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Multicultural Contexts and Education

Scholar Year: 2017/2018 - 1S

Code: EDB10045    Acronym: CME
Scientific Fields: Formação Educacional Geral
Section/Department: Social Sciences and Education


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LEB 53 Study Plan 5,0 60 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Luíz Manuel Teixeira SoutaHead
Luís Carlos Rodrigues dos SantosHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 2 8,00
Ana Boléo   4,00
Paulo Feytor Pinto   4,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

- Understands the complexity of the Man in the holistic context of its cultural diversity.
- Develop a vision based, reflective and critical about the problems of education and pedagogy, as well as its evolution.
- Master a historical culture in the area of Education and in particular of Education in Portugal, which allows to lie on the critical profession.
- Knows the formal and informal teaching / learning in different contexts of social and cultural diversity.
- Apply research methodologies and techniques peculiar to the social sciences to an understanding of the heterogeneity of social and cultural interaction.
- S/he knows lie an informed before the "education act".


The concept of Education
Brief history of Pedagogy
Education in Portugal
The current Portuguese ES and educational institutions
Multicultural societies in the age of Globalization
Immigration, ethnicity and nationalism
Ethno-cultural identity and national cohesion
Peripheral, invisible and silent cultures
Demographic imperative and multicultural literacy
Ethnic and cultural diversity in Portuguese society
Ethno-cultural and linguistic diversity. Autochthonous national minorities and immigrants
Cultural hybridization; race as a social construction; from ethnocentrism and xenophobia to intercultural intercommunication
The ethno-cultures in ES: school demographics of diversity
Synergies in the collaboration school-community-families in multicultural contexts
Social and cultural capital of students/families/communities
Holistic approach in Multicultural Education
Critical evaluation of theories and practices of multicultural education
Education, Multiculturalism and (re)contextualization curriculum

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

In a multicultural and interdependent world, it is expected that students take a view inter /transdisciplinary to get a holistic view of reality. The new teachers have to acquire a set of content and skills that enable them to cope with new social and cultural globalized.
Portugal is going through a transformation of its ethnic and cultural diversity, particularly in metropolitan areas marked by immigration.
Schools are public institutions where these changes are reflected in a more visible: we have a diversity of demographics (gender, social class, ethnicity, nationality, language, religion). Multiculturalism, and the situations that emerge from it, it’s a reality that teachers will face in the future.
A thorough understanding of the historical contexts of educational failure is a condition for professionalism in today's critical times of complexity and intercultural interaction

Teaching methodologies

The different themes to be addressed are organized through lectures and theoretical-practical with the use of multimedia (including the use of moodle). Emphasis is placed on active methodologies.
Special emphasis will be placed on the fieldwork, during tutorial sessions.
Carried out a study visit to the Museum Sebastião da Gama.
Students are encouraged to autonomously carry out research tasks centering around topics of high interest to them and in cooperation with outstanding entities/personalities, both in the world of science and on the job (external to the school and connected to education and multiculturalism.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

Students should proceed to viewing multimedia recent critical material (films or documentaries) focused on educational issues and / or multicultural.
Also carry out a study visit to the Museum Sebastião da Gama (Azeitão) to contact with life / work of this writer-educator reference in the district of Setúbal.
On the other hand, begin the process of fieldwork by conducting an interview (embryo of a life story) to a member of a migrant community or a minority ethnic-cultural, linguistic, or national. Students are encouraged to participate / streamline events with members of migrant communities, the ethnic-cultural minorities and/or other individuals outside the educational field of the EUT.
It also seeks to encourage teamwork and knowledge sharing peer at the nuclear component of the evaluation work is conducted in small groups (except for student workers, if they choose). This does not preclude the implementation of individual activities: drafting two pieces of critical reflection on educational topics of current and / or dilemmas of multicultural interaction.
In order to ensure, both work continuity and a constant and up-to-date sharing of educational resources, the use of the computer platform moodle has proven to be an indispensable tool in the learning process and in-class group cohesion.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Students are to be continuously assessed. The final mark takes into account the following parameters: (i) Attendance - 15%, (ii) Class participation, including oral presentation (small group) of a movie /book /article on multicultural theme - 45%, (iii) Work produced - Interview (group) - 40%.


BANKS, J. & BANKS, C. (1989) Multicultural Education - issues and perspectives. Boston: Allyn and Bacon
BASTOS, S. & BASTOS, J. (1999) Portugal Multicultural. Lx: Fim de Século
BERTRAND, Y. (2001) Teorias Contemporâneas da Educação. Lx: I. Piaget
CARDOSO, Carlos & SOUTA, Luís (2017) (coords) Diversidades Culturais. Medi@ções, v.5, n.1 (2017), pp. 1-201.
LEITE, C. (2002) O currículo e o multiculturalismo no sistema educativo português. Lx: FCG-MCT
MONTEIRO, A. (2005) História da educação. Uma perspectiva. Porto: Porto Editora
NÓVOA, A. (1986) Do mestre escola ao professor do Ensino Primário. Lx: UTL
PERES, A. (1999) Educação Intercultural - Utopia ou Realidade? Porto: Profedições
SOUTA, L. (1997) Multiculturalidade & Educação. Porto: Profedições
STOER, S. & CORTEZÃO, L. (1999) ‘Levantando a Pedra’: da pedagogia inter/multicultural às políticas educativas numa época de transnacionalização. Porto: Afrontamento
VIEIRA, R. (2011) Educação e Diversidade Cultural. Notas de Antropologia da Educação. Porto: Afrontamento.

Página gerada em: 2024-06-04 às 16:23:15