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Economy and Sports Marketing

Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 1S

Code: DESP27    Acronym: EMD
Scientific Fields: Ciências do Desporto
Section/Department: Science and Technology


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
DESP 39 Study Plan 5,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Paulo Alexandre Correia NunesHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,00
Paulo Alexandre Correia Nunes   4,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)


Sports companies and organizations develop their action in an increasingly competitive market, looking for strategies to overcome the difficulties in responding to more enlightened, demanding and constantly changing customers regarding consumption habits.

Understanding the variables of service management, knowing how they are conceived, developed, organized and structured, as well as the techniques, strategies and options to be followed in order to constitute responses to the demand of the sports market, is assumed as a desideratum of the organizations that operate in sport, as a social phenomenon of high economic interest. Currently, competition from the markets is quite strong, implying that the management and development of new products and services becomes a central element of competitiveness in the sport economy.

The study program aims to provide tools and skills that contribute to the knowledge and mastery of the instruments necessary for an adequate management of sports services with the market and customers.

In view of the above, it is intended that students achieve the following objectives:

a) Understand the contents underlying the sport economy.

b) Master the concept of marketing applied to different sports organizations: public administration, private for-profit organizations and private non-profit organizations.

c) Develop studies that enable the collection of information from practitioners, spectators, families, suppliers, competition and the environment that enable the strategic development of sport.

d) Formulate strategic segmentation and positioning options vis-à-vis stakeholders, competition, the organization's limitations and environmental characteristics.

e) Understand and apply the service, price, location and communication strategies at the marketing-mix level.

f) Stimulate teamwork, interest in research and the improvement of public intervention.


1. Conceptualization of Sports Economy and Marketing; Introductory notions of economics; Economic Science. Scientific concept and approach; Economic problem; Solutions to the Economic Problem.

2. Sport marketing concepts; Economic and social environment and strategic management; Sport organizations, practitioners, spectators, families and competition; Sport marketing; Sport from the perspective of marketing.

3. Theories and models to explain consumer behavior; individual, group and cultural variables; Decision-making process in relation to sports practice and sports spectacle; The sports offer.

4. Strategic vision of sports marketing; define the target segment (s); develop positioning.

5. Quality as a strategic factor of sport; Marketing and quality management; Concept of quality in sport; Quality implications for sport management.

6. Sports marketing-mix; Sports life cycle and the development of new practices; Price determination: the social and the economic; Artificial, natural and semi-natural installations; The communication mix; Sponsorships; Evaluation and control of the marketing mix.

7. Marketing plan; Situation analysis; Options and recommendations; Evaluation

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The contents reflect a theoretical framework, the form of organization of the markets and the importance of marketing for the management of sports organizations.

Teaching methodologies

The assessment of students will take the form of a continuous process of producing relevant information about their academic performance.

At the level of Formative Assessment:

1. Interaction practices with the student that allow reflection on their learning processes and their level of skill development | 10 quizzes (20%).

2. Interaction practices with the student that allow reflection on their learning processes and their level of skill development | Project Work (40%).

At the Summative Assessment level:
1. Written Knowledge Test (40%)

For the purposes of assigning the final classification, the teacher may stipulate an oral discussion of any of the productions developed by the students.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

Gives it special importance to interactive methodologies, teaching the discovery, involving students in the teaching-learning process, centered on an approach of theoretical concepts referenced by scientific research and its application to practical situations.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Students' assessment will take the form of a continuous process of producing relevant information about their academic performance.

At the level of Formative Assessment:
1. Interaction practices with the student that allow reflection on their learning processes and their level of competence development | Project work (50%).

At the level of Summative Assessment:
1. Written Knowledge Test (50%)

For the purpose of attributing the final classification, the teacher may stipulate the oral discussion of any of the productions developed by the students.

Attendance system

According to the Regulation of Academic Activities and Guidelines for Evaluating the School Performance of Students at the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal (IPS), version 2021.


Beech, J., & Chadwick, S. (Eds) (2007). The marketing of sport. London: Pearson Education Limited.

Correia, A. et al (2019). Gestão do Desporto - Compreender para Gerir. Lisboa: Edições Faculdade de Motricidade Humana. ISBN: 972 735 236 4.

Correia, A., Sacavém, A., & Colaço, C. (Eds.) (2008). Manual de fitness & marketing. Lisboa: Visão e Contexto.

Dobson, S. and Goddard, J. (2001). The Economics of Football. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK.

Leeds, M. and von Allmen, P. (2002) The Economics of Sports. Addison Wesley, Boston, USA.

Andreff, W. and Szymanski, S. (2006) Handbook of the Economics of Sport. Edward Elgar, London, UK.

Ferrand, A., & McCarthy, S. (2009). Marketing the sports organisation: Building networks and relationships. New York: Routlegde.

Leeds, M., & Allmen, P. (2002). The Economics of Sports. Boston: Addison.

Lendrevie, J., Lindon, D., Dionísio, P., Rodrigues, V. (2004). Mercator XXI– Teoria e Prática do Marketing. 10ª edição. Lisboa: Publicações Dom Quixote.

Mullin, B., Hardy, S., & Sutton, W. (2007). Sport marketing (3rd. Edition). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

Neves, J. L. C. (2011). Introdução à Economia. 9ª Edição. Lisboa: Editorial.

Nordhaus, S. (2011). Economia.19ª Edição. New York: McGrawHill.

Schwarz, E. C., & Hunter, J.D. (2008). Advanced theory and practice in sport marketing. Oxford: Elsevier.

Stiglitz, J. (2000). Economics of the Public Sector. Third Edition. New Verbo.

Wesley – Pearson Education. York: W.W. Norton & Company.



Students with special statutes that may not be present in the planned sessions, should give notice of this status to teachers in the first fifteen days of classes, defined a work plan to be developed and adapted evaluation discretion, depending on the possibilities and particular conditions frequency of students involved, to allow monitoring of the respective classes and continuous assessment.

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