Pedagogy and Lifelong Education
Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 1S
Code: |
LAS13 |
Acronym: |
Scientific Fields: |
Pedagogia |
Acronym |
N. of students |
Study Plan |
Curricular year |
Contact hours |
Total Time |
37 |
Study Plan |
2º |
5,0 |
60 |
135,0 |
Teaching language
Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)
Learning outcomes of the curricular unit:
Understanding the main features and trends of the contemporary society; understanding the role of education and training as axes to persona, professional, social and economic development, within the framework of life long learning; knowing the Portuguese educational system; understanding the reasons for the adequacy of the training pedagogic work to heterogeneous publics, according to their needs and specificities; developing strategies of identification of training needs, conception and development of training projects; understanding adult learning processes and identifying resources and constraints to training process; using evaluation as a process to boost learning, actions and training projects.
1. Educatiom, training and development. Lifelong learning.
2. Education and Training system in Portugal
3. The training project (centred on the learner and organized according to a systemic approach) 4. Conceptio, organization and implementation of of a pedagogic action plan.
5. The learning process
6. Communication and group dynamics
7. Assessment
Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes
Education and training are considered strategic instruments to the social development. The fact that we recognize education and training as axes to develop citizenship, at personal and professional level — in the context of the Knowledge Society and Lifelong Learning Society — places education and training as a priority, in a curriculum to educate professionals for social work. Considering this, the social educator/trainer as a specialist in the conception and development of training projects, in different fields and with a diversity of publics and communities, needs not only to understand the theoretical framework but also to use education and training projects as instruments of its work, understanding and using their potentialities and limits.
Teaching methodologies
Teaching methodologies are centred in the work of students and their goals are the experience of different types of pedagogic strategies. It is oriented to the project work, group discussions, seminars and panels. It is given a special attention to the products developed by students as well as its discussion and dissemination. Sessions articulate theoretical and practical activities and seminars.
Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes
Pedagogic strategy includes theoretical and practical sessions as well as seminars. It integrates research of information, expositions and presentations; analysis and discussion of texts: written or oral reviews; the development of a training project, oriented to a specific target and context; conception of tools and instruments to collect information; and oral presentation and discussion of the projects.
Project work is central in this CU. The aim is to develop students knowledge in the area of adult education and training, and to develop competences for the conception of a training project, in real settings and for specific publics.
Tutorial, individually and group, has the finality to support and guide students during individual or group activities and during the project work, clarifying doubts and questions and giving information. Tutorial can be done at a physical setting or at distance.
Assessment methodologies and evidences
Assessment can be continuing or final. Continuing assessment demands the participation of students in classes and proposed activities. It is mainly based on the conception of a training project, developed in a group. It also integrates a individual reflection on learning acquired in the UC. Final assessment takes the form of a final written examination.
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D’Hainaut, L. e Vasamillet, C. (1996), Introdução à Avaliação – A problemática. Centro OIT, IEFP, Lisboa Pires, A. L. (2005) Educação e Formação ao Longo da Vida: análise critica dos sistemas e dispositivos de reconhecimento e validação de aprendizagens e de competências, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa Rodrigues, A. e Esteves, M. (1993) A análise de necessidades na formação de professores. Porto
Freire, P. A (1987) Pedagogia do Oprimido, Ed.Paz e Terra, Brasil
Ambrósio, T. (2001) Novas Concepções dos sistemas educativos. Tendências actuais de mudança organizacional e da política de educação. In Educação e Desenvolvimento. UIED, Lisboa
Apple, M. E Nóvoa, A.(1998) Paulo Freire: Politica e Pedagogia. Porto Editora, Porto
Canário, R. (2008) Educação de Adultos. Um campo e uma problemática. Educa, Lisboa
Canário, R. e Cabrito, B., orgs, (2005) Educação e Formação de Adultos. Mutações e convergências. Educa, Lisboa
Freire, P. (1979) Educação e Mudança. Ed.Paz e Terra, Brasil
Hadji, C. (1989). Évaluation, règles du jeu. Paris: ESF.
Lopes, L. e Pereira, M. (2004). Métodos e Técnicas Pedagógicas. Lisboa: Fundação
para a Divulgação das Tecnologias da Informação
Pires, Ana Luisa (2007) Repensar a Educação/formação de adultos. Um novo paradigma educativo, in Revista Formar no 58, Jan/Mar. 2007, IEFP, Lisboa
Pires, Ana Luísa (2005) Educação e Formação ao Longo da Vida: análise critica dos sistemas e dispositivos de reconhecimento e validação de aprendizagens e de competências, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Lisboa
Simão, A. M. Veiga e Freire, I. (2007). A gestão do conflito no processo
Stuart, R. (2000). Jogos para formadores – desenvolvimento de equipas. Lisboa: Ed. Monitor formativo. Lisboa:IEFP
Simões, E. e Rodrigues, J. (2010). Formação Outdoor: organização, métodos
e instrumentos. Revista Formar. No 72. pp. 42-45
Simões, Maria Francisca (2007) A dimensão territorial no âmbito da intervenção do RVCC, in Revista Formar no 58, Jan/Mar. 2007, IEFP, Lisboa
Quintana, J. (1991). Pedagogia Comunitária. Perspectivas mundiales de educación de adultos. Madrid: Narcea.
Rodrigues, A. e Esteves, M. (1993) A análise de necessidades na formação de professores. Porto
Trilla, J. (1993). La educación fuera de la escuela. Barcelona: Ariel.
Trilla, J. (1996). La Educacion fuera de la escuela. Ambitos no formales y educación social. Barcelona. Ariel.
Outros recursos - Serão ainda usados outros recursos, nomeadamente os referenciais de formação de formadores do IEFP, os livros da Colecção Aprender e Formar Pedagogicamente (IEFP), os módulos da Colecção Módulos de Concepção da Formação OIT / IEFP.