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Science, Technology and Society

Scholar Year: 2017/2018 - 2S

Code: EDB10048    Acronym: CTS
Scientific Fields: Formação na Área da Docência
Section/Department: Science and Technology


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LEB 42 Study Plan 5,0 60 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Maria Leonor da Graça SaraivaHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,00
Leonor Saraiva   8,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Develops a scientific attitude when analyzing real world
Discusses scientific and technological environmental impacts and ways of minimizing environment problems
Searches for and select relevant information using diverse sources
Develops questioning skills and critical thinking about STS issues
Mobilizes scientific and technological knowledge in their tasks
Analyzes the social impacts of S&T in the daily life-
Communicates findings, including ecological and ethical values in his/her speech


Science, Technology and daily life:
-The nature of science and technology: how scientists work
-STS interrelationships: environmental issues; biomedical problems; “roads” of information and communication
Scientific Knowledge, origin and evolution
- The foundation of modern science
- Scientific crisis and controversies

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The course aims to discuss and analyze a multidimensional view of science. So, the themes and contents illustrate the dynamic character of scientific knowledge construction with some sound examples of the process and instruments use during scientific investigations. Content management is done allowing the development of inquiry skills and critical thinking about nowadays socio-scientific issues (e.g. environmental issues; biomedical problems;“roads” of information and communication) encouraging autonomous learning and the development of critical thinking skills to respond to daily life citizens problems.

Teaching methodologies

Teaching methodologies include theoretical expositions, development of practical activities on current issues
related to the subjects listed in the syllabus and participation in seminars with experts to develop relevant issues according to students’ interest. Learning situations: a) Reading and comprehension of various texts and
documents; b) Production of comments and reviews in online forums; c) Discussion activities d) Analysis CTSA
interactions cases; e) Seminars for critical analysis of scientific controversies f) Collecting, sorting and analyzing
data and information; g) Simulations with role playing.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

Teaching methodologies focus on student activity, taking into account their education for scientific literacy, seen
not only as the appropriation of basic scientific concepts but also the acquisition of tools for critical analysis of the reality that facilitate citizen action. The focus is the realization of practical activities and the approach and
discussion of socio-scientific issues that provides evidence of the social construction of scientific and
technological knowledge. The diversity of theoretical sources and research processes, as well as discussion topics
in online forums and / or through simulation with role-play, are powerful methodological tools to achieve the
objectives stated above.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Assessment is continuous and focuses on the processes and products of students' work. The classification is
obtained by the following relative weights: 40% individual test, group work 40%, and 20% for individual


Allègre, C (2005). Um pouco de Ciência para todos. Lisboa: Gradiva
Botkin, Daniel B. (1993) “Que Ecologia para o Século XXI?” in BARRÈRE, Martine, Terra
Caraça, J., (1997) O que é Ciência. Lisboa: Difusão Cultural.
Carvalho, R. (1995). "A Física no Dia-a-Dia", Lisboa: Relógio d´Água.
Coutinho, A. (2005). Ora então, vamos à vida! In Lago, Teresa e outros (2005). Despertar para a Ciência. As
Conferências de 2003. Lisboa: Gradiva.
Jacquard, A (1992). O meu primeiro livro de genética.
Rutherford, F. e Ahlgren, A. (1995). Ciência para Todos. Lisboa: Gradiva
VanCleave, J. (1998). Astronomia para Jovens. Lisboa: Publicações D. Quixote.
VanCleave, J. (1998). Biologia para Jovens. Lisboa: Publicações D. Quixote – sítio da NASA, adequado a crianças questões de saúde site do Programa Ciência Viva

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