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Social Work: theory and practice

Scholar Year: 2016/2017 - 1S

Code: LAIS106    Acronym: TSTP
Scientific Fields: Ciências Sociais
Section/Department: Social Sciences and Education


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
ANIM 36 Study Plan 5,0 60 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Cristina Maria Gomes da SilvaHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,00
Rahul Kumar   4,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Understand the origins and developments of the Welfare State
• Distinguish different models of welfare state, in particular in the European Union, and reflect on their main features and the 'European social model'
• Knowing the Portuguese "case" and its historical
• To demonstrate the capacity for observation and critical reflection on situations and contexts of Social Work,
In particular in Portuguese society
• To characterize and problematize the professional field of the most common professions in the area of Social Work: domicile, local intervention (community, neighborhood, city), institutional reception, social and professional (re) insertion, disability, ...
• Reflect on current and global social issues, and consequent work potentialities multidisciplinary, as well as limitations imposed by ethics and professional deontology.


1. From the origins of the crisis of the welfare state.
Diversity of models, European social model and Portuguese case
Crisis and reform of the Social State. Social expenses: cost or investment?
2. Social Work - concepts and perspectives
- From "welfare" to social intervention
Concepts of Social Work in the European Union
- Fields and professions of the social: from articulation to differentiation of functions and objectives
3. The professions of the social. The sociocultural animator in the intervention in Social Work
Community development and intervention methodologies. Ethnographic methodologies
Social intervention and Empowerment / Ecoresponsibility
Ethics and deontological principles in intervention in social work
4. Some fields of Social Work and ASC
Social neighborhoods and urban exclusion
3ªity and active aging
Disability and social exclusion
Youth Centers
Active Citizenship Centers
Social Volunteering

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The CU has a character of initiation to the knowledge of the historical origins - economic, social and political - of the Wlefare State and to the understanding of the diversity of the models and their characteristics, which allows understanding both the "youth" of the welfare state and the opportunities that as their development were opened for the professionalization, differentiation and deepening of Social Work.
The need to know and understand the "Portuguese case" and the "European social model" are justified because these are the contexts that, for us, fit the professional fields of social workers - and animators - and the public in their Needs, rights and expectations.
Finally, the approach, whether of contexts of emergence of social problems, of conflict and / or exclusion, or of responses to these "problems", is a good way of achieving the objectives set for the CU.

Teaching methodologies

Program management strategies

The different themes to be addressed will be organized around the 2 program blocks presented above and the sessions will focus on the presentation of the respective key elements and their discussion in plenary and / or small groups based on information provided by the teacher Block A) or by working groups (Block B themes). In either case, the use of texts and other materials, the presentation of cases and sometimes visits to contexts or projects will be used. The resources for texts and other diverse documentation will be ensured by indicating the basic bibliography, general, which is presented later in this program sheet, as well as a thematic bibliography, indicating 3 or 4 titles for each of the points Program (blocks A and B),

Block A - Providence State, Social Work, and Social Professions

Block B - Social Work Contexts and Fields
(Complementary with field and virtual visits)

Theme 1 Social Neighborhoods
Theme 2 "Old is the rags"
Topic 3 Insertion Companies
Topic 4 Youth Centers
Topic 5 Active Citizenship Centers
Topic 6 Social Volunteering

 The work processes will include: (a) reading, discussion and analysis of texts from the basic and / or thematic bibliography; (B) the preparation of written reviews and / or small critical comments on written or oral texts; (C) active participation in classes and, in particular, in the collective discussions planned for some of the topics in block A; (D) writing group work on one of the themes in block B, chosen by the group; (E) participation in the tutoring sessions to support the preparation of group work; (F) the presentation and discussion of group work in a collective session, which should count on the participation of all students.

It will also be presented and negotiated with the students a schedule of all the activities related to the discipline (topics, debates, tutorial orientation, presentations of works and delivery dates of written versions, test, exam, etc.). This schedule takes into account the moments of interruption of the teaching activities of the discipline for reasons of school holidays, internships, etc. The schedule for this academic year is presented in the Annex.

 Tutorial follow-up

The tutorial support will be developed in presence and distance. The moments of tutorial guidance of a presential nature presuppose, as a rule: (i) the prior appointment of the mentoring meeting; (Ii) the preparation of the students (readings, doubts, work plans, etc.); (Iii) the delivery to the teacher of a tutorial form. In the meetings already planned in the calendar of the UC, or in the meetings to be arranged on a case-by-case basis, support may be provided on other topics of the program that the students wish to put to the teacher ( "doubts", bibliographical orientation, etc.)

Student Participation

Each student is expected to: (a) be present in most classes and, in particular, in discussion sessions and mentoring orientation meetings; (B) participate in the discussion of the issues under analysis, as well as in group work; (C) read, analyze and be prepared to discuss the supporting texts presented; (D) perform scheduled, individual or group work.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

There are strategies and teaching-learning activities directed to the large group (theoretical, theoretical-practical and seminar sessions) and others directed to small groups or tutorial orientation sessions, of mandatory attendance.
Large-group lectures frequently use two types of materials, among others: (i) small texts on the topics under analysis and the presentation of the key concepts for reading and debate, which are later placed in the moodle To be made available to all students, and in particular those who are less frequent in class and / or not in continuous assessment; (Ii) texts on current issues collected in media, which usually address problem situations that appeal to social workers and, more recently, deal with different aspects of the crisis of the social state. In these sessions, the essence of teaching methodologies involves the introduction of the themes by the teacher, followed by group work and debate in small and / or large groups and a final synthesis developed by the teacher. It is thus possible to "bridge" between the contents of the program, the basic themes of Social Work and the reflection and analysis on the "present world". In this line, it is also made the presentation and comment, in all the sessions, of a "news of the week", task by a group of students, by the teaching session of this UC (1st semester).
The small group sessions focus on working in groups of 3 or 4 students around a previously identified topic - which is analyzed from previously distributed texts - and, for one of the groups, in its more detailed exploration, supported By the teacher, preparatory of the discussion to be held in the next class.

