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Popular Cultures

Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 1S

Code: LAS100    Acronym: CP
Scientific Fields: Línguas e Literaturas, Artes
Section/Department: Arts


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LAS 19 Study Plan 5,0 60 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Luciano José dos Santos Baptista PereiraHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 2,00
Carlos Barreto Xavier   1,33
Luciano Pereira   1,33
Vanessa Amorim   1,33

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

1. Identify and compare cultural, thematic and formal settings, inherent in popular cultural object, while conservation mechanism and individual construction, and while acting factor and social transformation.
2. Develop a taste for specificity of cultural and aesthetic phenomenon, with particular importance for their critical reading.
3. Collect, select and organize the traditional literature texts with ethnological and formative relevance. Analyze and interpret them. Produce materials and draw up strategies for your animation. Relate literature to other artistic and cultural series and in particular with the music.
4. Meet musical manifestations of the different geographical regions of Portugal cultural/ethnic. Meet musical forms and associated ethnic cultural contexts organology. Select and adapt traditional music forms with suggested texts.


Semantic evolution of the words culture and literature.
Traditional literary texts, oral transmission and universal character.
Traditional oral literature in the context of cultural anthropology.
Literary concepts:
oral literature,
popular literature,
cultivated literature.
Typologies and traditional literary genres (Proverbs, rhymes, chants, rhymes, blocks, songs of packing;
mysteries, hoaxes and blinded; legends, tales and novels ...)
Instruments of analysis and interpretation of the literary text.
Literature, music and fine arts.
Some relevant themes (the image of the woman, the function of the animals, etc.)
The animation of the popular text.
Its importance and functions: the function of the rhythmic, metric and rhyme.
Children's literature and popular culture.
Rural and urban ethnographies
Chronicles and travel Literature
Mythologies and Religions
Popular Medicines
Places and Leisure.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The discussion from the searched information or documents directly supplied by professor will be a key element of learning. The process shall include: (a) reading, discussion and analysis of texts; (b) Review written and/or oral texts; (c) development of small critical comments; (d) preparation of written work; (e) presentation and discussion of papers; (f) Exposure of certain themes; (g) the preparation, discussion and analysis, in a group of small jobs; (h) preparation and presentation of practical work of textual and musical animation; (i) hearing and interpretation in plenary and/or small groups of musical snippets.
In short give priority to the animation of readings; written documents, audio, video and multimedia, conducting research and design, and the collection and dissemination of the intangible heritage.
I) continuous Evaluation
II) summative evaluation (Group 1 and a final test)

Teaching methodologies

Programme Management Strategies
The sessions will be focused on the reading and interpretation in plenary and/or small groups of literary works. The discussion from the searched information or documents directly supplied by professor will be a key element of learning. The process shall include: (a) reading, discussion and analysis of texts; (b) Review written and/or oral texts; (c) development of small critical comments; (d) preparation of written work; (e) presentation and discussion of papers; (f) Exposure of certain themes; (g) the preparation, discussion and analysis, in a group of small jobs; (h) preparation and presentation of practical work of textual and musical animation; (i) hearing and interpretation in plenary and/or small groups of musical snippets. In short give priority to:
-The production of descriptive, analytical and critical texts.
-The elaboration of didactic materials, training and entertainment.
-The animation of readings. Reading, analysis and discussion of written documents, audio, video and multimedia.
-Conducting research (fieldwork, participant observation and project work), collection and dissemination of documents, questinários, interviews and life stories.

