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Communication and Interpersonal Relationships

Scholar Year: 2020/2021 - 1S

Code: DN01    Acronym: CRI
Scientific Fields: Desenvolvimento Pessoal
Section/Department: Social Sciences and Education


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
TSPDN 29 4,0 36 108,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Ana Francisca da Silva MouraHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 2,40
Luzia Lima-Rodrigues   2,40

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

It is expected that at the end of the Curricular Unit students will have developed theoretical-practical skills regarding:
- identify the importance of communication in interpersonal relationships;
- relate the process of Interpersonal development to the formation of the Self and the knowledge of the Other;
- define Group and the implicit dynamics;
- identify different ways of dealing with conflicts;
- develop communication and interpersonal skills;
- enhance self and hetero-knowledge.


1. The importance of communication in interpersonal relationships
1.1. Interpersonal communication
1.2. The elements of communication
1.3. The verbal and non-verbal language
1.4. Barriers to interpersonal communication
1.5. Communication Styles
- Assertive style
- Aggressive style
- Passive style
- Manipulator Style

2. The Process of Interpersonal Development: The Formation of the Self and the Perception of the Other
2.1. The process of construction of the world by the subject
2.2. The quality of interpersonal relationships with the development of the individual
2.3. Factors that determine the different types of interpersonal relationships
2.4. The Importance of First Impressions in Interpersonal Relationship
2.5. Factors that contribute to the formation of first impressions

3. The motivation
3.1. Theories of Motivation
3.2. The importance of motivation as a mobilizing factor of behavior

4. Groups
4.1. Interpersonal relationships in groups
4.2. Group Cohesion
4.3. Advantages and disadvantages of groups
4.4. Components of a good participant in the group
4.5. Barriers that prevent communication in the group

5. Conflict management
5.1. The conflict
5.2. Different types of conflicts and effective strategies for resolving them
5.3. Advantages and disadvantages of conflicts
5.4. Behaviors that favor effective conflict management

6. Interpersonal relationships in organizations
6.1. The organization
6.2. The organization as an open system
6.3. The importance of people in organizations
6.4. The organizational culture
6.5. Leadership

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

Man is an eminently social being for whom the presence of another becomes indispensable, having the act of communicating emerged from the necessity of human beings to establish and maintain relations with each other, using verbal and nonverbal codes.
If we take current history into account, we find that communication and its various forms of communication have played a marked role in the destiny of humanity, from the speeches of politicians to the teachings of ancient philosophers. In fact, all communication is characterized as the set of the most important tools developed by the human being for an effective relationship.
Closely related to the interpersonal relationship are the dynamics present within a group, where its analysis allows the individual to deepen his self and hetero-knowledge.
In this Curricular Unit, students will be elucidated in relation to the communicational / relational processes, as well as to make known internal dynamics of relationship with the other in different group contexts.
In this sense, we will study topics such as: the importance of communication in the process of interpersonal relationship, verbal and nonverbal communication in interpersonal relations, where we highlight the usefulness of the interpretation of various signals transmitted through communication; communication barriers and strategies to overcome them; the different communication styles, with particular emphasis on students' own interpersonal experiences in this formation process; the process of interpersonal development; Groups and management of group conflicts and finally, interpersonal relationships in organizations.

Teaching methodologies

Theoretical-practical classes with the use of group and individual dynamics.
In order for the students' learning to become effective, the theoretical classes will be accompanied by a great practical component, where they will be able to participate in different individual and group dynamics alluding to the programmatic contents, namely:
Dynamics of self and hetero-knowledge; Sharing in small and large group; Debates; Brainstorm; Dramatization; Case analysis among other dynamics that promote reflection on the themes, contributing, in parallel, to their personal and relational development.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

a) appropriation and use of differentiated and pertinent concepts related to the themes developed in the CU;
b) mastery of theoretical principles, knowledge and techniques allowing the autonomization in its application;
c) contextualization of the learning proposed by the UC in the course and in the performance of the professional role;
d) selection and organization of information, from different types of support production of texts of dimensions and variable problems evidencing critical analysis and reflection;
e) public presentation of works carried out in the context of the classroom.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

The present Curricular Unit will use, as evaluation methods, the participation and involvement in the theoretical-practical classes (50%) and evaluation of knowledge carried out through an evaluation test related to the subjects taught, carried out in a classroom context; (50% each test).

Attendance system

Students may book group or individual attendance on Thursdays, between 2pm and 5pm.

Assement and Attendance registers

Description Type Tempo (horas) End Date
Attendance (estimated)  Classes  0
  Total: 0


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Carreira, F. (2011). A arte de bem comunicar no século XXI. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.
Castanyer, O. (2005). A assertividade: Expressão de uma auto-estima saudável. Coimbra: Tenacitas.
Charon, J. (1995). Symbolic interactionism: An introduction, an interpretation, an integration. New Jersey: Pat Naturale.
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Fachadas, O. (2010). Psicologia das relações interpessoais. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.
Fast, J. (1986). A linguagem do corpo. Lisboa: Edições 70.
Freixo, M. (2011). Teorias e modelos de comunicação. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget.
Ferreira, J., Neves, J., & Caetano, A. (2001). Manual de psicossociologia das organizações. Lisboa: McGraw-Hill.
Giddens, A. (2010). Sociologia. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Gibbons, B. (2007). Comunicar com êxito. Porto: Porto Editora.
Kapferer, N. (1988). Boatos: O meio de comunicação mais velho do mundo. Mem Martins: Publicações Europa-América.
Lasswell, H. (1978). A estrutura e a função da comunicação na sociedade, In G. Cohn (Org.) Comunicação e industria cultural. São Paulo: Cia Editora Nacional.
Monteiro, A., Caetano, J., Marques, H., & Lourenço, J. (2008). Fundamentos de comunicação. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.
Penteado, W. (1987). A técnica da comunicação humana. São Paulo: Livraria Pioneira Editora.
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Página gerada em: 2024-06-16 às 08:27:33