeira de FigueiredoHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 5,00
Cátia Ferreira   4,33

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

- To understand the epistemological foundations of physical activity and adapted sports applied to different contexts of intervention.
- To know the bases, theoretical and practical, of the individual adaptation conditions and skills development in the field of physical activity and adapted sport.
- To know the theoretical and practical bases of the adaptation processes required in the structure, dynamics and the norms of physical activity and adapted sports as a function of the diversity of the populations as well as the contextual factors.
- To acquire the theoretical and practical bases of aids / technical supports for the development of motor skills in the field of physical activity and adapted sport.


The program contents are developed transversely and vertically correlating the eligibility and classification norms in the activities of athletics, boccia, goalball, wheelchair slalom, sitting volleyball, traditional games and sports and adapted physical activities in terms of methodology of teaching and training , with the nineteen specific contents below:
1. Terminology, definition and concepts
2. History according to three dimensions: by country, geographical region and worldwide
3. Sports Policy and System and Global, Regional and Country Organizational Structure
4. Games and Paralympic Movement
5. Sports, Rules and Arbitrage
6. Areas of Intervention / Field of Application
7. Sports legislation
8. Eligibility and Sports Classification
9. The Safety Factors and the Prevention of Injuries
10. Technologies and Support Products (Technical Assistance)
11. The formation of uncompetitive athletes / Technical Assistants Sports
12. Strategies, Methods and Techniques of Inclusion
13. The Evolution of Political Thinking vs. Concept and Status of Persons with Disabilities
14. The Values ​​of Sport, Ethics and Anti-Doping
15. Sport for All and the Promotion of Health and Healthy Lifestyles
16. The Management of Sporting Events
17. The Sports Situation, Future Trends and Sports Economics
18. Multi-sport Practice vs Specialization
19. Linguistic Blocks and Inclusion in Sport

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The syllabus contents were structured and organized in a way consistent with the objectives of the UC, which aim, in a consequent way, to respond to the need of practicing physical activity and sport by people with disabilities. The practice of physical activity and adapted sport is seen as a vehicle and a factor of personal and human development among populations with specific conditions and with reduced or limited mobility, enabling the development of motor adaptation abilities and improvement of physical fitness, therapeutic, recreational and competitive aspects. In this sense, the approach focuses on the theoretical-practical bases of the physical activity and adapted sport processes according to the diversity of the target populations and contextual factors.

Teaching methodologies

The teaching methodology comprises theoretical sessions and theoretical-practical sessions, as well as tutorial support.
The teaching methodology includes: (a) the expository approach of themes by the teacher; (b) the accomplishment of application work in the classes, requesting the analysis / discussion of topics by the students; (c) the performance of practical / laboratory work; (d) the performance of written papers and / or oral presentations; (e) tutorial, face-to-face and distance study support and follow-up of student work.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

It is intended that the students have an active participation in the process, through the development of competences related to the acquisition of knowledge and its application, in a judicious and informed way, to situations of a practical nature. Thus, in addition to the lectures, students are asked to develop bibliographic research, analysis and discussion of topics on the subject, practical / applied works depending on the different contexts of intervention and written syntheses.
This UC intends to transmit knowledge in an integrated and applied way in the study of the process of acquisition and development of motor skills by the vulnerable population in general, and particularly the population with disabilities and students with special educational needs, related to the practice of physical and sports activities.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Continuous evaluation:
1. Students will have to obtain at least 70% of attendance in theoretical-practical classes.
1.1. The actual participation in the theoretical-practical classes is considered (take the TP class and the fraction of the minimum presence / participation time - 30' is counted).
2. The continuous assessment consists of:
2.1. Theoretical evaluation - Written test (40% of final grade)
2.2. The grade of the theoretical evaluation is the grade obtained in the Written Test, and can not be less than 7.5 values, and the students are submitted to final examination in case of non-compliance with the minimum grade.
2.3. Theoretical-practical evaluation (60% of final grade)
2.4. The theoretical-practical assessment comprises two parameters: Preparation and presentation of an applied practical work -50%; Assiduity and active participation in theoretical and practical classes - 10%.
2.5. The final grade will be the weighted average of theoretical assessment (40%) and theoretical-practical assessment (60%).
2.6. Students will be subject to final examination if they obtain a final grade of less than 10 values in the continuous evaluation.
2.7. The preparation and presentation of the applied practical work includes:
• Bibliographic research;
• Field work aiming at the contact with the organic environment, practitioners and sports agents;
• Presentation in class, using multimedia, of the practical work applied.

Final exam:
The final exam consists of a written test and an oral test, which is compulsory, when:
• The student did not obtain an attendance equal to or greater than 70% of attendance in the theoretical-practical classes;
• The student did not obtain the minimum score of 7.5 values in either the written test or the group work or only obtained a grade equal to or greater than 7.5 in one of the parameters;
• The student did not obtain, in the continuous evaluation process, a final mark equal or superior to 10 values.

Attendance system

The student must be present in, at least, 70% of the theoretical-practical classes and should participate in the proposed activities using, whenever necessary, appropriate equipment (clothing and footwear).


Pereira, L.M.; Carvalho, J.V.; Rosado, A.B.; Patrício, J.; Barradas, A.; Crespo, M.J.; Parreira, J.; Costa, I.; Silva, C.M.; Espadinha, C.; Silva, P.; Januário, N. & Lopes, M. (2017). Desporto com sentido – Manual do Desporto Adaptado. Desporto Com Sentido. Seixal. Associação de Paralisia Cerebral de Almada Seixal [APCAS].

Valamatos, M.J. (2017). Desporto com sentido – Atletismo. Desporto Com Sentido. Seixal. Associação de Paralisia Cerebral de Almada Seixal [APCAS]

Carvalho, F.; Carvalho, J.V.; Parreira, J. & Januário, N. (2017). Desporto com sentido – Boccia. Desporto Com Sentido. Seixal. Associação de Paralisia Cerebral de Almada Seixal [APCAS]

Pereira, L.M.; Correia, D.L. & Damas R. (2017). Desporto com sentido – Goalball. Desporto Com Sentido. Seixal. Associação de Paralisia Cerebral de Almada Seixal [APCAS]

Confederação Portuguesa das Colectividades de Cultura, Recreio e Desporto & Canhoto, A. (2016). Desporto com sentido – Jogos Tradicionais. Desporto Com Sentido. Seixal. Associação de Paralisia Cerebral de Almada Seixal [APCAS]

Carvalho, J.V. e Januário, N. (2017). Desporto com sentido – Slalom em cadeira de rodas. Desporto Com Sentido. Seixal. Associação de Paralisia Cerebral de Almada Seixal [APCAS]

Infante, J.; Silva, C.F. & Coimbra, M. (2017). Desporto com sentido – Voleibol. Desporto Com Sentido. Seixal. Associação de Paralisia Cerebral de Almada Seixal [APCAS]


References will be provided in class for reading complementary bibliography

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