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Social Inclusion and Arts

Scholar Year: 2017/2018 - 1S

Code: AF15    Acronym: TPAA
Scientific Fields: Trabalho social e Orientação
Section/Department: Arts


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
TSPSFC 18 7,0 63 189,0

Teaching weeks: 15


António Ângelo de Jesus Ferreira de VasconcelosHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,20
Carlos Barreto Xavier   4,20

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Know the functions of the arts in the context of society and in the context of the individuals, in a perspective of human and social development.
Know and mobilize the potential of the arts as sensory and motor input and as promoter of the well-being and social inclusion.
Know and develop techniques of expression and artistic communication and interaction between different cultures and disadvantaged social groups.
Know and experience incentive processes and supporting autonomous artistic practices as modalities of artistic, ultural and social inclusion.


Arts and functions: sensory and motor stimulation experiments; Means of expression and communication; Forms of aesthetic and stylistic knowledge.
Arts and reaction: Levels and processes of sensory and motor feedback in the context of artistic experiences.
Arts and interaction: Levels, techniques and processes of expression and communication in inclusive artistic experiences
Arts and proactivity: Levels and processes of motivation and autonomy in artistic experiences as factors of artistic, cultural and social inclusion


Humanities > Arts

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The different types of concepts related to the arts and the social and cultural inclusion processes are addressed starting from experiencing, experimentation and artistic production so that students can develop differentiated interventions, with families and communities, theoretical, artistic and technically justified .
Knowledge of Portuguese and international reality and the study of good practices where the arts play an important role in different contexts, enables a deeper understanding of the different realities in order to promote an updated and creative professionality.

Teaching methodologies

The sessions will comprise the exhibition and debate on program issues as well as practical experimentation, individual and in group, of methodologies and techniques of artistic creation and re-creation, to be an understanding and integration of knowledge in the development of projects for different audiences and contexts.This theoretical and practical work in the classroom will be complemented by research and reading of texts and documents and the production of different types of work.
On the other hand, the methodology comprises seminars with invited guests, the dynamic peer artistic activities with families and communities as well as a review and collective reflection on the work, the design of activities and appropriate development in the context bearing in mind the work experience.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The teaching methodologies reflect the flexibility of the program's objectives. So, students in class, deepen the issues that most concern them as future professionals. On the other hand, the different ways in which the contents are covered allow not only studying the diversity of possibilities in the relationship between the arts and the social and cultural inclusion, as well as the applicability of possibilities in the contexts in which they will work

Assessment methodologies and evidences

The evaluation will focus on the work throughout the UC and will be an ongoing process of adjustment of learning which will include moments of individual and group work.
Continuous assessment includes the following elements and respective weights: (a) participation in class (10%); (b) public presentation of a work (20%); (c) research and presentation of two papers [an individual report on the artwork and the other, with a colleague, about a project of social inclusion through the arts (30%) and (d) preparation of an intervention project (30%).
In the situation of an exam, the evaluation will focus on a writing production.

Assement and Attendance registers

Description Type Tempo (horas) End Date
Attendance (estimated)  Classes  0
  Total: 0


Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company.
Gallahue, D., Ozmun, J. & Goodway, J. (2012). Understanding Motor Development: Infants, children, adolescent and adults (7th ed.). Boston: McGraw-Hill.
Godinho, J. C. (2013). Audição Musical Participada. Revista de Educação Musical, 139, 31-39. Lisboa: APEM.
Swanwick, K. (2014). Música, Mente e Educação. Brasil: Autêntica Editora.
Welsh, G., Ockelford, A. Carter, F. C., Zimmermann, S. A. and Himonides, E. (2009). Sounds of Intent: Mapping musical behaviour and development in children and young people with complex needs. Psychology of Music, 37 (3), 348-370.


Depending on the session will be available other specific bibliography according to the themes and developed work

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