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Sociology of Sports

Scholar Year: 2018/2019 - 2S

Code: DESP05    Acronym: SD
Scientific Fields: Ciências Sociais
Section/Department: Science and Technology


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
DESP 38 Study Plan 5,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Paulo Alexandre Correia NunesHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,00
Paulo Alexandre Correia Nunes   4,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Sport in contemporary society is assumed to be a social event of the great importance, mobilizing a growing number of enthusiasts, practitioners and non-practitioners, imbued with a genuine desire to do more and better, framed by rules, ethical codes and deontological different social contexts and practice of physical exercise and sport.
Since Sociology of Sport is a disciplinary area of Sociology and Sport Sciences, it is pertinent to approach in a context of curricular unit the contextualization of the development of sport in the social changes of the western societies throughout the century. XX and beginnings of the century. XXI, in particular the relation with the tendencies of the process of Globalization, conceptualizing the sport, through a sociological approach of social phenomena, taking into account the empirical investigation and consequent theoretical construction around the sport.
Nevertheless, having as starting assumptions the analysis of the relations between sport and other spheres of social life, it is the objective of this curricular unit to understand the social organization and the model of social interaction that exists within the sport. Reflect on processes related to socialization, competition, cooperation, conflicts, social stratification and social changes.
In this sense, it is intended that the students achieve the following objectives:

a) To promote and develop interest in the social significance of sport in modern society.
b) Promote interest and understanding of social structure, social relations and social problems of sport (causes and consequences).
c) Identify the theories and methods of the social sciences that allow us to better understand sport.
d) To equip students with the competence to distinguish, evaluate and understand the trends revealed by sports phenomena, and the social context in which they occur.
e) Promote and develop critical analysis on sport in society.
f) Develop skills and competences in the field of research in the field of Sociology of Sport, which involve the acquisition of knowledge of the methodologies and instruments to be used in the field of sports science research, in order to enable them to collect and diagnose the facts sporting centers focused mainly on the factors of Portuguese society and the sports universe.


1. Conceptualization
1.1. Concept, sociology of study objects
1.1.1. Practical meaning of sociology
1.2. Theoretical foundations of the sociology of sport

2. Sport as a Social Product
2.1. The sport as a social phenomenon
2.1.1. Contemporary phenomenon of the origins of society
2.1.2. His presence in all societies
2.1.3. Sports social significance
2.2. The supply and demand sports: employment in sport
2.2.1. Determinants of supply and demand sports
2.3. Sporting habits and lifestyles
2.3.1. Social logics of different sporting activities and your system configuration
2.3.2. Sports Search Portuguese population
2.4. Sport Profession in Portugal

3. Youth and Sport
3.1. Informal sports participation and formal
3.2. Deviant behavior
3.3. Theories
3.4. Violence in Sports

4. Doping in Sport
4.1. Evolution concept Doping
4.2. social dimension of Doping

5. Globalization of Media and Sport
5.1. Globalization of influence in sport
5.2. Olympic Games (Case Study)
5.3. Relationship between the media and sport

6. Sport for All
6.1. Sociodemographic Company Changes
6.2. Free time, leisure and sports
6.3. Sport for all: a global and humanistic concept

7. Sport in Prospectiva
7.1. The new sports trends
7.2. Emerging sports (alternatives to formal sport)
7.3. Future challenges

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

Methodologies that favor the theory / practice relationship will be favored, based on research work / project, both individual and group, aiming at the development of problem solving, analysis and synthesis skills. It is also intended to develop critical thinking, creativity and autonomy in students through targeted discussion of project work, reciprocal teaching, discussion and presentation of thematic themes of the program will be preferred strategies.

In order to develop the capacity for analytical reasoning and the appropriation of instruments related to the sociology of sport, program contents are organized in a perspective of contextualizing the development of sport in the social changes of Western societies throughout the century. XX and beginnings of the century. XXI, in particular the relation with the tendencies of the process of Globalization.

Teaching methodologies

The programmatic content will be addressed through lectures on the presentation of contents and discussion of topics by students, through classes directed to the survey of questions and the development of practical studies. In theoretical-practical classes the emphasis will be on the use of demonstrative and active methods in teaching by discovery.

In the project work, the emphasis will be on reciprocal teaching, face-to-face and distance support in the orientation of the research of the subjects under study and in the accomplishment of written works and / or oral presentations.

The process will comprise: a) the presentation of topics by the teacher; b) the reading and analysis of scientific texts; c) the performance of written works and / or oral presentations.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The choice of teaching methodologies is based on the learning objectives. Theoretical and practical classes are articulated, the first being based on an expository and interrogative method, calling for the acquisition and application of knowledge; the latter seek to operationalize concepts and to base their analysis on sport organizations.

