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Models and Methodologies in Animation

Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 1S

Code: LAS04    Acronym: MMA
Scientific Fields: Pedagogia
Section/Department: Social Sciences and Education


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LAS 35 Study Plan 5,0 60 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Isabel Maria da Silva Esteves FilipeHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,00
Isabel Filipe   4,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

The learning objectives are as follows:
- Framing and defining socio-cultural animation as a field of action and social intervention throughout history;
- To know, analyse and problematise models, techniques and practices of Sociocultural Animation, relating different objectives (social, cultural, recreational, economic...);
- Identify the profiles, functions and competences of senior sociocultural animation technicians and relate them to the different characteristics of sociocultural animation (institutions, supports, equipment and audiences...);
- Name, characterise and understand some of the methodologies used in the field of sociocultural animation;
- Understand and know how to apply Project Methodology;
- Understand the importance of Professional Identity.


1.Conceptions of sociocultural animation:
- The concept of Sociocultural Animation and its link to social intervention;
- Characteristics of sociocultural animation;
- The historical framework of socio-cultural animation from antiquity to modern times.

2. Construction of professional identity(ies)
- From volunteering to professionalisation;
- The professional identity of the Senior Technician in Sociocultural Animation: Professional Statute of the career of Sociocultural Animator.

3. Sociocultural Animation contexts, practices and methodologies
- General competences and functions of the Senior Technician in Sociocultural Animation;
- Diversification of functions and roles in relation to intervention contexts and needs;
- Methods and Techniques of Sociocultural Animation: planning systems, reflection, action, evaluation, intervention techniques and instruments.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

In a course that trains for a profession - Sociocultural Animation (ASC) - that has a generalist character, it is necessary to take care of what is the dominant matrix from the point of view of exercising the profession. The diversity of areas covered by Sociocultural Animation is thus explored, teaching us to understand the diversity of approaches and audiences that Sociocultural Animation can cover as a field exercise, but we also try to distinguish the profession's identity traits. These are the content proposals we are making, which are also embodied in methodologies that allow them to be appropriated. We therefore believe that the content covered responds to the general objective of contributing to the conceptualisation of the profession and learning how to practice it.

Teaching methodologies

The classes are built around two blocks: one that is more theoretical in nature and another that is essentially practical.
- The theoretical block is based on a set of texts on Sociocultural Animation and the intervention practices of Sociocultural Animation Technicians. Texts are read, analysed, presented and discussed, and short critical comments are made, using dialogue and shared reflection techniques.
- The more practical block is presented as a first practical test of the skills required of Senior Technicians in Socio-Cultural Animation in terms of drawing up action plans and stimulating socio-cultural projects, based on group dynamics and creative techniques. Pedagogical, relational and communication issues are analysed in each session. Students gradually move from being the recipients of their action plans to planning and implementing them

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The aim of the course is to help students learn the appropriate methodologies to use in Socio-Cultural Animation intervention - the core of which is the participation of groups and communities in processes that lead to their personal development, cultural enrichment and social well-being. Students must therefore understand the need to mobilise a set of techniques in their actions, which must be duly framed in the intentions behind them. Techniques are therefore not just innocuous procedures in the field of doing, but are also rooted in a conceptual area that embodies them and that must be mobilised in the intervention. These aims imply what we are trying to achieve: a correct balance between the information provided by the lecturer, the reading and analysis of texts by the students themselves, preferably chosen from the journals and scientific articles available in the field (preferably written by researchers in the field and within the scope of practices and projects for which Senior Technicians in Sociocultural Animation are responsible) and effective practices in planning and implementing Sociocultural Animation projects.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

1.Class participation (Individual - 35%)
2.Test (Individual - 35%)
3.Work (Group - 30%)

Attendance system

75% compulsory attendance
50% for student workers


- Ander-Egg, E. (1999). O Léxico do Animador. ASPGP (Movimento de Renovação Pedagógica);
- Ander-Egg, E. (1997). Perfil del Animador Socio-Cultural. Gráficas Dias;
- APDASC (2019). Estatuto do/a Animador/a Sociocultural. In:;
- Cebolo, C., Pereira, J., & Lopes, M. (coord.) (2012). Animação Sociocultural, Intervenção e Educação Comunitária: democracia, cidadania e participação. Intervenção – Associação para a promoção e divulgação cultural;
- Filipe, I., Batista, B., & Leitão, M. (coord.) (2019). Animação Sociocultural: construindo o futuro. APDASC – Associação Portuguesa para o Desenvolvimento da Animação Sociocultural;
- Filipe, I. (2015). Partilha de saberes: uma experiência intergeracional. In: O Animador no Século XXI: perfil, funções, âmbitos, metodologias, modelos de formação e projetos de intervenção. Intervenção – Associação para a promoção e divulgação cultural;
- Gillet, Jean-Claude (1995). Animation et Animateurs . Le sens de l’action . L’Harmattan;
- Leal, A., Lopes, M. & Montez, M. (coord.) (2021). Jean-Claude Gillet: o homem e o seu legado. Um pedagogo da Animação Sociocultural. Intervenção – Associação para a promoção e divulgação cultural;
- Lopes, M. (coord.) (2015). O Animador no Século XXI: perfil, funções, âmbitos, metodologias, modelos de formação e projetos de intervenção. Intervenção – Associação para a promoção e divulgação cultural;
- Lopes, M. (coord.) (2008). Animação Sociocultural em Portugal. Intervenção – Associação para a promoção e divulgação cultural;
- Malsonneuve, J. (2004). A Dinâmica dos Grupos. Ed. Livros do Brasil;
- Pinto, A., Soares, C., Vaz, F., Marques, O. (2003). Interargir: Técnicas de Animação. Edições Salesianas;
- Prado, D. (coord.) (1996). Técnicas creativas y lenguaje total. USC;
- Quintana, J. M. (1992). Fundamentos de Animación sociocultural. Nancea;
- Sousa, F. C., Pereira, D., & Lopes, M. (coord.) (2019). Animação Sociocultural, território rural, património, turismo, envelhecimento e desenvolvimento comunitário: estratégias, recursos e métodos de combate ao despovoamento. Intervenção – Associação para a promoção e divulgação cultural;
- Trilla, J. (coord.) (2004). Animação Sociocultural: teorias, programas e âmbitos. Piaget;
- Ventosa, V. J. (2016). Didática da Participação: Teoria, metodologia e prática. SESC.

Página gerada em: 2025-02-17 às 11:03:39