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Methodologies and Projects in Socio-Educational Animation

Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 1S

Code: LAS107    Acronym: MPAS
Scientific Fields: Matemática, Pedagogia
Section/Department: Social Sciences and Education


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LAS 18 Study Plan 5,0 60 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Luísa Manuela da Costa Ramos de CarvalhoHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,00
Ema Isabel Inácio   4,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

The UC aims to help students appropriate, analyze and critically implement different types of methodologies and techniques suitable for differentiated interventions in socio-educational terms, taking into account the contexts, intentions and audiences present. Methodologies and techniques that are not just procedures in the domain of doing but that are rooted in certain conceptual areas that substantiate them and that are present in the elaboration, implementation and evaluation of intervention projects. Intervention projects that are not only adequate, scientifically and technically sustainable, but also allow for a critical and creative reading of the realities at hand.

At the end of the curricular unit, students are expected to demonstrate the following skills:

- Identifies socio-educational animation needs;
- Identifies good practices in socio-educational animation;
- Knows, analyzes and problematizes models, techniques and practices of socio-educational animation relating different objectives, contexts, areas of intervention and audiences;
- Analyzes a socio-educational animation project, identifying its different components and rationale;
- Designs, implements and evaluates a socio-educational intervention action;
- Builds or recreates different materials, dynamics or educational games according to the intervention objectives.


The programmatic contents of this curricular unit include:

- Concepts of socio-educational animation;
- Education, Pedagogy and Andragogy;
- Participatory pedagogies and new learning perspectives;
- Problems of Childhood/Adolescence and Youth;
- Methodologies and techniques of socio-educational animation;
- Design, implementation and evaluation of socio-educational animation projects;
- Contexts, projects and practices of socio-educational animation in Portuguese society.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The concepts of Socio-Educational Animation are covered so that students can develop theoretically and technically based projects in the area;
The approach to the problems of Childhood/Adolescence and Youth (social behavior disorders, school abandonment and failure, neglect and mistreatment) makes it possible to work with different populations;
The development, implementation and evaluation of socio-educational animation projects provides the necessary knowledge for activity as animators in different educational contexts;
The approach to the Portuguese reality and the study of good practices in socio-educational animation allows for a deeper understanding of different practices in order to develop an up-to-date and creative professionalism.

Teaching methodologies

The sessions will comprise three learning scenarios:

New educational realities and pedagogies-in-participation: Investigation and understanding of different philosophies and pedagogical methodologies present in the history of pedagogy, andragogy and socio-educational animation.

Pedagogical Visits and Seminars: Observation and direct contact with different educational models and contexts, formal and non-formal.

Creative Workshops Laboratory: Development and experience of different creative Socio-educational Animation techniques and methodologies, according to the motivations, internship intentions and training needs identified by the students.

The classes will be developed in a constant dialogue between the exposition and debate around the themes contained in the program, the exploration and practical experimentation, individual and group, of socio-educational animation methodologies and techniques, with a view to understanding and integrating knowledge in the development of projects for different contexts and audiences. This theoretical-practical work in the classroom and in the field will be complemented with research and reading of texts and documents and the production of works of different nature.
On the other hand, the methodology comprises the holding of seminars with external guests, the promotion of socio-educational animation activities in pairs and a critical and collective reflection on the work, as well as the design of socio-cultural animation activities and their respective development in context (in articulation with activities to initiate professional practice).

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The teaching methodologies reflect the flexibility of the program's objectives and a participatory pedagogical model that facilitates learning autonomy. Therefore, students, in classes, delve into the topics that most concern them as future professionals.
On the other hand, the contents covered are necessary for the development of skills to be worked on in this curricular unit.
Practical work allows you to study the diversity of contexts in which you will work.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

The evaluation will focus on the work developed throughout the UC and will be a continuous process of retroactive regulation that will include moments of individual and group work.
The continuous assessment includes the following elements and their respective weightings:
- Participation in classes - 35%
- Individual Reflection - 35%
- Preparation of a socio-educational animation project (group) - 30%


Ambrósio, Teresa; Estevão, Lucas; França, Luís de; Pinto, Conceição Alves (1985) Inserção Social dos Jovens/Situação, Problemas e Perspectivas da Juventude em Portugal. Cadernos Juventude, IED, Lisboa.
Brandes, Donna; Phillips, Howard (1977) Manual de Jogos Educativos. Moraes Editores.
Colec. Psicologia e Pedagogia. Lisboa.
Freire, Paulo (2000) Pedagogia da autonomia: saberes necessários à prática educativa. 15ª edição. São Paulo: Editora Paz e Terra.
Gabbard, C.P. (2011). Lifelong Motor Development. (6th ed.). San Francisco, CA:
Benjamin-Cummings Publishing Company.
Griffiths, F. (ed.) (2010). Supporting Children’s Creativity through Music, Dance, Drama and Art. Creative Conversations in Early Years. London: Routledge.
Jacquin, Guy (1963) A Educação pelo jogo. Livraria Editora Flamboyant. Colec. Psicologia e Educação. São Paulo.
Jones, R., e Wyse, D. (ed.) (2013). Creativity in the Primary Curriculum. London:Routledge.
Jungck, John; Mazur, Eric; Schmidt, William; Schuller, Tom (2008). Educação: Crítica do Contemporâneo. Porto: Fundação Serralves.
Lopes, João Teixeira (2000). A Cidade e a Cultura: Um Estudo sobre práticas Culturais
Urbanas. Porto: Edições Afrontamento.
Maisonneuve, Jean (1967) A Dinâmica dos Grupos. Colec. Vida e Cultura. Edição Livros do Brasil. Lisboa.
Oliveira-Formosinho, Júlia (Org.) (2011). O Espaço e o Tempo na Pedagogia-em- Participação. Porto: Porto Editora.
Salgueiro, Emílio (1990) Crianças Irrequietas. Dissertação de Doutoramento, Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa. Pp.665, 668, 669, 663
Sampaio, Daniel (1993) Vozes e Ruídos: Diálogos com Adolescentes. 2ª Ed. Col. Nosso Mundo, Editorial Caminho. Lisboa. P.214.
Vasconcelos, A. Â. (2007). A Música no 1.º ciclo do Ensino Básico: o estado a sociedade, a escola e a criança. Revista de Educação Musical, N.º 128-129, Maio - Agosto e Setembro – Dezembro.
Victorino, Sofia; Leite, Elvira (2008). Serralves: Projetos com Escolas 2002-2007. Porto: Fundação Serralves.

Nota: Durantes as sessões e/ou tutoria será disponibilizada outro tipo de bibliografia mais específica de acordo com as temáticas e o trabalho desenvolvido.

Página gerada em: 2024-07-27 às 08:44:08