Social Polices
Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 2S
Code: |
LAS09 |
Acronym: |
PS |
Scientific Fields: |
Ciências Sociais |
Acronym |
N. of students |
Study Plan |
Curricular year |
Contact hours |
Total Time |
34 |
Study Plan |
1º |
5,0 |
60 |
135,0 |
Teaching language
Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)
Discuss the nature of the welfare state in modern societies and, in particular, in the European Union.
Reflect on the nature and scope of social policy and the new ways of conceptualizing it as a response to
New categories of problems and changes in welfare conditions
Posicionarse before some of the meanings and controversies in the definition of Social Policies in
Areas, from employment to prevention of exclusion, from housing to health.
To problematize policies and legislative perspectives that support the processes of animation and intervention
In different fields and professional fields (from the home, from the reception, from the insertion, from the
Local, disability, ...)
Reflect on the forms of organization of the production of well-being, the forms of action of the State (the
Central and local level) to its articulation with other social actors (market, social economy and civil society).
The State Providence, Social Policies and social functions of the State
1. Welfare State and social functions of the State. Concept and scope of Social Policies
2. From the crisis to the reform of the Social State. Pluralities of the actors: the Welfaremix. New Citizenship and New
social movements
3. Social professionals: "art" of doing, social urgencies and institutional risks
B - Contexts and situations, social perspectives, policy options and instruments
1. Active life, work, employment and unemployment. Precarization and polyvalence at work.
2. Poverty and social exclusion. The "discouraged." Youth populations at risk. The companies
Of insertion. Active aging.
3. Gender discrimination and family support policies
4. Immigration, ethnic diversity and social integration
5. Housing, housing and the city.
Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes
This UC begins by recalling some basic questions regarding the Social State, already addressed in a CU of 1º
Year, as a way of contextualizing new developments regarding its current crisis and the perspectives /
Proposals, which are reflected in a strong conflict between the design of policies and
Different social actors.
Thus, to know and discuss, on the one hand, different positions on the reform of the social state,
And the proposals associated with them in the various fields of social work and, in particular, in sociocultural animation and intervention, is the way forward to achieve the objectives set for the UC, which involves knowing and problematizing the meanings of the organizational forms and the mix of actors present in the social responses and in these proposals.
Teaching methodologies
It includes: (a) Presentation of block A, by the teacher and by the students (2 groups per debate);
(C) Presentation and discussion of the final papers of
Group, focusing on the themes of block B and including empirical work on institutions of the chosen area, (d)
Tutorial monitoring through moodle, and still mandatory presence for the final work, with
Preparation of a project form (readings and references to the empirical work).
The debate is fomented from the information presented and from "cases" of actuality (social communication), and the
Direct contact or via the web with public or private entities for the knowledge of policy programs
Social rights.
Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes
Large-group lectures, theoretical and practical-theoretical, use different types of materials. In between
Others: (i) small texts, for reading and debate, on the themes under analysis -
Social theories, their affiliation in social theories, measures, programs and actions of social policy, etc., which
Moodle are made available to all students and, in particular,
Are less frequent in class and / or not in continuous assessment; (Ii) texts on different aspects
Of the crisis of the social state, collected in media.
In these sessions, the essence of teaching methodologies is the introduction of the themes by the teacher, and by the
Debate in a large group, after discussion and analysis in pairs or in a small group, and by a final synthesis
Developed by the teacher. This establishes the relationship between the contents of the program, the reflection on the
Crisis of the Social State and the problematization of the proposals and social responses with which we are confronted.
The tutorial orientation sessions are generally carried out with groups of 3 or 4 students, require the
Mandatory presence of all the members of the group and are directed to the support to the accomplishment of the work
Final - of the selection of subjects / objects of study to their development. The preparation and delivery to the teacher of a
The final draft, is the way to ensure that there are already readings that support the proposed index
The work that is the subject of analysis and validation in one of these sessions.
The evaluation methodologies, and the work processes associated with it, also seek to ensure the
Achievement of the learning objectives. In this sense, the performance of a test, usually
About a month before the end of classes, seeks to ensure that concepts and key ideas of the main problems of the
Program are learned.
The final work must include, besides the "theoretical part", the study of an empirical object, which
Implies the "visit" to an institution. Although fieldwork by students is not
Teaching staff, the planning of this is the subject of one of the orientation sessions
Finally, the presentation to the class of the key ideas present in the final works, with a mandatory presence of
All groups, allows the approach, even if summary, of the respective themes / contents.
Assessment methodologies and evidences
Within this discipline, a systematic evaluation of:
Classes and work sessions;
Activities developed by the teacher;
Student participation in classes and other activities;
Works produced by students.
The evaluation shall be carried out in accordance with the proposed activities and the principles expressed in the program. The final evaluation of each student will be based on the following: individual report on the topic addressed by the group (40%), group work (50%) - 30% written version and 20% In oral presentation - and participation in teaching activities, especially in discussions and tutorial meetings, which presupposes attendance and regular active participation (10%). In order to ensure continuity in the continuous assessment, students must obtain at each moment / evaluation product a grade of 8 or higher.
The parameters as well as the evaluation tools to be used (group work and test) will be presented before the students and will be subject to collective appreciation.
• Carmo, Renato Miguel, Barata, André (orgs.), (2014), Estado Social. De todos para todos, Lisboa, Tinta-da-China
• Chopart, Jean-Noel (2003). Os novos desafios do Trabalho Social. Dinâmicas de um campo profissional. Porto. Porto editora.
• Clavel, Gilbert (2004). A Sociedade da exclusão. Compreendê-la para dela sair. Porto. Porto editora
• Ferrera, Maurizio et al (2000). O futuro da Europa social. Oeiras, Celta editora
• Giddens, Anthony (2004), Sociologia: Lisboa, F.C. Gulbenkian
• Hespanha, P et al. (2000). Entre o estado e o Mercado: as fragilidades das instituições de protecção social em Portugal; Coimbra, Quarteto.
• Hespanha, Pedro e CARAPINHEIRO, Graça (org) (2002). Risco Social e Incerteza: pode o estado social recuar mais? Porto: Edições Afrontamento
• Pinto, José Madureira, Pereira, Virgílio Borges, (orgs.), (2008), Desigualdades, Desregulação e Riscos nas Sociedades Contemporâneas, Porto, Ed. Afrontamento
• Ramesh, Mishra (ed.) (1995). O Estado – Providência na sociedade capitalista, Oeiras, Celta
• Rodrigues, Maria de Lurdes, Silva, Pedro Adão e, (orgs.), (2012), Políticas Públicas em Portugal, Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda e ISCTE
• Silva, Filipe Carreira da, (2013), O futuro do Estado Social, Lisboa, Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos
• Stoer, Stephen et al (2004), Os lugares da exclusão social, São Paulo, Cortez Editora