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Techniques and Processes in Graphic and Motor Expression

Scholar Year: 2017/2018 - 2S

Code: EDB20040    Acronym: TPEGM
Scientific Fields: Formação na Área da Docência
Section/Department: Science and Technology


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LEB 49 Study Plan 5,0 60 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Ana Cristina Ferreira Santos Correa FigueiraHead
Fernando Alberto Pinho AlvesHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 2 10,00
Ana Cristina Figueira   5,50
Ana de Fátima Costa Pereira   0,50
Joana Matos   4,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

- Demonstrate skills and competences of curriculum management in the areas of plastic expression and physical education in preschool and 1st cycle of basic education.
- Demonstrate a specific conceptual, technical and methodological domain, that allow the adequate design, operationalization and evaluation of the pedagogical intervention in the referred areas.
- Understand the importance of physical activities in the motor development process and in the acquisition and maintenance of healthy habits in childhood.
- Know the physical education contents, with applicability in the pre-school and in the 1st Cycle of Basic Education, considering the curricular guidelines.
- Demonstrate appropriate skills to select the activities, materials and organizational forms, adequate to the intervention in the preschool and in the 1st Cycle of Basic Education.


Physical activity, health and well-being:
- Risks and benefits of physical activity;
- Characterization of the fitness components;
- Assessment of physical condition.

Physical Education in the School Curriculum:
- The curriculum composition;
- Pedagogical progressions and strategies to facilitate learning;
- Teaching intervention; clim and discipline;
- The evaluation.

The preparation of teaching in Physical Education:
- Planning and its conditioning factors;
- Equipment and materials in physical education;
- The session planning and the structure of the session;
- Organization of activities;
- Objectives and selection of activities;
- Selection and disposal of material resources for practice;
- Safety conditions and practice optimization strategies.

Motor and Coordination skills:
- Definitions and application.

Development of Graphic Expression in Childhood and Adolescence.
- Stages of development of the thought and the artistic expression in the children according to Jean Piaget and Viktor Lowenfeld: from zero to fifteen years of age;
- Stages of development of graphic expression according to Judith Burton: the beginning of the artistic language; the first visual symbols; visual events; representation of experiences of imagination and memory; representation of experiences; looking for Shapes.

Means and expressive materials.
- Development of theoretical and practical knowledge regarding materials and expressive techniques used in the development of contents of artistic and plastic nature in the context of the classroom.
-To know the expressive possibilities of different materials and their practical applications.
- Development of pedagogical audiovisual projects adapted to the format and to an intended audience.

Adequacy of Expressive Techniques and Processes.
- Acquisition of skills for the preparation of materials to support the development of practical activities in the area of artistic or plastic expression, in the context of the classroom. Adapt the materials, techniques, processes and activities to the age groups or stages of development for which they are intended.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The knowledge about aspects related to pedagogical intervention with children is a fundamental training component to improving the quality of education and, therefore, a fundamental contribution in this education degree.

This curricular unit is based on themes that aim to meet the needs of all who understand and value the role of motor education and plastic education as fundamental for the overall development of the child.

Teaching methodologies

The classes will be theoretical and practical and the process will comprise:
(A) Practical experience of individual or group situations related to physical fitness and physical education;
(B) Documentary analysis;
(C) Presentation and discussion of written or practical works;
(D) Oral presentations;

The distance learning platform (Moodle) at will also serve to deliver content, enable the execution of theoretical-practical activities and allow the interaction between the teacher and the student and between students, and therefore a tool included in the student's assessment.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

This Curricular Unit aims at the development of skills and knowledge that intends to enable the students, future teachers/educators, to intervene properly in the curricular areas of plastic and physical expression.
The experience through the practice of activities in the field of physical education and plastic expression reveals itself as a component of training and acquisition of competences, necessary for the future professional practice of educators/teachers.
At the end of the work the expected competencies are located in the following areas:
(A) Appropriation and use of different concepts;
(B) The ability to state and interrelate the different concepts;
(C) The application of the knowledge acquired in concrete situations;
(D) The knowledge of techniques and procedures characteristic of the areas addressed and their applicability.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Students will be assessed on the following components:
Process- 35%
Plastic expression

A) Individual: participation in practical activities in the classroom - 5%
B) Individual: technical operations file about the practical activities referred above “a)”, that have to be included in a portfolio format - 30%

Physical expression

A) Evaluation of the student's performance in practical work sheets - 30%
B) Attendance- 5%

Product- 65%
Plastic expression

A) Individual: Portfolio to be delivered in the last class, in Moodle - 35%
B) Group: performance and presentation of a pedagogical video, in the classroom setting, on a date to be defined - 30%

Physical expression

A) Theoretical Assessment - Final Written Test (Individual) - 35%;
B) Planning, presentation and discussion of session plans (Group) - 30%

The final evaluation, resulting from the average of the partial evaluation of each scientific area, attributed on a scale of 0 to 20 values, will be published on the ESE/IPS webpage.
Students must obtain an evaluation equal or greater than 7.5 values in each of the modules (plastic/physical). If this is not the case, they will be sent to the final exam.

Attendance system

Students with under special conditions and who cannot attend regularly the classes might be evaluated on a continuous assessment basis, after negotiation with the UC teachers. This negotiation may result in the definition of different elements and different moments of evaluation.
Students with normal status who do not attend a minimum of 70% of classes in each scientific area, will be evaluated in a final exam.


- Bragada, J. (2002). Jogos Tradicionais e o Desenvolvimento das Capacidades Motoras na Escola. Lisboa: CEFD.
- Burton, J. (1982). Representing Objects from Memory and from Observation. Rio de Janeiro: Schools Arts.
- Cottineli Telmo, I. (1992). Linguagem Gráfica Infantil. Setúbal: ESE.
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- Kohl, M.; Solga, K. (2003). Discovering great Artists. UK: Brilliant Publications.
- Lowenfeld, V. (1954). A criança e a sua Arte. São Paulo: Editora Mestre Jo.
- Lowenfeld, V.; Brittain, L. (1982). Creative and Mental Growth. New York: Macmillan.
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- Neto, C. (2001). Motricidade e Jogo na infância. 3ª Edição. Rio de Janeiro: Sprint.
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- Pazos, J.; Aragunde, J. (2000). Educación Postural. Barcelona: INDE
- Piaget, J. (1926). La language et la pensée chez l’enfant. Neûchatel, Paris: Delachaux et Niestle.
- Piaget, J.; Inhelder, B. (1947). La Représentation de l’Espace chez l’Enfant. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
- Piéron, M. (1999). Para una enseñanza Eficaz de las Actividades Físico-Deportivas. Barcelona: INDE
- Ramirez, J. (2003). Planificar en Educación Física. Barcelona: INDE
- Sánchez, D. (2003). Evaluar en Educación Física. 8ª edição. Barcelona: INDE
- Sánchez, D. (2013). Diez competencias docentes para ser mejor profesor de EF: La gestion didactica de la clase. Barcelona: INDE
- Sousa, R. (1992) – Ver e tornar visível: formulações básicas em cinema e vídeo. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta
- VIadel, R. (2003) – Didática de la educación artística para primária. Madrid: Pearson Educación.

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