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Arts and Heritage

Scholar Year: 2018/2019 - 1S

Code: LAIS206    Acronym: AP
Scientific Fields: Artes
Section/Department: Arts


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
ANIM 36 Study Plan 5,0 60 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


José Amilcar Capinha GilHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,00
Carlos Barreto Xavier   2,00
José Gil   2,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

1. To know and reflect upon general concepts of art and heritage, both cultural and natural, by articulating theory, practice and experience.
2. To develop analytical and interpretative skills in relation to art in general and to heritage in particular.
3. To develop practical skills in the fields of drama and music.


A. Notions of art and heritage; examples of world heritage in Portugal; Fado and Cante alentejano; traditional musical instruments (e.g. cavaquinho…)
B. Techniques of analysis and interpretation of artistic and heritage phenomena; Layers of artistic quality; legal frameworks.
C. Basic techniques of musical and dramatic expression; vocal and instrumental (e.g. cavaquinho…) practice; basic techniques of staging and acting; bodily performance in theatrical space; facial mask.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The topics to be developed within this curricular unit aim to develop fundamental concepts in relation to art and heritage, as well as to experience specific tools that might help students to implement actions of organization and cultural development of diverse social groups. The syllabus are articulated around two main pillars: the theoretical component and the practical implementation, in order to facilitate the effectiveness of learning.
The articulation between syllabus and objectives is as follows: A with 1; B with 2; C with 3.

Teaching methodologies

The sessions will include the presentation and debate around the themes of the program and the practical experimentation of performing arts processes, individually and in groups. This theoretical and practical work in the classroom will be complemented with literature review and research, and the production and presentation of course works.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The participation in processes of oral presentation, debate, practical experimentation, research, reading and production enables students to develop the integrated knowledge that is announced in the objectives and which includes multimodal knowledge, understanding, integrating and creating.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

The assessment will be continuous and will include:
- Presence and participation in sessions – 45%
- Production and presentation of a PowerPoint about an example of world heritage in Portugal – 15%
- Production and presentation of a performance (music and drama) in groups of 3 students, built from an example of Cante Alentejano – 30%
- Teachers weighting – 10%
The assessment and classification will be built and attributed by the students themselves, in articulation with the teachers and according to the effective fulfilment of the criteria.
The exam version will consist on the individual production and presentation of a PowerPoint (weight of 40%) and of a performance (weight of 60%), such as described above.

Attendance system

The attendance system establishes a minimum of 50% of attendance for working students and of 75% for the rest of the students.


Barret, G. & Landlier, J. (1994). Expressão Dramática e Teatro. Lisboa: Edições ASA.
Brook , P. (2011). O espaço vazio. Tradução de Rui Lopes. Lisboa: Editora Orfeu Negro.
Cabral, C. (2004). Manual de Técnicas de Palco. Lisboa: INATEL.
Esquenazi, J. P. (2006). Sociologia dos públicos. Porto: Porto Editora.
Fortuna, C. e Silva, A. S. (org.) (2002). Projecto e circunstância: culturas urbanas em Portugal. Porto: Afrontamento.
Fortuna, C. (2012). Património, turismo e emoção. Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais [Online], 97.
Giacaglia, M. C. (2003). Organização de eventos: teoria e prática. S. Paulo: Pioneira Thomson Learning.
Lira, S. (2000). Do museu de elite ao museu para todos: públicos e acessibilidades em alguns museus portugueses. In Atas do Seminário Museus Arquitectura e o Público, Braga, APOM.
Pedro, F. et al. (2005). Gestão de Eventos. Lisboa: Quimera.
Peixoto, P. (s.d.). Os meios rurais e a descoberta do património. Comunicação apresentada na atividade “Conversas à volta das estrelas”. Campo europeu do património.
Swanwick, K. (2015). Developing Discourse In Music Education: The Selected Works Of Keith Swanwick. London: Routledge.

Literatura de Manuel da Fonseca (escritor alentejano):
Fonseca, M. (1944). Aldeia Nova. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte.
Fonseca, M. (1958). Seara de Vento. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte.
Fonseca, M. (1968). Um Anjo no Trapézio. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte.
Fonseca, M. (1961). O Fogo e as Cinzas. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte.
Fonseca, M. (1943). Cerromaior. Lisboa: Livros Horizonte.

Discografia e videografia:
Monda (2016). Monda [CD].
Monda (2016). Lindo ramo verde escuro [videoclip]. Acedido em
Monda (2016). Só uma pena me existe [videoclip com Rui Veloso e Grupo de Portel, em estúdio]. Acedido em
Monda (2016). Portel estás satisfeito [videoclip com Grupo de Portel, ao vivo]. Acedido em
Monda (2016). Adeus maria até quando [videoclip com Katia Guerreiro, ao vivo]. Acedido em
Monda (2016). Diz a laranja ao limão [videoclip]. Acedido em
Monda (2016). Mais brando joão brandão [videoclip]. Acedido em

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