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Animation in Libraries and Museological Spaces

Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 2S

Code: LAS110    Acronym: ABEM
Scientific Fields: Línguas e Literaturas, Artes
Section/Department: Cultura, Línguas e Literaturas


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LAS 14 Study Plan 5,0 60 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Ana Cristina Crespo Pires SequeiraHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,00
Carlos Barreto Xavier   2,00
Nadine Silva   2,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

This curricular unit aims to develop competences based on three pillars: Reading, the Library and the Museum.
Animation articulates them transversally and materialises them in five axes: Seeing, Reading, Thinking, Producing and Animating. Up-to-date theoretical study of these themes feeds into class discussions and student work.

The aim of this CU is to:

1) Introduce and mobilise knowledge of different cultural areas, reflect on concepts inherent to the contexts of intervention and develop oral and written communicative competence;
2) Encourage the production of oral, written and other texts appropriate to the different intervention contexts.
3) Organise and plan cultural entertainment activities for libraries and museums and produce materials that stimulate and enhance the use of these spaces by different audiences;
4) Know and mobilise knowledge of different cultural areas;
5) Reflect on concepts inherent to the intervention contexts within the scope of this CU;
6) Intervene, through the presentation of original activity proposals, in the animation of the internship sites.


Fundamental concepts in Reading, Museology and Libraries.
- Literacy(ies) and reading(s).
- Different languages and readings.
- History of reading, the press, books and censorship.

Types of libraries and museums
- Cultural policies and programming in libraries and museums.
- Animation in libraries, museums, exhibition spaces and museums.

Formal and informal education - educational services in libraries and museums: organisation and practices.

Reading animation practices in different contexts.

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

In this course, the aim is for students to be able to realise the need for training and research in the areas of reading, libraries and museums in order to be able to intervene by proposing entertainment activities aimed at diverse audiences. With this content, they will also be able to reflect on the various issues facing cultural programmers and the relationships that reading/libraries and museums can establish in a community with cultural values, the preservation of a story or a set of information that is relevant to the maintenance of the region's cultural memory, through:

- Reading/viewing, discussing and analysing sources of various types.
- Observation and analysis of museums and resource centres.
- Study visits with the production of final critical reports.
- Accompanying and guiding intervention projects.

Teaching methodologies

The sessions include:
1) Reading, discussion and analysis of texts;
2) Observation and analysis of museum and reading spaces;
3) Drafting short critical comments;
4) Study visits with the production of two final critical reports;
5) Presentation and discussion of intervention proposals.

The work carried out in the course is subject to:
- Continuous assessment (attendance and intervention in classes, carrying out the short assignments developed in each block);
- One-off assessment, with the mandatory production of an original intervention proposal in a work context, on libraries or museums (in a group, up to 3 elements; the conception, rationale and planning of an intervention proposal in a context, which must be presented in a class session (Individual).

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

As the aim is for students to be able to identify, understand, act on and produce an original piece of animation (to be applied in a library, museum or other museum space), it is necessary to read various theoretical texts on these subjects and look at other proposals for energising existing collections. Proposing and producing activities for intervention allows the development of skills that reflect the theoretical and reflective contribution of the course to the students' training to be verified.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

Continuous assessment
- Participation and products developed in the sessions - 10%
- Study visit 1 (in the municipality of Setúbal / includes report) 10%
- Study visit 2 (outside the municipality of Setúbal / includes report) 10%
- Elaboration of the Animation Project (in a group of 3) - 30%

One-off assessment
- Oral presentation of the Animation Project (ESE Library) - 20%
- Individual learning portfolio (includes all assessment elements) - 20%

Use of the Moodle Platform to provide:
- Consultation documents;
- Activities to be carried out;
- Work proposals (to include in the activities planned for the classroom)
- Submission of work;
- Discussion forums.

Assessment by final exam will be carried out as provided for in the academic calendar. However, up to 15 days before the exam, it is compulsory to request and attend a tutoring session with the teaching team.

Attendance system

The one that is included in the Rules of Assessment for ESE (Student workers are covered by Article 24(3) of the ESE/IPS Attendance and Assessment Regulations).


- Campos, J. (2015). Animadores Socioculturais e Animação Sociocultural: Desafios e Dilemas Profissionais nas Sociedades Contemporâneas. In J. D. L. Pereira, M. S. Lopes & M. A. Maciel, (coords.). O Animador Sociocultural no Século XXI – perfil, funções, âmbitos, metodologias, modelos de formação e projectos de intervenção (pp. 125-132). Intervenção – Associação para a Promoção e Divulgação Cultural.
- Costa, C. (coord). (2010). Animação Sociocultural: profissão e profissionalização dos animadores. Livpsic.
- Escola, J. J. J. (2015). A Ética e Deontologia Profissional na Profissão de Animador Sociocultural. In J. D. L. Pereira, M. S. Lopes & M. A. Maciel, (coords.). O Animador Sociocultural no Século XXI – perfil, funções, âmbitos, metodologias, modelos de formação e projectos de intervenção (pp. 141-147). Intervenção – Associação para a Promoção e Divulgação Cultural.
- Feytor-Pinto, P. (2020). Trovoada de ideias: recursos didáticos para Português académico. Lisboa: CIES, APEDI, Fundo Asilo, Integração, Emigração. P. 22-23.
- Figueiredo, C. C. & Cordeiro, S. (2015). Estudantes de Animação Sociocultural: Percursos Traçados Entre a Formação e o Mundo do Trabalho. In J. D. L. Pereira, M. S. Lopes & M. A. Maciel, (coords.). O Animador Sociocultural no Século XXI – perfil, funções, âmbitos, metodologias, modelos de formação e projectos de intervenção (pp. 181- 189). Intervenção – Associação para a Promoção e Divulgação Cultural.
- Lopes, M. S. (2015). Breve Apontamento da História do Estatuto de Animador Sociocultural. In J. D. L. Pereira, M. de S. Lopes & M. A. Maciel (coords.). O Animador Sociocultural no Século XXI – perfil, funções, âmbitos, metodologias, modelos de formação e projectos de intervenção (pp. 351-358). Intervenção – Associação para a Promoção e Divulgação Cultural.
- Ventosa, V. J. (2015). A Identidade do Animador Sociocultural Face a Profissões Limítrofes. In J. D. L. Pereira, M. de S. Lopes & M. A. Maciel (coords.). O Animador Sociocultural no Século XXI – perfil, funções, âmbitos, metodologias, modelos de formação e projectos de intervenção (pp. 251-262). Intervenção – Associação para a Promoção e Divulgação Cultural.


Assessment by final exam will be carried out as provided for in the academic calendar. However, up to 15 days before the exam, it is compulsory to request and attend a tutoring session with the teaching team.

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