Research and Project Seminar
Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 1S
Code: |
LAS14 |
Acronym: |
Scientific Fields: |
Ciências Sociais, Matemática |
Acronym |
N. of students |
Study Plan |
Curricular year |
Contact hours |
Total Time |
36 |
Study Plan |
2º |
5,0 |
60 |
135,0 |
Teaching language
Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)
In this CU is intended that students develop the following skills:
Use knowledge of various areas of knowledge in understanding the complexity of the contexts and processes that govern the lives of communities, groups and individuals; mobilize theories and methodologies for the characterization and diagnosis of situations and contexts of sociocultural animation and intervention; mobilize methodological expertise conducting research projects; design and develops research on the social and institutional facilities where the animation and sociocultural intervention is developed; communicate effectively, using the Portuguese language for academic purposes; effectively manage relevant information to their academic and professional field; use properly the information and communication technology; organize and plans his own work.
Research and scientific knowledge.
The production of scientific knowledge: research questioning and the production of new knowledge.
Theory production and empirical work: the place of the methods and research techniques; research and social practice.
Methods of research: methodological options and research techniques, the Project Methodology and the research-action.
Some investigative techniques: content analysis, life histories, questionnaire, surveys and interviews, fieldwork and participant observation, experimentation and experimental design.
Steps of a research.
Some notions of statistics: the formalization of concepts, sampling techniques, scales and statistical measures; the presentation of results, statistical measures, use of computer programs for statistical analysis;
Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes
The contents of this CU focus on methods and techniques of research in Social Sciences and the optimal conditions for their use as methodological tools that allow adequate processes of revelation of reality, which corresponds to a central objective defined in this UC - the acquisition of skills related to knowledge and mobilization of scientific research methodology.
The approach of these contents, in conjunction with its application in a specific case of research developed by students, unfolds from an initial level, on the epistemological nature of scientific knowledge and the role of research methods and techniques to a more operational level, stringent conditions on the use of investigative techniques. This approach has proved suitable for the achievement of learning.
Teaching methodologies
The work processes in this CU are as following: face sessions of theoretical and methodological framework (Seminars); Discussion focused on issues; collective analysis and interpretation of theoretical and empirical information; Oral communication of results of different activities; individual study; communication with the teacher and classmates via email; use of the Internet pages of disciplines and Moodle; performing tasks in a digital format and use of multimedia products; development of a small group research project; holding a test related to the contents; tutorial guidance of the working groups.
The test will contribute 40% towards the final score, the work group (Project) 50% and participation in activities with 10%.
Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes
The professional interventions in the field of Animation and Sociocultural Intervention only acquire full meaning and proper efficacy if they consist in appropriate responses to problems and contexts which motivate them.
This CU aims to frame the proposal and the early stages of development of a project which is intended to be a possible answer to a problem previously identified.
The time allocated to this subject will appear as required by the transmission of information that defines the course content, by the analysis and reflection on the themes therein alleged and by the monitoring of project work that will be developed by the students.
It is intended that students are able to integrate different types of knowledge constructed in the process of learning in this course. Thus, this work should include the theoretical, methodological and practical dimensions in the development of the response to a problem, reasoned and well known.
In this work, it is understood by a problem a situation with dire consequences for a more or less broad group of individuals. If the problematic situation can refer to different types of nature and occur in different contexts, the answer to finding and developing it must necessarily refer to the area of animation and Sociocultural Intervention.
In the problem identification and in the research on the manifestations and characteristics, students use theoretical and methodological tools, which allow to ground and know the problem. Only with this knowledge about the problematic situation, it is possible to construct a response with a content and a form with a high probability of adequacy to the problem and to the context where it occurs.
The answer to find, only sketched in this CU, assumes a theoretical and technical work that grant a high level of quality in its form and content and which provides a link with other CU’s of the second semester.
With the knowledge of the contents of this UC and the development of these activities, students have the opportunity to acquire and develop the overall skills that correspond to the respective goals.
Assessment methodologies and evidences
The final classification of each student will be based on their performance in group and individual works and in accordance with the following:
- The test will contribute 50% to the final classification;
- Group work with 40%;
- Participation in class activities with 10%, which means regular attendance of students in school activities.
In the case of students receiving special statutes and can not ensure a regular presence in class activities the test will contribute 55% to the final classification and group work with 45%.
Attendance system
See previous item.
Assement and Attendance registers
Description |
Type |
Tempo (horas) |
End Date |
Attendance (estimated) |
Classes |
0 |
Total: |
0 |
Almeida, J., F. (1990). A investigação nas ciências sociais (4ª edição). Presença.
Bardin, L. (1994). Análise de conteúdo. Edições 70.
Bell, J. (1997). Como realizar um projeto de investigação. Gradiva.
Bryman, A. (2012). Social research methods (4th ed). Oxford University Press.
Caria, T. H. (2005). Experiência etnográfica em Ciências Sociais. Afrontamento.
Clegg, F. (1990). Estatística para todos. Gradiva.
Foddy, W. (1996). Como Perguntar: Teoria e prática da construção de perguntas em entrevistas e questionários. Celta Editora.
Ghiglione, R., & Matalon, B. (1992). O inquérito: teoria e prática. Celta Editora.
Gil, A. C. (1991). Métodos e Técnicas de Pesquisa Social. Editora Atlas.
Lopes, M. (coord.) (2011). Metodologias de investigação em Animação Sociocultural. Intervenção – Associação para a promoção e divulgação cultural.
Nóvoa, A., & Finger, M. (1988). O método (auto)biográfico e a formação. DRH/Ministério da Saúde.
Nunes, A. S. (1977). Questões preliminares sobre as Ciências Sociais. Lisboa, Editorial Presença.
Nunes, A. S. (1981). Sobre o problema do conhecimento nas Ciências Sociais (5ªEdição). GIS/Editora Presença.
Pinto, J. M., & Silva, A. S. (1986). Metodologia das Ciências Sociais. Edições Afrontamento - Biblioteca das Ciências do Homem.
Poirier, J., Clapier – Valladon, S., & Raybaut, P. (1995). Histórias de vida: teoria e prática. Celta.
Quivy, R., & Campenhoudt, L. (1992). Manual de investigação em ciências sociais. