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Educational Contexts and Teaching Practice

Scholar Year: 2021/2022 - 2S

Code: EDB20044    Acronym: CEPP
Scientific Fields: Iniciação à Prática Profissional
Section/Department: Social Sciences and Education


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LEB 54 Study Plan 4,0 48 108,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Carla Cibele Fiel Vasconcelos FigueiredoHead
Luís Carlos Rodrigues dos SantosHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 2 6,40
Carla Cibele Figueiredo   3,20
Luzia Lima-Rodrigues   3,20

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

- Identify, characterize and understand different formal, informal and non formal educational contexts.
- Understands and values the role of different educational contexts for child's overall development.
- Know the organizing principles of the Portuguese Education System (Education Act)
- Knows and understands the dynamics of educational management and organization of schools.
- Knows and understands modes of organizing the educational work of the educator / teacher.
- Knows, in general, the guiding principles of the curriculum proposed for the Education of Children and for the 1st cycle of elementary education.
- Identifies the various participants in the educational activities and differentiated missions and complementary of each (parents, educators, educational auxiliaries, of curriculum enrichment activities, etc.)
- Develops skills of analysis and critical reflection, particularly on the functions of social and educational contexts visited.


The different contexts of education and relevant technical complementary and articulation
Formal, non formal and informal education.
The organization of the education system in Portugal.
The organizational management in the contexts of formal education.
The principles of organization and construction of curriculum and curricular flexibility.
Guiding principles of nursery, curriculum guides of the Kindergarten programs and guiding principles of the first cycle of basic education.
The educational actors and their multiple interactions.
The professional education: the kindergarten teacher and the teacher of the first cycle - Performance profiling.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

In this curricular unit's is intended that students will be appropriating the meaning deontological and ethics inherent in the profession of educator / teacher and understand the complexity of the task they have in society today. It is therefore important to understand what fits and links professionals from various levels of education, it is essential to know the basic law governing the education system, the management of educational institutions and the rights and duties inherent in professional education, materials contained in the syllabus. Along with this knowledge about the occupation, and educational institutions, is working the broad meaning of curriculum and how it finds expression in curricular guidelines (preschool) and programs (1st cycle), as well as the tasks conferred upon the educator / professor in management.

Teaching methodologies

- Lectures of thematic / syllabus of the program by the lecturer (s)
- Lectures / discussion of student work
- A seminar with external guests
- 2 collective visits to educational contexts
- literary pedagogical gatherings

- Pedagogical practice: Internship of 1 week of participant observation in a non-formal educational context 1 week of group internship in a non-formal educational institution:
- a museum with educational service
- a hospital with school
- a school or municipal library
- a senior university
- ECA or family support component
- Children's Theater or local association with children's holiday activities

It is necessary to make a bibliographic survey and read / analyze at least 1 article that allows understanding and substantiate the context that will observe.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

Curricular unit's seeks to create the foundation for understanding the issues of professionalism, placing it in the complexity of the educational mission and in today's society. To do this, it is considered an appropriate methodology that involves the transmission of knowledge contained in the basic texts (legal, written by professionals and academics) and the experience of teachers and other education professionals invited. It is also proposed, by considering a method of enriching students' own experience, contact with the institutions and practices of professionals in the field of moments of observation, properly prepared and supported by teachers / educators who receive them. Reflecting on this experience (in terms of group and individual) provides understand to what extent the knowledge acquired and appropriated the proposed (s) meaning (s) of the profession.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

The classification will take into account the following elements:
i) Tasks / assignments requested in classes 15%
ii) Individual report of one of the study visits – 30%
iii) Internship report - oral and written presentation - 40%
iv) Presentation of a pedagogue – 15%

Failure to perform the pedagogical practice (visits and internship) makes the approval in the UC (also valid for student workers) impossible. Student workers should contact the UC faculty in the first half of the semester to analyze their situation and to understand if any adequacy in relation to the proposed assessment is possible.

Attendance system

Students have to attend at least 75% of classes.


COSTA, António Firmino da, A Pesquisa de Terreno em Sociologia, in SILVA, A. S. e PINTO, J. M. (orgs.) Metodologia das Ciências Sociais. Porto: Afrontamento, 1986, pp.129-148.
DELORS, J. et all (1996) Educação um tesouro a descobrir – Relatório para a UNESCO da Comissão Internacional sobre educação para o sec. XXI, Porto, ASA
FIGUEIRA, Manuel Henrique (2004) Um Roteiro da Educação Nova em Portugal. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte.
FREIRE, P. (s/d). Educação Como Prática de Liberdade, Lisboa: Dinalivro.
GOMES, J.F., (1986) Educação Infantil em Portugal, Lisboa, INIC
MONTEIRO, A. Reis (2005) História da Educação. Porto: Porto Editora.
MORGADO, J. (1997). A Relação Pedagógica. Lisboa: Presença
NIZA, S. (1997). Formação Cooperada, Lisboa: Educa.
NÓVOA, A. (s.d.). A Educação Nacional, in Portugal e o Estado Novo (1930-1960), Lisboa: Presença.
NÓVOA, António (org.)(2003) Dicionário de Educadores Portugueses. Porto: Edições ASA.
NÓVOA, A., MARCELINO, F., & Ó, J. R. (2015). Sérgio Niza: escritos sobre a educação (2ªed.). Lisboa: Tinta-da-China.
PACHECO, J. (2000). Quando Eu For Grande Quero Ir À Primavera e outras histórias. Porto: Profedições.
PALHARES, A. Reflexões sobre o não-escolar na escola e para além dela (2009). In Revista Portuguesa de Educação, 22(2), pp. 53-84. CIEd - Universidade do Minho *
PERRENOUD, P. (2001). Porquê construir competências a partir da escola? Porto: Asa Editores/ CRIAPASA, nº 28.


UC can not be performed by examination, enrollment in the same serves only to improve the delivered product evaluation.

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