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Training of Trainers

Scholar Year: 2018/2019 - 2S

Code: LAIS20030    Acronym: FF
Scientific Fields: Pedagogia
Section/Department: Social Sciences and Education


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
ANIM 15 Study Plan 5,0 60 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Ana Luísa Rebelo de Oliveira PiresHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,00
Ana Perloiro   4,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

UC Training of Trainers follows a curricular matrix structured around 3
Axes - area of intervention, macro competencies and units of competence - which, starting from the identification of the main areas of intervention (preparation and planning, design, development and evaluation of training), aims at the acquisition of the following core competencies that structure the trainer's activity *:
. Prepare and plan learning processes;
. Facilitating learning processes geared to the specificity of trainees and contexts;
. Monitor and evaluate learning;
. Managing the dynamics of lifelong learning;
. Explore multimedia resources and collaborative platforms;
. Managing diversity (differentiated pedagogy and inclusive pedagogy);
. Develop attitudes of innovation and creativity.
The aim is to promote the acquisition, updating and improvement of mobilizing skills for training activities in a wider sense: in the design and production of training programs and materials; in the management and coordination of training; In the field of research and experimentation of new formative approaches with differentiated publics *.


The programmatic contents are organized in large thematic blocks
(Modules and sub-modules), following closely the guidelines recommended for the Training of Trainers:
1. Trainer: system, contexts and profile
Trainer: intervention contexts
Learning and creativity
2. Initial pedagogical simulation
Preparation and development of simulations
Analysis and improvement project
3. Communication and dynamization of groups in formation
Communication and relational behavior
Diversity in the context of training
4. Pedagogical methodologies and strategies
Teaching Methods and Techniques
Pedagogy and inclusive and differentiated learning
5. Operationalization of training: from plan to action
Skills and operational objectives
Design of the training-learning process
6. Didactic and multimedia resources
Exploration of teaching resources
Construction of multimedia presentations
7. Collaborative Learning Platforms
Platforms: purpose and functionality
Virtual learning communities
8. Assessment of training and learning
Quantitative and qualitative evaluation
Evaluation: from training to the work context
9. Final pedagogical simulation
Preparation and implementation of simulations
Analysis and technical-pedagogical foresight

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The syllabus contents (modules and sub-modules) that translate the Pedagogical, Organizational, Practical, and Deontological and Ethical dimensions of the trainer activity * are linked to the objectives established for the UC.

Teaching methodologies

The methodology is be mainly focused on the work of the students, through the development of theoretical-practical sessions, pedagogical simulations and project work with a view to the construction of an intervention project, and the creation of discussion groups.
The use of active training methodologies has the purpose of facilitating the acquisition and mobilization of technical and pedagogical skills by students.
Particular attention will be paid to the products built in the training process, as well as their sharing with and dissemination of the group. Sessions will be organised in such a way as to articulate activities of a theoretical, theoretical-practical and simulation. The process shall comprise: (a) Search of information, presentations, practical exercises (b) Reading, discussion and analysis of texts and other support materials; (C) creation of a pedagogical intervention project, adequate to a specific context and public; (E) Design of teaching materials (f) Pedagogical simulations (initial and final).
Tutorial follow-up:

The tutorial developed, individual / group, aims to support and guide students throughout the UC in carrying out individual / group work, clarify questions and doubts, provide advice and information; Monitor the training course and propose improvements. Monitoring is done either in person or at a distance.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The pedagogical methodologies, active in their essence, are intrinsically articulated with the learning objectives established for the CU. The project work, the practical exercises and the pedagogical simulations (autoscopies) assume a great centrality in this U.C. The aim is to develop the knowledge and skills necessary for the activity of trainer, particularly in the field of design, development and evaluation of a project of pedagogical intervention, for a specific public and context.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

The work developed by students in the CU is continuously assessed. The student's monitoring and evaluation is an integral part of their learning process.

Continuous assessment presupposes frequency attendance and qualified participation in the sessions. The student will have to have a positive in each of the thematic blocks that make up the UC program: in order to obtain the CCP it is necessary that the students carry out the entire training course successfully, fulfilling the minimum attendance of 95%.

