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Communication and Interpersonal Relationships

Scholar Year: 2016/2017 - 1S

Code: DN01    Acronym: CRI
Scientific Fields: Desenvolvimento Pessoal
Section/Department: Social Sciences and Education

Teaching weeks: 15


Luísa Manuela da Costa Ramos de CarvalhoHead


Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Students should be able to:
1. Define and understand the concept of interpersonal communication;
2. Discerning the importance of communication in interpersonal relationships;
3. Understand the importance of non-verbal communication;
4. Interpret the different types of non-verbal communication;
5. Understand and identify the gestures, facial expressions and body movements that accompany verbal communication;
6. Identify the different barriers to human communication;
7. Identify the different communicational behaviors.


1. Interpersonal communication
1.1. Definition of interpersonal communication.
1.1.1. Face-to-face communication
1.1.2. Principles of face-to-face communication
1.1.3. Mediated communication
2. Verbal language and non-verbal language
2.1. Definition of verbal language
2.1.1. Written verbal language
2.1.2. Oral verbal language
2.2. Importance of non-verbal communication
2.2.1. Silence in the communication process
2.2.2. The gestures
2.2.3. Facial expressions
2.2.4. Body movements and kinetic communication
2.2.5. Public distance and proxemic communication
2.2.6. Paralinguistic communication
2.2.7. Clothes and decorations
3. Barriers to interpersonal communication
3.1. Internal barriers
3.2. External barriers
4. Communicational Behaviors / Styles
4.1. Aggressive Behavior
4.2. Passive Behavior
4.3. Manipulator Behavior
4.4. Assertive Behavior

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The learning objectives are consistent with the programmatic content since they include knowledge that is considered essential for the professional area in question, such as public service and team work

Teaching methodologies

The curricular unit includes theoretical and practical sessions.

Valued learning strategies that include information
Scientific, critical analysis and reflection

In the sessions where the expository method is predominantly used, one or more moments of discussion of key topics in a large group, films or practical elements are inserted in order to facilitate the integration of theoretical concepts exposed in daily and / or professional reality

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

Overall, the objectives, expected learning outcomes, following the completion of the Course are:
A) appropriation and use of differentiated and pertinent concepts related to the themes developed in the CU;
B) mastery of theoretical principles, knowledge and techniques allowing the autonomization in its application;
C) contextualization of the learning proposed by the UC in the course and in the performance of the professional role;
D) selection and organization of information, from different types of support production of texts of dimensions and problematic variables evidencing critical analysis and reflection;
E) presentation of works.
In order to achieve these objectives, in addition to the strategies and methodologies mentioned above, the following strategies are promoted:
The tutorial accompaniment in order to support, guide and advise the students in their learning course; The tutorial activity can be developed both during the lessons and in specific sessions designed for this purpose, as well as through extraordinary sessions of face-to-face and / or distance learning, according to the specific needs felt.
An active and interested participation by students, essential to the progress of learning and to success in assessments, namely through: participation in classes, conducting guided research, accomplishment of the works proposed by the teacher, participation in extracurricular activities that enhance knowledge Lessons and study.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

The evaluation takes into account:
A) preparation of an oral presentation on one of the topics addressed in the UC
B) individual written reflection on one of the themes taught in class, with
Consultation and face-to-face
C) student participation in classes and activities

Attendance system

75% presences


Antunes, C. (1999). Jogos para a estimulação das múltiplas inteligências. Petropolis: Editora Vozes.
Barbosa, L. (1995). Trabalho e dinâmica de pequenos grupos: ideias para professores e animadores. Porto: Afrontamento
Bion, W. (1980). Experiencias en grupos. Barcelona: Paidos.
Blanchet, A, Tognon, A. (1996) La psicologia de los grupos. Madrid: Ed. Biblioteca Nueva.
Bothwelli, L. (1997). A arte da liderança. Lisboa: Presença.
Brandes, D., Philips, H. (1977). Manual de jogos educativos : jogos para professores e animadores de grupos. Lisboa: Moraes.
Fachada, O. (1998). Psicologia das relações interpessoais. Lisboa: Rumo.
Serruys, J. W. (2000). Iniciação à dinâmica de grupos. Porto.
Tajfel, H. (1982). Grupos humanos e categorias sociais. Lisboa: Horizonte.
Vala, J., Monteiro (1993). Psicologia Social. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

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