Environmental Education and Animation
Scholar Year: 2021/2022 - 2S
Code: |
LAS16 |
Acronym: |
Scientific Fields: |
Pedagogia, Ciências da Natureza |
Acronym |
N. of students |
Study Plan |
Curricular year |
Contact hours |
Total Time |
36 |
Study Plan |
2º |
5,0 |
60 |
135,0 |
Teaching language
Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)
- Recognizes the importance of the social worker role for sustainability in contemporary societies.
- Understands the importance of individual and collective behavior to today’s environmental problems.
- Distinguishes common sense discourse from scientific discourse science about environmental issues and understands their relationships.
- Discusses human intervention on ecosystems regarding the available scientific knowledge.
- Discusses the environmental dilemmas of our time and recognizes the existence of different perspectives.
- Identifies, collects and selects information from credible sources.
- Integrate ecological, ethical and aesthetic values in their discourses and practices.
- Acquire knowledge about environmental education activities.
1. Contemporary environmental problems in relation with social and economic development
1.1 Environmental balance and environmental menaces
1.2 Natural and man-made environments in Portugal
1.3 Environmental politics in Portugal: processes, agents and actors
2. Social intervention and environmental education
2.1 Environmental education concepts and objectives
2.2 Environmental education and sustainable development
2.3 The role of a social worker for the development of an environmental citizenship
Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes
The themes and concepts approached allow the development of a broad view about the environment and
environmental problems in different levels and according to different perspectives. The aim is to develop a comprehensive and complex perspective of environmental education and to reinforce the role of the social worker for the sustainable development
Teaching methodologies
Learning process includes:
- Reading of texts and articles
- Cases studies analyses in a CTSA perspective
- Classroom discussions and debates about environmental controversies
- Seminars
- Practical activities including visits and field work
Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes
Teaching methodologies focus on students’ activities, emphasizing the discussion of current issues and actual topics, knowledge of our environment and the discussion about commitment and participation.
Assessment methodologies and evidences
The final assessment includes a written test (30%) and all the products work developed during the learning activities (70%).
Attendance system
In all classroom sessions compulsory attendance is 75%. In the tutorial sessions compulsory attendance is 90%.
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