2. monitoring tutorial (face-to-face and distance to Support Group work, individual research)

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The teaching methodologies articulates with the learning objectives of the curricular unit on investigative and creative dimension. We believe that the fact that students have to search on the ground allows the implementation of the proposals for more inclusive of animation different areas. Students have the opportunity to present their research in a way attractive, challenging and appropriate, profiting from theoretical knowledge in different areas. Staying on the ground will, on the one hand, allow a global perspective of popular culture, on the other, complement the bibliographical research and give greater consistency to reading, interpreting, as well as individual and collective written productions.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Assessment and classification
I) continuous evaluation-attendance and class participation, research papers, reading and literary and musical interpretations. (30%)
II) summative evaluation-group 1 (written) (40%). Oral presentation of written work (30%)

Attendance system

Participation of students
Each student is expected to: (a) be assiduous (can only miss one class from each of the three modules) and participate in the discussion of the issues under review, as well as in group work; (b) read, review and be prepared to discuss the texts and support submitted auditions; (c) perform the work programmed. The lack of attendance will be a deterrent to a continuous assessment, the student is required to submit himself to examination at the end of the semester.


-AGUIAR e SILVA, v. m.-literary theory. 8th. Ed. Cambridge: Liv. Almedina, 1990.
-BETTELHEIM, b., Psychoanalysis of fairy tales. Trad. port, 4th ed: Lisbon: Livraria Bertrand, 1991.
-Tales from Lusophone. The most beautiful traditional tales. (Texts collected by m. Margarida Pereira-Muller). Barcelos. Bookstore Civilization Publisher, 1998.
-BRITO, J.P. and O'Neill, b.-Places from Here. Lisboa: ed. Dom Quixote, 1991.
-Rabbit, a. b., Portugal in Arab Spain, Lisbon: Seara New, vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, 1970-1974.
-Rabbit, Adolfo. Folk Tales. Lisbon. Don Quixote publications, 1985.
-Rabbit, Adolfo. Games and nursery rhymes. Port. ASA editions, 1994.
-Rabbit, Jacinto do Prado (dir.) dictionary of literature. Port: Figueirinhas.
-LAMB, Grace. Urban Ethnographies. Oeiras: Celta publishers, 2003.
-COSTA, Maria. In the realm of Fairies. Lisbon. End of Century Editions Ltd, 1997.
-DINIZ, Maria. The fairies have not been to school. Port. ASA editions, 1993.
-AESOP, fables: the 100 most famous Fables of Aesop. Trad. port, Mem Martins: Publicações Europa-América, collection Pocket Books (409), s/d.
-Fonts, António SANCHES, and j. g.-folk medicine. Lisbon: Anchor Ed., 1999.
-SANTO, Moisés Espírito. The Portuguese Popular Religion. Lisbon: Assyrian and Alvim, 1990.
-PEDROSO, Consigliere. Folk Tales. Lisbon. Publisher See, 1985.
-Ditto. Contributions to a Popular mythology. Lisboa: ed. Dom Quixote, 1988.
-PEREIRA, Pedro. Pilgrims. Lisbon: Instituto Piaget, 2003.
-PEREIRA, Luciano. Animals and traditional Portuguese tales. Setúbal. School of education, 1991.
-SANCHES, John Garcia. António sources, causes and Cases of a priest Cachena cattle. Lisbon: Anchor Ed., 1999.
-SANTOS, Maria (comp.). Dictionary of Proverbs, Adages, Sayings, Maxims, Aphorisms and Phrases. Port. Porto Editora, 2000.
-SEMEDO, Curvo. Fables. Europe-America, 1985.
-MOTH, Maria. The memory Wire. The folk tale to Tale for children. Port. Routledge, 1992.
-Brito, m. & Range, l. (1992). Portuguese music history. Ed. Open University, Lisbon.
-Correia, m. (1984). Portuguese popular music: a starting point. Ed. Spark-world of Song.
-Giacometti, m. in collaboration with Grace, f. (1978). Ed. popular Portuguese Songbook. Circle of Readers.
-Oliveira, e. (2000). Popular musical instruments. Ed. Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the National Museum of Ethology, Lisbon.


At the end of the work the expected learnings are around 3 major areas: (a) ability to research, organization and management of information, showing proper ownership and original and creative use of different concepts; (b) production of oral and written texts of genres, modes, records, dimensions and variables with emphasis on the problems of description and interpretation of the works of art and literary phenomena in particular. The communicative and linguistic skills reading specific highlight in summaries, reports, fact sheets, opinion and texts of literary criticism ...; (c) public presentation of work.

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