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Evaluation of Special Educational Needs in the Physical-Motor Domain

Scholar Year: 2021/2022 - 1S

Code: PG_EE05    Acronym: ANEDFM
Section/Department: Science and Technology


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
PG_EE 28 5,0 20

Teaching weeks: 15


Teresa Palmira Simões Baptista Teixeira de FigueiredoHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 1,33
João Casal   1,33

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

This course proposes to develop in student knowledge, skills and competencies that enable it to assess children / young people with Special Educational Needs (SEN), focusing on the cognitive domain, namely, intellectual deficits, autism spectrum disorder, hyperactivity disorder deficit attention, specific learning disorders (reading, writing, mathematics), giftedness and high abilities. It also aims to bring the student to recognize the assessment as an indispensable process to characterize the capabilities and performance level of the children / young people with SEN and as a starting point for defining intervention measures.
At the end of this course the student will be able to: a) delimit the concepts of learning difficulties and special needs; b) Characterize SEN focused on cognitive domain (diagnostic criteria, degrees, risk factors, prevalence, development and evolution); c) List the main methods and assessment tools in benchmarking and evaluation processes; d) Select methods and assessment tools appropriate to the objectives; e) plan the process of gathering information; f) Assess the child / youth; g) To analyze and classify the information collected for later educational intervention process; and h) recognize the value and importance of the work in the context of collaborative teams and inter-institutional relations within the SEN.


1. Learning Disabilities and Special Educational Needs (SEN)
2. Characterization of SEN focusing on the cognitive domain
2.1. intellectual deficits
2.1.1. intellectual deficit (Disruption of intellectual development
2.1.2. global developmental disorder
2.1.3. intellectual deficit without further specification
2.2. Disruption of autism spectrum
2.3. Disruption hyperactivity attention deficit
2.3.1. Disruption hyperactivity attention deficit
2.3.2. Disorder with hyperactivity attention deficit otherwise specified
2.3.3. Disruption hyperactivity attention deficit without further specification
2.4. specific learning disorders
2.4.1. reading
2.4.2. In the writing
2.4.3. in mathematics
2.5. Giftedness and high skills
3. Methods and assessment tools in SNE in the cognitive domain.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

In detail characterize SEN focusing on the cognitive domain - which their diagnostic criteria, what degree, what the predisposing factors, which its prevalence, as it develops and evolves - is essential not only for the student to have an in-depth scientific knowledge of each of them, but above all, to know the implications of the cognitive deficits present in these clinical pictures have in learning.
By understanding the cognitive processes that are particularly affected can be on the ground, plan evaluation, select the methods and instruments to give indication of the performance levels of the child / young, analyze and fit the pattern of results and information collected, and decide on the further educational intervention process. Knowing methods and assessment tools in SNE focusing on cognitive domain is essential for the characterization of each case and subsequent intervention, so that this will be addressed as it characterizes each NEE study.
Reflect on the working methods when it acts within the NEE is particularly critical given the multidisciplinary character and inter-institutional collaborative teams in the assessment (and intervention) occurs (m) in this area.

Teaching methodologies

The syllabus will be treated in an alternation between more theoretical moments and more practical moments.
In more theoretical moments resort, on the one hand, the interrogative method, interpellating students with questions that seek to introduce and generate interest in the group by topic to address and to promote their participation and, secondly, the expository method supported in the presentation slide seeking synthesize the theme of the key aspects / exploited content. Whenever possible, the most controversial themes or generating greater interest in the group are proposed for discussion to develop a critical sense in relation to the themes / contents in the study.
In most practical times resorts to more dynamic methodologies eminently demo and active type. This component of the classes is characterized by a strong interaction between teacher and students to develop the knowledge, skills and competencies that enable it to assess children / young people with special needs with a focus on cognitive domain. In this context, the main objective of the practical moments of the classes is the confrontation with several examples of situations / case studies, on the one hand, facilitate the understanding of SEN in the study and evaluation in the context of collaborative teams and, secondly, contribute for the consolidation of knowledge and training of skills and competences in question.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

On the one hand, the interrogative method is important to introduce and generate interest in SEN to deepen, as well as to promote discussion and debate on the most controversial issues, it appeals to the active and critical participation of students. On the other hand, the expository method is central to the transmission of knowledge of SEN, their implications for learning, methods and assessment tools. Already the most dynamic methodologies that appeal more to the demonstration and action and consist of practical activities allow developing capacity planning of the evaluation process, selection methods and tools they will give indication of the child's performance levels / young analysis capabilities of the results and information gathered and development of skills that foster decision making based on later educational intervention process in the context of collaborative teams.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

They are provided for the assessment of theoretical knowledge and assessment of skills and competences. It will be given privilege to work in the context of the classroom, under the operating situations / case studies, either individually, or as a group.

Attendance system

Continuous assessment: the student must be present in at least 70% of classes, participating in the discussion of the issues involved, as well as in the tasks and the proposed work.


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