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Sports III

Scholar Year: 2019/2020 - 1S

Code: DESP12    Acronym: DESIII
Scientific Fields: Ciências do Desporto
Section/Department: Science and Technology


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
DESP 42 Study Plan 5,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Fernando Jorge Lourenço dos SantosHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 5,40
Fernando Santos   5,40

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Knowing the basics of football: Knowing the laws and regulations of the game; Know and analyze the organization of the football game; Knowing the football training process; Know, build and apply the soccer training exercises; Recognize the specificity of training with young people; Know and reflect on the activity of a football coach; Develop and implement strategies for teaching football.

Reveal conceptual, technical, pedagogical and methodological domain to organize and conduct, with security, activities in the context of football.


1. Law and Football Game
2. Organization of football game:
2.1. Game system and tactical missions;
2.2. Game methods;
2.3. General and specific principles of the game;
2.4. technical and tactical actions (collective and individual)
3. Planning the football training:
3.1. The periodization of soccer practice;
3.2. The structure of the training process in football;
3.2.1. macrocycle
3.2.2. mesocycle
3.2.3. microcycle
3.2.4. Session
3.3. The training exercise in football;
3.4. The evaluation and control of training in football;
3.5. The youth training;
4. The activity of the football coach:
4.1. Conceptualise the game model and the training model;
4.2. Observation and analysis of the game;
4.3. The tactical and strategic planning;
4.4. Tactical planning;
4.5. Training and competition.
5. Teaching the football game.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The presented syllabus intend to provide a "referential of information" for analyzing and understanding the interactive functionality of the systems underlying the practice of football, contributing to the operationalization of models of response with the highest degree of efficiency in development processes.

Teaching methodologies

The sessions will be based on the pratical experience of football activities, and in observation and analysis of them, as well as in the design, organization and promotor of football activities.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The UC Sports III refers to the essential knowledge to carry out tasks of monitoring, organizing and managing activities, with applicability in different contexts of practice.

The methodologies adopted envisage that students understand the principles, methods and fundamental techniques inherent to soccer practice; understand, and perform (with the appropriate methodology) the planning and organization of sessions.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Process Component (60%). Various types of tasks and activities integrated into the development of lessons (reply to questioning, participation and commitment in the progression of motor learning, and performance level):

- Evaluation of performance in class and degree of progression in learning - 40%.
- Evaluation of specific situations of pedagogical intervention - 15%.
- Participation and commitment - 5%.

Product component (40%). Individual or group products performed during the semester, such as, fulfillment and reporting, thematic papers and written tests:

- Written test -30%.
- Working Group on observation and analysis (paper and presentation in class)-20%

The student gets the approval at UC with a final rating equal or greater than 10 values.

The final examination is partial and refers only to the product component. The result of the evaluation on final examination will be the sum of the weighted values of process components (obtained in continuous assessment), and the product components (obtained on exam).

Attendance system

It is expected that each student is present in 75% (50% for students with special statutes).
Students who are unable to ensure the defined minimum attendance or, in the case of students with special statutes, who can not do the regular monitoring of a module according to the criteria set by the teacher, will not obtain approval in the respective UC.

Assement and Attendance registers

Description Type Tempo (horas) End Date
Attendance (estimated)  Classes  0
  Total: 0


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- Castelo, J. (2002). O Exercício de Treino Desportivo. Cruz Quebrada. : Edições FMH.
- Castelo, J. (2003). Guia prático de exercício de treino. Lisboa: Visão e Contextos.
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- Castelo, J. (2009). Futebol. Organização Dinâmica do Jogo. Lisboa: Edições Universitárias Lusófonas.
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Granell, J.; Cervea, V. (2011). Teoría e planificacíon del entrenamiento deportivo. Barcelona: Editorial Paidotribo.
- Mesquita, I. (2005). A Pedagogia do Treino. A formação em jogos desportivos coletivos. Lisboa: Edições Livros Horizonte.
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- Santos, F. J. (2013). A comunicação do treinador de futebol em competição. Estudo das expectativas, comportamentos e perceção dos treinadores de jovens relativamente à instrução em competição. . Tese de Doutoramento, Universidade da Madeira, Madeira.
- Santos, F. J., Lopes, H. M., & Rodrigues, J. J. (2016). Relação entre a perceção dos treinadores de jovens futebolistas e o comportamento de instrução e dos atletas em competição. Revista Iberoamericana de Psicología del Ejercicio y el Deporte, 11 (1), 59-68.
- Santos, F., Mendes, B., Maurício, N., Furtado, B., Sousa, P., & Pinheiro, V. (2016). Análise do golo em equipes de elite de futebol na época 2013-2014. Revista do Desporto e da Atividade Física, 8 (1), 11-22.
- Santos, F. J., Sequeira, P., & Rodrigues, J. (2012). A comunicação dos treinadores de futebol de equipes infanto-juvenis amadores e profissionais durante a competição. Motriz. Revista de Educação Física. UNESP, 18 (2), 262-272.
- Santos, F., Sequeira, P., Lopes, H., & Rodrigues, J. (2014). O comportamento de instrução dos treinadores de jovensde futebol em competição. Revista IberoAmericana de Psicología del Ejercicio y el Deporte, 9 (2), 451-470.
- Sarmento, H., Pereira, A., Anguera, M. T., Campaniço, J., & Leitão, J. (2014). The Coaching Process in Football – A qualitative perspective. Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 3 (1), 9-16.
- Sarmento, H., Pereira, A., Anguera, M. T., Campaniço, J., & Leitão, J. (2013). Observação e análise do jogo de futebol. Um estudo qualitativo com treinadores portugueses. Vila Real: Núcleo Editorial e Gráfico dos SDB UTAD.
- Sargentim, S. (2010). Treinamento de força no futebol. São Paulo: Phorte Editora.
- Tamarit, X. (2013). Periodización Táctica vs Periodización Táctica. Espanha: MBF.

Página gerada em: 2024-06-01 às 09:31:23