The tutorial sessions are usually carried out with groups of 3 or 4 students, require prior appointment and mandatory presence of all members of the group, and are preceded by the preparation and delivery to the teacher of a pre-project form (for work Final), guaranteed once some general and specific readings have been made. These sessions are usually followed by shorter contacts, where the topic and / or empirical object has been identified - which allows a specific bibliography to be recommended.
The assessment methodologies, and the work processes associated with it, also seek to ensure the achievement of the learning objectives. In this sense, a test, which usually takes place about one month after the end of classes, seeks to ensure that concepts and key ideas of the main problems of the program are learned.
The group work must include, besides the "theoretical part", the study of an empirical object, which implies the visit to an institution. Although the field work carried out by the students is not in person accompanied by the teacher, the planning of this is the subject of a tutorial orientation session.
Finally, the presentation to the group of the central ideas of all group work, with the obligatory presence of all the groups, allows the approach, even if summary, of the respective themes / contents.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

At the end of the study, the expected learning is centered on four main domains: (a) organization and management of information, evidencing the appropriation and use of differentiated concepts and knowledge of relevant policy measures within the discipline program ( Options, rationale and instruments); (B) production of texts of dimensions and on variable problems; (C) participation in debates, showing the ability to critically analyze and justify their respective "positions" and theoretical and social perspectives; (D) public presentation of works

The evaluation shall be carried out in accordance with the proposed activities and the principles expressed in the program. The parameters as well as the main evaluation tools to be used (group work and test) will be presented in advance to the students and will be subject to collective appreciation.
Students will be able to choose one of the following three assessment modalities, according to their assessment of their conditions / opportunities for attendance at the UC.
Continuous evaluation
Students who choose this modality will be evaluated based on a set of activities developed during the semester, individually or in a group. The option for the continuous evaluation modality presupposes the acceptance of certain conditions: (i) the obligation to perform all the work components mentioned below; (Ii) attendance in class attendance; (Iii) relevant intervention in class; (Iv) obtaining a classification equal to or greater than 8 values at each evaluation product / moment.
Ongoing evaluation will be carried out in accordance with the proposed activities and the principles expressed in the program. The final evaluation of each student will be based on their performance in each of the following components: a) in the individual report (40%); B) in group work (40%) and c) in participation in teaching activities and tutorial meetings, which presupposes attendance and regular active participation (20%) of students "enrolled" in the continuous assessment modality. Students must obtain a grade of 8 or higher in any of the components a) and b).
Student-workers may enroll in the continuous assessment modality provided they ensure a minimum regularity of contact with the classes and the teacher / tutorials. Specific situations that may imply adjustments to the general model presented above will be analyzed and agreed on a case-by-case basis with the teacher.
Final exam
The option for the final exam can be done from the beginning, be a resource for those who do not successfully complete a continuous evaluation trajectory, or for those who wish to do "mark improvement".


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Bourdieu, Pierre, Contrafogos, Oeiras, Celta, 1998.
Branco, Francisco, "Itinerário das profissões sociais em Portugal, 1910-1962," Análise Social, vol. L, n.º 214, 2015, pp. 44-72.
Esping-Andersen, Gosta, "As três economias políticas do Welfare State" Lua Nova: Revista de Cultura e Política, 24, 1991, pp. 85-116.
Ferreira, Sílvia, “Terceiro Sector e Estado-Providência em Portugal”, em Filipe Carreira da Silva (org.), Os Portugueses e o Estado-Providência, Lisboa, Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, 2013.
Guerra, Isabel, “Polémicas e modelos para uma sociologia de intervenção”, Cadernos de Estudos Africanos (online), n.º4, 2003. Disponível em:
Hespanha, Pedro, “Políticas sociais: novas abordagens, novos desafios”, Revista de Ciências Sociais (Universidade Federal do Ceará), vol. 39, nº. 1, 2008, pp. 5-15.
Marshall, T.H., "Cidadania e Classe Social", em Cidadania, Classe Social e Status, Rio de Janeiro, Zahar, 1967, pp. 57-114.
Pimentel, Irene Flunser, "A assistência social e familiar do Estado Novo nos anos 30 e 40", Análise Social, vol. XXXIV, n.º 151-152, 1999, pp. 477-508.
Robertis, Cristina, Metodologia da Intervenção em Trabalho Social, Porto, Porto Editora, 2011.
Rodrigues, Eduardo Vítor, “O Estado e as políticas sociais em Portugal: discussão teórica e empírica em torno do Rendimento Social de Inserção”, Sociologia: Revista do Departamento de Sociologia da FLUP , vol. XX, 2010, pp. 191-230.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa, "O Estado, as relações salariais e o bem-estar na semiperiferia: o caso português", Oficina do CES, n.º32, 1992.
Simões, Maria João, “Desafios para os diagnósticos sociais: aprofundamento e reconfiguração”, VI Congresso Português de Sociologia, Mundos Sociais: saberes e práticas, disponível em:

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