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Training of Trainers

Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 1S

Code: LAS108    Acronym: FF
Scientific Fields: Pedagogia
Section/Department: Social Sciences and Education


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LAS 14 Study Plan 5,0 60 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Ana Luísa Rebelo de Oliveira PiresHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,00
Gina Lemos   4,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

The Training of Trainers curricular unit follows a curricular matrix structured around 3 fundamental axes that make up the professional profile of the trainer: area of intervention, macro competence and unit of competence. It starts with four areas of intervention (preparation and planning, design, development and evaluation of training) and proposes the acquisition of the following macro competences (the respective units of competence are indicated in brackets) (Note 1):

- Preparing and planning learning processes (analysing the training intervention context and planning learning activities);
- Designing training products (designing training programmes and designing/exploiting didactic and multimedia resources);
- Facilitating the learning process (applying differentiated pedagogical interaction and group dynamisation techniques);
- Managing networking (using and managing collaborative and learning platforms);
- Managing diversity (applying diversity management methodologies in the training context); and
- Monitoring and evaluating learning (designing training and learning evaluation tools, assigning and reporting training and learning results).


The syllabus is organised into large thematic blocks (modules and sub-modules), in accordance with the guidelines for the initial pedagogical training of trainers (Note 2):

MF1. Trainer: System, contexts and profile
SubM1.1 Trainer: Contexts of intervention
SubM1.2 Learning, creativity and entrepreneurship

MF2. Initial teaching simulation
SubM2.1 Preparing and realising simulations
SubM2.2 Analysis and improvement project

MF3. Communication and dynamising groups in training
SubM3.1 Communication and relational behaviour
SubM3.2 Diversity in the training context

MF4. Pedagogical methodologies and strategies
SubM4.1 Pedagogical methods and techniques
SubM4.2 Inclusive and differentiated pedagogy and learning

MF5. Operationalising training: From plan to action
SubM5.1 Competences and operational objectives
SubM5.2 Designing the training-learning process

MF6. Didactic and multimedia resources
SubM6.1 Exploring teaching resources
SubM6.2 Building multimedia presentations

MF7. Collaborative and learning platforms
SubM7.1 Platforms: purposes and functionalities
SubM7.2 Virtual learning communities

MF8. Evaluation of training and learning
SubM8.1. Quantitative and qualitative evaluation
SubM8.2 Evaluation: from training to the work context

MF9. Final pedagogical simulation
SubM9.1 Preparation and realisation of simulations
SubM9.2 Technical-pedagogical analysis and foresight

Note: See point 8. Observations: thematic blocks 1 and 4 are worked on in the Pedagogy and Lifelong Learning CU; thematic blocks 6 and 7 are worked on in the ICT in Professional Contexts course; blocks 5 and 8 are worked on in greater depth in this course and articulated with block 9, in accordance with the Training for Trainers Referential.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

The syllabus is intrinsically linked to the objectives set for the course and is organised into thematic blocks (modules and sub-modules) that reflect the Pedagogical, Organisational, Practical and Deontological and Ethical dimensions of the trainer's activity (Note 3).

Teaching methodologies

The classes in this curricular unit are organised in theoretical-practical sessions, where the use of active methodologies and pedagogical techniques such as simulation, role-playing, case studies, brainstorming, group dynamics is favoured, together with discussion groups between students and teachers and a pedagogical intervention project. This is based on the intention of facilitating the acquisition and mobilisation of skills in four dimensions:

- Pedagogical, which aims to acquire and develop the necessary skills according to the modalities, audiences and contexts of intervention;
- Organisational, which includes the techniques and methods for planning, managing, organising, monitoring and evaluating training;
- Practical, which consists of the application or contextualised exercise, real or simulated, of the technical-pedagogical skills acquired during training;
- Deontological and ethical, which covers observance of professional rules and values, as well as gender equality and ethnic and cultural diversity.

Tutorial support:
The purpose of individual/group tutorial support is to support and guide students throughout the course of the course in carrying out individual/group work, clarifying questions and doubts, providing counselling and information, monitoring the course and proposing improvements. Support is provided either face-to-face or at a distance.

Student participation:
Each student is expected to: (a) attend 95% of the sessions and participate in the discussion of the issues under analysis, as well as in the individual and group work proposed; (b) carry out the research into the information needed to carry out the proposed work; (c) participate actively in the sessions, carrying out the scheduled activities.

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

The teaching methodologies, which are essentially active, are intrinsically linked to the learning objectives established for the course. Project work, practical exercises and pedagogical simulations (autoscopies) take centre stage in this course. The aim is to develop the knowledge and skills needed to work as a trainer, particularly in the area of designing, developing and evaluating a pedagogical intervention project for a specific audience and context.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

The work carried out in the course is subject to continuous assessment.
Student monitoring and assessment are an integral part of the student's training programme.
Continuous assessment presupposes attendance and qualified participation in the sessions.
Assessment takes place in three stages: at the beginning of the course (diagnostic), during the course (continuous, both formative and summative) and at the end of the course (summative).
Evaluation grids and scales are used.

The final mark (100 per cent) is obtained from the marks obtained in:
- Initial simulation (10%)
- Pedagogical objectives (30%)
- Teaching competences (30%)
- Intervention project (30%)

The final grade is expressed on a quantitative scale from 0 to 20.
The pedagogical simulations (initial and final) and the intervention project are compulsory.

If the student does not obtain a positive result in the continuous assessment of the course or wishes to improve their grade, they may be assessed in an examination period by reformulating the intervention project.

Attendance system

Each student is expected to: (a) attend 95 per cent of the sessions and participate in the discussion of the issues under analysis, as well as in the individual and group work proposed; (b) carry out the necessary research to complete the proposed work; (c) participate actively in the sessions, carrying out the scheduled activities.


Basic bibliography:

Canário, R. (2013). Educação de adultos: Um campo e uma problemática. EDUCA.
Duarte, N. (2018). Guia HBR: Apresentações persuasivas. Actual Editora.
Ferrão, L. F. M. B., & Rodrigues, M. (2012). Manual prático: Formação pedagógica de formadores. Lidel.
Instituto de Emprego e Formação Profissional (2022). Referencial de formação pedagógica inicial de formadores. IEFP.
Knowles, M. S., Holton III, E. F., & Swanson, R. A. (2015). The adult learner. The definitive classic in adult education and human resource development. Routledge.
Pires, A. L. (2005). Educação e formação ao longo da vida: Análise crítica dos sistemas e dispositivos de reconhecimento e validação de aprendizagens e de competências. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

Bibliography recommended by the IEFP (note 4)


To obtain the CCP, a total of 90 hours of face-to-face training is required for a group of 12 trainees. Considering that the Training for Trainers curricular unit has 60 classroom hours, the missing 30 hours will be developed in two curricular units - PELV (MF1) and ICT in Professional Contexts (MF6 and MF7). If it is necessary to allocate more face-to-face hours (if the group of trainees is more than 12, an additional 2 hours per trainee will have to be added for the self-assessments), these can be accounted for on the basis of the PELV (MF4) curricular unit.

Note 1: The IEFP issued a favourable opinion in October 2014, considering that "overall the sufficient requirements for access to the CCP for trainers are met".
Note 2: According to Instituto de Emprego e Formação Profissional (2022). Referencial de formação pedagógica inicial de formadores. IEFP, I.P..
Note 3: Ministerial Order 214/2011, of 30 May.
Note 4: According to Instituto de Emprego e Formação Profissional (2022). Referencial de formação pedagógica inicial de formadores. IEFP, I.P..

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