The assessment occurs in three moments: at the beginning of the training (diagnostic), during training (continuous, both formative and summative) and at the end of training (summative).
Grids and evaluation scales will be used.
The final classification (100%) is obtained from the partial classifications obtained in:

. Initial simulation (10%)
. Pedagogical objectives (30%)
. Pedagogical skills (30%)
. Intervention project (30%)

The final classification is expressed on a quantitative scale from 0 to 20.
The pedagogical simulations (initial and final) and the intervention project are mandatory.
If students do not succeed in the continuous assessment of the CU or intend to improve grade, can be evaluated at the time of examination by reformulating the intervention project.

Attendance system

Students should: (a) be present in 95% of the sessions and participate
In the discussion of the issues under analysis, as well as in individual and group work
Proposed; (B) perform the research of information necessary to carry out the work
(C) participate actively in the sessions, carrying out the planned activities.


BARBIER, Jean-Marie (1985). L´ évaluation en formation. Paris: Puf
Canário, Rui (2008) Educação de Adultos. Um campo e uma problemática. Educa, Lisboa
CANÁRIO, R. e Cabrito, B., orgs, (2005) Educação e Formação de Adultos. Mutações e convergências. Educa, Lisboa
CARDIM, José (1999) O Sistema de Formação Profissional em Portugal, Cedefop
COLON, A. (1987) Pedagogia Social e intervención socioeducativa. In: A. COLOM,. Pub. Cruz, Jorge Valadas (1998) Formação Profissional em Portugal. Do levantamento de CRUZ à avaliação. APAF, Lisboa
FIGARI, Gerard (1996) Avaliar: Que referencial? Col. Ciências da Educação, Porto Editora, Porto
D´HAINAULT, L. e VASAMILLET, C. (1996), A formação integrada centrada no formando e organizada de forma sistémica. Col. Módulos de Concepção da Formação, Módulo 1, Centro Internacional da Formação OIT – Turim, Ed. IEFP, Lisboa
D´HAINAULT, L. e VASAMILLET, (1996), Introdução à Avaliação – A problemática. Col. Módulos de Concepção da Formação, Módulo 50, Centro Internacional da Formação OIT – Turim, Ed. IEFP, Lisboa
ESTRELA, A. e NÓVOA, A. (1993). (Orgs.), Avaliações em educação: Novas perspectivas. Porto: Porto Editora.
COIMBRA, J; GONÇALVES, C. e CRESPO, C (2001). A formação no mundo global: um dispositivo na promoção de competências transversais. Disponível em http://www.psicologia (Acesso: 22 de Agosto de 2005).
Hadji, C. (1989). Évaluation, règles du jeu. Paris: ESF.
PÉREZ SERRANO , G. (2003): Pedagogía Social- Educación Social. Construcción científica e intervención práctica. Madrid: Narcea.
PERRETI, André (1991) Organiser dés formations. Paris ; Hachette
Pinto, Jorge (1990) Psicologia da aprendizagem, hoje. Formar, l, 6-15
Pinto, Jorge (1992) A avaliação como um instrumento de gestão do provável. Formar, 5, 4-13
PINTO, Jorge (1990) O Trabalho de Grupo. Setúbal: ESE de Setúbal e Projecto Petra
PINTO, Jorge (1999) Psicologia da aprendizagem, concepções, teorias e processos. Lisboa: I.E.F.P., Colecção aprender. (3º edição)
PIRES, Ana Luísa (2005) Educação e Formação ao Longo da Vida: análise critica dos sistemas e dispositivos de reconhecimento e validação de aprendizagens e de competências, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa
Rodrigues, A. e Esteves, M. (1993) A análise de necessidades na formação de professores. Porto
SIMÕES, Maria Francisca (2007) A dimensão territorial no âmbito da intervenção do RVCC, in Revista Formar nº 58, Jan/Mar. 2007, IEFP, Lisboa

A Bibliografia recomendada pelo IEFP está disponibilizada no programa da UC e no moodle da ESE.


* In order to obtain the CCP, a total of 90 hours of training for a group of 12 trainees. Considering that the UC Training of Trainers has 60 hours in person, the missing 30 hours will be developed in two UC - PELV (MF1) and ICT in Professional Contexts (MF6 and MF7). If it is necessary to allocate more hours in the classroom (if the group of trainees is greater than 12, they will have to be added a further 2 hours per form for the autoscopies), these can be counted based on the PELV (MF4) UC.

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