We will focus on active methodologies, teaching by discovery, involving students in the teaching-learning process, centered on an approach of theoretical concepts referenced by scientific research and its application to practical situations.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

The evaluation of the curricular unit is based on the continuous assessment system, which is based on process and product moments. They are valences of the continuous evaluation:

At the process level (50%)
- Application exercises carried out in class - 15%
- Project work - 35%

At product level (50%)
- Written test of knowledge - 50%

For the purpose of assigning the final classification, the teacher may stipulate, if necessary for a better clarification of the evaluation process, the oral discussion of any of the productions developed by the students.

Attendance system

Attendance Regime:
a) is present in 80% of the classes and participates in the discussion of the issues under analysis, as well as in the accomplishment of the proposed works;
b) read the bibliography of support and be prepared to analyze and discuss the topics presented;
c) carry out the tasks and the work programmed, clearly and accurately evidencing the appropriation of the knowledge on the subject.


Bell, J. (2002). Como Realizar um Projecto de Investigação. 2ª ed.. Lisboa: Gradiva.

Boudon, R. et al (1990). Dicionário de Sociologia. Lisboa: Publicações Dom Quixote.

Coakley, J. (2001). Sport in Society: issues and controversies. 7th ed Boston: Irwin McGraw- Hill.

Coakley, J. & Dunning, E. (2000). Handbook of Sport Studies. London: Sage.

Dunning, E.G., Magnire, J.A., Pearton, R.E. (1993). The Sport Process, a comparative and developmental approach. Human Kinetics Books.

Eurobarometro (2004). The citizens of the European Union and Sport. TNS Opinion and Social c/o EOS Gallup Europe. European Commission.

Ghiglione, R.; MATALON, B. (1992). O Inquérito – Teoria e Prática. Lisboa: Celta Ed. Lda.

Gil, A. C. (1989). Métodos e Técnicas de Pesquisa Social. São Paulo: Ed. Atlas S.A..

Horne, J.; Tomlinson, A. & Whannel, G. (2000). Undersanting Sport: An introduction to the Sociological and Cultural Analysis of Sport. Rutledge.

Ingham, A.G. & Loy, J.W. (1993). Sport in Social Development, Traditions, Transitions and Transformations. Champaign: Human Kinetics.

Li-hong & Hsu (2005). Revisiting the Concept of Sport. Journal of Humanities and Social

Marivoet, S. (2014). Ética, desporto e violência. In M. Renaud (coord), Ética e Valores no Desporto (pp. 141-154). Porto: Edições Afrontamento.

Marivoet, S. (2014). Challenge of Sport Towards Social Inclusion and Awareness Raising Against any Discrimination. Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research, vol. LXIII, 3-11.

Marivoet, S. (2011). The Ethical Problems of Doping in Sport, Facts and Regulation Process. In Pereira A. L. & Garcia, R. (Eds), A Social Perspective on Sport, Health and Environment, Proceedings of the 7th European Association for Sociology of Sp.

Marivoet, S. (2010). Sociological Approach on Sports Ethics in a Context of Social Change. Physical Culture and Sport. Studies and Research, vol. XLIX, 39-52.

Marivoet, S. (1999). Excitação e violência no desporto. COMMUNIO, Ano XVI, nº 1, 55-63.

Marivoet, S. (1998). Aspectos Sociológicos do Desporto (1). Lisboa: Livros Horizonte.

McPherson, B.D., Curtis, J.E., & Loy, J.W. (1989). The Social Significance of Sport, and Introduction to the Sociology of Sport. Human Kinetics Books.

Washington, R.E. & Karen, D. (2001). Sport and Society. Annual. Rev. Sociology, 27:187–212.

Wheaton, B. (2004). Understanding Lifestyle Sports. Consumption, identity and difference.

Woods, Ron B. (2007). Social Issues in Sport. Champaign. IL: Human Kinetics.

Yannakis, A. & Melnick, M. (2001). Contemporary Issues in Sociology of Sport. Human Kinetics.


IRSS – International Review for the Sociology of Sport. SSJ - Sociology of Sport Journal.

ICSSPE – International Council of Sport Science and Physical Education.


Students with special status, who can not attend the planned sessions, must give this status to the teacher in the first 15 days of classes, and a work plan to be developed and assessment criteria adapted according to the particular possibilities and conditions of the students involved, in order to allow the attendance of classes and their continuous evaluation.

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