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Information and Communication Technologies(ICT) in Professional Contexts

Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 2S

Code: LAS10    Acronym: TCP
Scientific Fields: Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação
Section/Department: Science and Technology


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LAS 30 Study Plan 5,0 70 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


João Vitor TorresHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 2 10,00
João Grácio   4,43
Sílvia Couvaneiro   4,43

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

- Analyze and evaluate software, namely 'free' programs available on the web; -
- Manage the use of technologies, integrating them naturally in the context of the profession;
- Plan actions / interventions, based on ICT;
- Use the general purpose software in context (real or simulated) of the profession;
- Using Web 2.0 tools. to support the publication and communication to disseminate ideas and material of their working environment;
- To design, adapt and use multimedia presentations;
- Organize digital portfolios.
- Understand the functioning of the support platforms of distance learning;


1. Basic concepts about the Internet and the World Wide Web:
- Computers, addresses and domains;
- Notion hypertext, hypermedia, multimedia, interactivity and navigability;
- Web 2.0.
2. Identification and use of social software in practical activities:
- Construction sites (eg Google sites);
- Using Bookmarks (eg Delicious, Diigo);
- Store and share documents online (eg DropBox, SkyDrive, Google Drive, Box, ....).
3. Spreadsheet:
- Basic functions;
- Development of activities related to event management;
- Analysis and organization of data obtained from online forms (Google docs)
4. Multimedia Presentations
- Multimedia presentation software (PowerPoint and Prezi);
- Construction of multimedia presentations;
• To design, adapt and use multimedia presentations;
• Create PowerPoint presentations;
• Graphic insertion, audio and video;
• the appropriate modalities for development of a multimedia presentation.
5. collaborative platforms and learning
- Understanding e-learning and m-learning;
- Types and Features of a collaborative platform (b.p. Moodle.)
- Creation of disciplines and use the various tools of the Moodle platform (activities and resources);
• Document Insertion in different formats
- Cooperative Learning and Collaborative
6. Virtual Learning Communities
- Virtual Learning Communities (blogs, discussion forums, platforms, ...);
- Strategies, methods and organization of technical work and online communication;
- Synchronous communication tools (chat, video conferencing) and asynchronous (email, blogs, discussion forums).

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The exploitation of the syllabus enables contextualized understanding of various issues in the field of animation and social intervention.
Future professional degree in Animation and Sociocultural Intervention will confront the organization and event management, so working with general purpose tools like spreadsheet, can be a support in the organization and processing of data.
Likewise, Web 2.0 tools are present in a powerful contribution to access, organize and publish information and to work in collaboration in construction projects and a digital portfolio.

Teaching methodologies

The work to be undertaken under this course will focus on the active participation of students, either in individual work or group work, looking for the deepening of knowledge related to the themes.
The classes will be organized into four components: (a) Resolution of practical activities in small group work; (B) Reading, discussion and analysis of texts / topics; (C) Design and preparation of individual work projects and / or small group and (d) presentation and project discussion.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

Individual work will focus on solving real and simulated problems, using data organization tools and using storage space and management and information in order to equip future professionals of planning capabilities, resolve and decide on specific projects function.
The working group aims to develop communication skills and collaboration and the ability to negotiate solutions in a team and build projects. The presentation to the group / class of the developed project, will be a moment of reflection and learning.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

The evaluation of the work will be performed at UC through student participation in class, in the resolution of the proposed practical activities and their involvement in the design, development and presentation of a work project.
Form part of the ongoing evaluation process the students who participate in at least 2/3 of the classes. They can also benefit from this process, working students and other students with at least 50% attendance to be made available to present and publicly discuss parts of their work, requested by the teacher during the semester.
The final grade will take into account the following weights:
Class participation and resolution of practical activities - 40%
Digital portfolio - 15%
Project work
Design and development - 35%
Presentation and discussion - 15%


Barret, H. C. (2010). Balancing the two faces of ePortefolios. Educação, Formação & Tecnologias, 3(1), (pp. 6-14).
Capucha, L. (2008). Planeamento e avaliação de projetos – Guião prático. Lisboa: ME-DGIDC.
Castells, M. (2004). A galáxia Internet: Reflexões sobre Internet, negócios e sociedade. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Correia, Carlos & Tomé, Irene (2007). O que é o e-Learning. Lisboa: Plátano Editora.
Costa, F. A. (2005). A aprendizagem como critério de avaliação de conteúdos educativos on-line. In Avaliação de locais virtuais de conteúdo educativo (pp. 45-54). Lisboa: CRIE, ME-DGIDC.
Dias, Ana A. S., Gomes, Maria J., coord. (2008). e-conteúdos para e-Formadores. Guimarães: Tecminho.
Dias, P. (2001). Comunidades de conhecimento e aprendizagem colaborativa. In Redes de aprendizagem, redes de conhecimento (pp. 85-93). Lisboa: Conselho Nacional de Educação.
Figueiredo, A. D. (2000). Novos Media, Nova aprendizagem. In Novo conhecimento, nova aprendizagem (pp. 71-81). Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Figueiredo, A. D. (2008). Educação, Tecnologia e Espírito do Tempo. Obtido em 12 de Outubro de 2011, de _Tecnologias_ e_Espirito_do_Tempo


Classes take place in a computer lab.

Página gerada em: 2024-07-27 às 14:00:48