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Nature Sports

Scholar Year: 2018/2019 - 2S

Code: DESP2009    Acronym: DN
Scientific Fields: Ciências do Desporto
Section/Department: Science and Technology


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
DESP 32 Study Plan 4,0 48 108,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Paulo Alexandre Correia NunesHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 3,20
Ricardo Chumbinho   3,20

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

The emergence of new paradigms resulting from leisure and consumer society, justify the emergence of the importance of exercise and sport. In direct contact with nature. These actions enhance the enjoyment of the natural environment, providing unique experiences in value and symbolism.

In this sense, the sports practiced in the natural environment are becoming more adept, being necessary to enable its professionals with skills to enable a focused intervention essentially avoiding at all costs, that mistakes are made that in some cases may be dangerous.

The acquisition of theoretical and practical skills in these areas of intervention, will allow sports professionals provide competent service and responsible in natural settings, enabling practitioners / consumers acquire unique, genuine and safe experiences, benefit from nature in competition or leisure, in groups or individually, driven by diverse motives.

This course is oriented toward the acquisition and application of knowledge as well as understanding the importance of the nature of sport as professionally intervention area, to plan, organize and develop (multi) sports-oriented activities, in direct contact with the nature. Thus, it is intended to achieve the following goals:

a) Provide training to enable contribute to the sports top technician has a qualification to technical and pedagogical intervention in sport, as a social development agent, economic and cultural, within the professions of Sport Sciences.

b) To train students skills of analysis and interpretation of information about the context in which it appears the sport of nature, in a logic of creating ecologically evolved consciousness towards nature preservation.

c) create the conditions that enable the acquisition and application of knowledge through teaching tests: plan, organize and develop activities in area of sports nature.

d) Enable students with theoretical and practical skills to enable professionally intervene in areas related to sport, such as tourism, through tourist activities.


Module I - Sports Nature - Background
1. The Nature of Sports
1.1. Concept
1.2. Social value
1.3. Individual motivations

Module II - Bearings
1. Conceptual and theoretical framework
1.1. History and institutional framework
1.2. Bearings concept as sport and environment
1.3. Subjects
1.4. Map, scale and legend
1.5. Materials and equipment

2. Specific Didactic
2.1. Progressions in activity space
2.2. Basic techniques of navigation and bearings

3. Activity organization
3.1. Formal route and other organizational models
3.2. Matches organization in a formal way
3.3. Organization of activity with formal route

Module III - Climbing
1. Conceptual and theoretical framework
1.1. History and institutional framework
1.2. Climbing concept, associated risks and environment
1.3. Disciplines and variants
1.4. Scales of difficulty
1.5. Psychological aspects

2. Techniques and procedures
2.1. Equipment and supplies
2.2. Nodes and links
2.3. Safety Maneuver the climber on top-rope and fall
2.4. Operationalization of rappelling and safety
2.5. Anchor points and lashings

3. Simplified activities Organization
3.1. Selection of routes
3.2. Device Management
3.3. Management attitudes

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

It is intended that the student manifests, in addressing issues that cross the sport, the enjoyment of nature and leisure, objectivity and a methodical study of attitude and systematic, facilitating the acquisition and application of knowledge.

Teaching methodologies

The approach of program content is based on two parts: one part aimed at theoretical and another part intended for the application of the theory.

For practical studies the working methods are diversified and depending on the objectives of each class. The most frequently performed by the students, are the presentation of themes, panel discussions, individual work and / or small group, the preparation of summaries and reflection on the theory and design of work.

Continuous assessment and students incorporated in it are subject, in the process, the implementation of small practical work of reflection and / or deepening of the study and the specific situations of questioning.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

Gives it special importance to interactive methodologies, teaching the discovery, involving students in the teaching-learning process, centered on an approach of theoretical concepts referenced by scientific research and its application to practical situations.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

The continuous assessment is designed to measure the extent to which skills and knowledge and skills were acquired. Thus, the work of the course. It will be subject to two types of evaluation: process and product.

a) Process Evaluation (50%). The process component results of student performance on various types of tasks, such as: production of written briefs, practical application of studies of the knowledge and practical use of trained procedures. This component will be distributed equally (25%) the blocks II and III.

b) Product Evaluation (50%). The product component assumes a weighting of 50%, being expressed by student performance on a written test of knowledge.
Note: Considering the role of social certification of the assessment made by the institution process, as well as the risks associated with a low level of knowledge and skills in climbing, students who obtain a lower rating than 9.5 in block evaluation process III, will not obtain approval in the nature of sports UC.

