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Professional Contexts

Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 2S

Code: LAS08    Acronym: CP
Scientific Fields: Ciências Sociais
Section/Department: Social Sciences and Education


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LAS 32 Study Plan 5,0 60 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Carla Cibele Fiel Vasconcelos FigueiredoHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,00
Ema Isabel Inácio   4,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

- Knows and deepens values, attitudes and behaviors of the profession of sociocultural animator;
- Deepens the basic skills defined in the generalist animator profile;
- Knows the status of the animator and the deontological code of the profession and identifies with the inherent values and attitudes;
- Knows the generalist profile of the animator and its evolution;
- Knows and deepens the skills and functions of the generalist animator;
- Identifies dynamics of sociocultural animation in the observed local contexts;
- Recognizes the social and territorial dynamics at the local scale;
- Identifies and recognizes municipal planning options in terms of social and community components in relation to development strategies;
- Understands and problematizes social and community problems and reflects on informed alternatives for solving them.


A. Professional identity of the Sociocultural Animator: statute and deontological code.

B. Areas, scopes and populations of Sociocultural Animation.
Sociocultural institutions and entities: contextual bases of the ASC Project.

C. Space and Time in different configurations of sociocultural intervention. Citizenship, territory and community development.

D. Action and reflection on contexts and practices of Sociocultural Animation

- Free time, leisure and recreational activity;
- Museum spaces and heritage. Museum animation, nomadic museology and community museums;
- Art and landscape: the natural environment as a space for intervention by the Sociocultural Animator;
- Key issues/dilemmas of professional practice;
- Preparing to go to the field (participant observation stage);
- Communication and interpersonal skills.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The objectives of the curricular unit are built around the construction of a professional identity, implemented on a local scale. Thus, contents 3.A and 3.C directly focus on the central aspects of the profession, both from a historical and practical point of view, with particular focus on action and reflection on the work carried out on a local scale. The identified contents are necessary from the point of view of mastering sociological, geographic and urban concepts, related to the community-society dichotomy and its territorialization mediated by the Portuguese political and administrative organization, its problems and dilemmas.

Teaching methodologies

The work sessions are organized around theoretical and theoretical-practical activities of active participation and reflective sharing, individual and group, namely:

- Autobiographical practices;

- Creative exercises and thematic presentations on the contents of the program;

- Interaction with professionals linked to the area of sociocultural animation;

- Reading, analysis and presentation of texts in relation to the practices/institutions to be observed;

- Group visits to reference institutions/projects;

- Field classes;

- Participant observation internship in institutions.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The methodologies used are in line with the general need to reconcile the course's objectives and contents with the stated methodological principles.
From the point of view of articulation with the discipline's objectives, the methodology used ensures them, insofar as it focuses on analyzes of a local scale and on carrying out observation internships with permanence in the location.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Continuous assessment focuses on:

- Attendance and participation in classes (individual) – 25%
- Report of visit or workshop carried out (group) - 15%
- Internship report and presentation of observed context (group) - 40%
- Reflexive Autoscopy (individual) - 20%


ANASC (2021) — Estatuto do Animador Sociocultural: Projeto de Lei aprovado em 1 de junho de 2021.
BARBER, B. (2000) — Un lugar para Todos - como fortalecer la democracia y la sociedad civil. Barcelona:Paidós
BAUMAN, Z. (1999) — Globalização – As consequências humanas. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor.
CAUQUELIN, A. (2021) – A Invenção da Paisagem. Lisboa: Edições 70.
COSTA, A. F. (2008) — Sociedade de bairro: Dinâmicas sociais da identidade cultural. 2.ª ed. Lisboa: Celta Editora.
CUNHA, T. e SANTOS C. (2008) — Das Raízes da Participação. Santa Maria de Feira: AJP
FERREIRA, F. I. (2005) — O Local em Educação. Animação, Gestão e Parceria. Lisboa: FCG
FERREIRA, I. (2016) – Criatividade nos Museus: Espaços Entre e Elementos de Mediação. Casal de Cambra: Caleidoscópio.
FONTES, A., SOUSA G., LOPES M. e LOPES S. (org). (2014) — Cultura e Participação: Animação Sociocultural em Contextos Iberomericanos. Leiria: RIAP- Nodo Português
LOPES, M.(2006) — Animação Sociocultural em Portugal. Lisboa: Editora Intervenção-APDC, Acessível em
LOPES, M., PEREIRA, J.(2008) — Animação Sociocultural e os Desafios do Séc.XXI. Lisboa: Intervenção.
LOPES, M., PEREIRA, J. (2011) – As fronteiras da animação sociocultural. Chaves: Intervenção.
LOPES, M., PEREIRA, J. e MALTEZ, M. (2014) — Animação Sociocultural – Turismo, Património, Cultura e Desenvolvimento Local. Chaves: Intervenção
LOPES, M., PEREIRA, J. e Maciel, M. (2015) — O Animador Sociocultural no Séc. XXI – Perfil, funções, âmbitos, metodologias, modelos de formação e projetos de intervenção. Chaves: Intervenção.
PAIS, N., SANTOS, L. e VIEGAS, F. (1998) – Cultura lúdica, tradição e modernidade. Lisboa: Instituto de Apoio à Criança.
SOLÉ, M. (1991) – O jogo infantil: organização de ludotecas. Lisboa: Instituto de Apoio à Criança.

Página gerada em: 2024-07-27 às 09:47:17