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Scholar Year: 2021/2022 - 1S

Code: DN15    Acronym: C
Scientific Fields: Desporto
Section/Department: Science and Technology


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
TSPDN 25 6,0 90 162,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Amílcar Sardinha AntunesHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 6,00
David Luis Sarmento Gonçalves   6,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

Know the specific characteristics of the sport.
To know the characteristics of the contexts where the sport modality develops.
Identify and know how to handle specific Canoeing materials
Know all the preservation care to have with the material of the sport.
Know and know how to apply all the safety rules inherent to the practice of the sport.
Identify and know how to execute the technical gestures of the sporting modality.
Respect all practitioners and the environment.


History of Canoeing: Sports and leisure areas. Characterization of the activity, basic requirements for the practice of the modality.
Equipment and technical basis for the practice of canoeing, typology of boats according to their use: Kayaks, canoes and pays.
Safety equipment: Vests, tow rope, petticoat.
Technique and body posture (base position, maneuvers and rescue).
Organization and dynamism of canoeing activities.
Teaching-learning stages: embarkation and disembarkation, emptying a kayak, what to do when kayak turns, phases of teaching the technique, initiation tasks.
Places of practice and meteorology.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The syllabus contents covered in this UC allow students to know the different specific approaches of the sports modality with reference to the practice and the associated technical gestures, allowing them to build an understanding of the concepts and the application in different environments and with a differentiated population.

Teaching methodologies

The work of the UC is organized around:
- Lectures (theoretical and practical) / contents of the program by the lecturer (s)
- Classes of analysis of documents, exhibition of materials associated to the sports modality, discussion of work done by the students
Demonstration of the coherence of teaching methodologies with the UC learning objectives

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The articulation between classroom work of an expository nature, as well as the articulated tasks that are carried out in a practical typology and the work done, presented and discussed in class, allows the students to understand the ways of acting pedagogically in different contexts Associated with canoeing, favoring spaces for reflection on routes and orientations in the development of the activity.
Methodology and evaluation tests

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Normal Evaluation
- Attendance - 10%.
- Group work - 30%.
- Written test - 25%
- Practical assessment 35%.
Final exam: Students who do not obtain a final grade of 9.5 or higher in the continuous assessment (normal evaluation) regime will be referred for the final exam.

Attendance system

Each student is expected to be at least 75% of the practical sessions and to analyze and discuss the proposed tasks and to execute the assessment products in close relation with the UC teachers, except for students with special status.

Assement and Attendance registers

Description Type Tempo (horas) End Date
Attendance (estimated)  Classes  0
  Total: 0


Jimenéz, A. & Rodríguez, J. (2005). Recreational kayaking. Editorial Wanceule.
Mood, D., Musker, F. & Rink, J. (1999). Sports and Recreational activities. (12th Ed). USA: McGraw-Hill.
Issurin, V. (1998). Science & Performance of Canoe / Kayak, High-performance Training. Publication: Elite Sport Department of Israel.
Hernández, J. (1993). Piraguismo I and II. Collection of El Corte Inglês. Spanish Olympic Committee.
Cox, R. (1992). The Science of Canoeing. Cheshire: Coxburn Press.

Página gerada em: 2024-09-20 às 04:41:05