Attendance system

attendance system:

a) is present in 80% of classes and participate in the discussion of the issues involved, as well as in carrying out the proposed work.

b) Students under normal conditions that do not meet the mandatory minimum attendance of 80% attendance and 50% for those in special regime will not obtain approval in the nature of sports syllabus.


Allende, H. (2002). Escalada en Bloque – técnica, actualidad, protagonistas, terrenos de juego. Spain: Desnível.

Allende, H. (2002). Escalada en Bloque – técnica, actualidad, protagonistas, terrenos de juego. Spain: Desnível.

CAires, A. et al. (2011). Orientação – Desporto com Pés e Cabeça. 2ª Ed. Mafra: Federação Portuguesa de Orientação.

Campos, D. (2011). Caracterização do Desporto de Natureza no Parque Natural da Arrábida: Riscos e Potencialidades. Dissertação de mestrado publicada no RCAAP: Lisboa: FCT/UNL.

Chumbinho, R. (1997), A Escalada Como Matéria Curricular de Educação Física, Horizonte, Vol XII (77): 33-39.

Chumbinho, R. (2016), Desporto Com Sentido – Orientação. APCAS.

Ferreira, R. - TrailOrienteering – Um Desporto para Todos [on-line], 2002. [Consul. 13out2015]. Disponível em

FPO (Federação Portuguesa De Orientação), Regulamento de Competições 2015 [on-line]. [Consult. 13out2015]. Disponível em

IOF (International Orienteering Federation) - Competition Rules For International Orienteering Federation (IOF) Trail Orienteering Events [on-line], 2015. [Consult. 27out2015]. Disponível em

IOF (International Orienteering Federation) - Technical Guidelines for Elite Trail Orienteering [on-line], 2014. [Consult. 27out2015]. Disponível em

Marinho, A.; Bruhns, H. (2003). Turismo, Lazer e Natureza. Editora Manole.

Melo, J. (2003). Educação, Ambiente e Desportos de Natureza – Uma simbiose possível. Lisboa: Instituto Nacional de Desporto.

Mota, J. (1997). A Actividade Física no Lazer – Reflexões sobre a sua prática. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte.

Marinho, A.; Bruhns, H. (2003). Turismo, Lazer e Natureza. Editora Manole.

Nunes, P. (2010). Desporto, Turismo e Ambiente - O Turismo de Natureza como pólo de atração turística complementar ao produto Sol & Mar na sub-região do Litoral Alentejano. Tese de doutoramento publicada no RCAAP:, Lisboa: FMH/ UTL.

Shaw, J. (2004). The directory of knots. United Kingdom: Grange books.

Silva, F.; Sousa, J.; Lopes, S.; Lopes, J. (2000). Segurança em Actividades de Aventura – manobras de cordas para transposição de obstáculos. Lisboa: Centro de Estudos e Formação Desportiva – Secretaria de Estado do Desporto.

Swarbrooke, J.; Beard, C.; Leckie, S.; Pomfret, G. (2003). Turismo de Aventura – Conceitos e Estudos de Casos. Editora: Campus.

Watt, D. (2004). Gestão de Eventos em Lazer e Turismo. Porto Alegre: Bookman.

Note: It will examine the regulatory framework governing the sports of nature.


Students with special statutes that may not be present in the planned sessions, should give notice of this status to teachers in the first fifteen days of classes, defined a work plan to be developed and adapted evaluation discretion, depending on the possibilities and particular conditions frequency of students involved, to allow monitoring of the respective classes and continuous assessment.

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