Itineraries and Routes
Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 2S
Code: |
LAS111 |
Acronym: |
RP |
Scientific Fields: |
Ciências Sociais, Artes |
Acronym |
N. of students |
Study Plan |
Curricular year |
Contact hours |
Total Time |
18 |
Study Plan |
3º |
5,0 |
60 |
135,0 |
Teaching language
Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)
A. You know the importance of the routes and pathways in tourism context, Portugal, Europe and the world;
B. Know the evolution of the main features of the Portuguese tourism and its challenges;
C. Knows and uses the existing technical documents at various scales, from local to national, necessarily inform the development of guides and tourist itineraries;
D. Identify the main asset in situ characteristics of the territory;
E. Elaborate local and / or regional tourist itineraries based on knowledge of the tangible and intangible heritage local, regional and national levels;
F. Problematizes and use of technically and scientifically substantiated manner the characteristics of the Portuguese heritage at various scales in preparing roadmaps and routes.
A. The routes and paths in the tourist context
The evolution and importance of tourism in Portugal
The evolution and importance of tourism in the world
The itineraries and routes in Portugal: a diversified institutional and private nature
B. The development of road maps and routes in technical and scientific context
The importance of tangible and intangible heritage
The preparation of the scripts based on natural resources and built and regional heritage
approach and location of routes and paths based on museological heritage, built and immaterial
C. The practice preparing roadmaps and routes
Types of routes and paths
The importance of audience
Informed construction (based on technical and scientific documents) of the proposed routes and routes
The selection of information
The construction of informational text
Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes
The first item of content, 3.A, ensure compliance with the first three goals.
The second item of content, 3.B, are in line with the objectives 2.D, 2.E and 2.F.
Content more directly related to the practical development of road maps and routes, 3.C correspond to C and E. objectives
Teaching methodologies
The workshops are organized around theoretical and practical activities in which it encourages the participation of the class-group and group work.
Emphasis on integrated approaches (physical and human) in the regional territory.
Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes
The methodologies used are in accordance with the general need to reconcile objectives and discipline of content with the methodological principles set out in 5.
From the point of view of articulation with the course objectives the methodology ensures the same, as it focuses on integrated analysis, based on knowledge of the principles of the development of road maps and routes and their different sources, heritage geography and history local and regional.
Assessment methodologies and evidences
The work at UC will be continuous evaluation object and summative assessment.
The summative evaluation elements are: i) attendance and participation (10%); ii) individual critical review of a book with oral presentation (20%); iii) preparation in tourist track group with oral presentation (40%); iv) individual test (20%); v) individual presentation of thematic class (10%).
Attendance system
Students have to attend 75% of the classes.
Bourdin A (2005) Turismo Patrimonial, Cidade e Civilização dos Indivíduos. Fórum Sociológico, 13/14: 13-29.
Butcher J (2003) The Moralisation of Tourism: Sun, sand...and saving the world?. Routledge, London and New York.
Butcher J (2007) Ecotourism, NGOs and Development. Routledge, London and New York.
Cavaco C (2006) O turismo e as novas dinâmicas territoriais. In Medeiros C A (coord.) Geografia de Portugal: Actividades Económicas e Espaço Geográfico. Círculo de Leitores, Lisboa: 366-427.
CMS (2016) Plano Estratégico de Desenvolvimento Setúbal 2026. CMS, Setúbal.
Cooper C, Hall C M (2008) Contemporary Tourism: an International Approach. Elsevier, Oxford.
ERTLisboa (2015) Plano Estratégico para o Turismo da Região de Lisboa 2015-2019. ERTLisboa, Lisboa.
Fernandes A T (2002) Poder local e turismo social. Revista da Faculdade de Letras: Sociologia, 12: 9-26.
Franklin A (2003) Tourism: an Introduction. Sage, London.
Heeley J (2011) Inside City Tourism: A European Perspective. Channel View Publications, Bristol.
Henriques E B (2003) A cidade, destino de turismo. Revista da Faculdade de Letras: Geografia, 19: 163-172.
Johnston L (2005) Queering Tourism: paradoxical performances at gay pride parades. Routledge, London and New York.
Paiva R A (2014) O turismo e os ícones urbanos e arquitetônicos. Revista Brasileira de Estudos Urbanos e Regionais, 16(1): 107-123.
Rodrigues M L (2009) Geodiversidade, Património Geomorfológico e Geoturismo. CEG, Lisboa.
Shaw G, Williams A M (2004) Tourism and Tourism Spaces. Sage Publications, London.
Simões J M (2009) Geografia do Lazer e do Turismo: programa. CEG, Lisboa.
Simões J M, Ferreira C C (eds) (2009) Turismos de nicho: motivações, produtos, territórios. CEG, Lisboa.
Singh T V (ed.) (2012) Critical Debates in Tourism. Channel View Publications, Bristol.
TdP (2012) Estudo de Satisfação de Turistas. TdP, Lisboa.
TdP (2014) Turismo 2020: Plano de Ação para o Desenvolvimento do Turismo em Portugal. TdP, Lisboa.
TdP (2015) Plano Estratégico Nacional do Turismo. Turismo de Portugal, Lisboa.
TdP (2016) Estratégia Turismo 2027 Portugal (documento para discussão pública). TdP, Lisboa.
Timothy D J, Nyaupane G P (eds) (2009) Cultural Heritage and Tourism in the Developing World. Routledge, London and New York.
Urry J, Larsen J (2011) The Tourist Gaze 3.0. Sage, London.
Wilson J (ed.) (2012) The Routledge Handbook of Tourism Geographies. Routledge, London and New York.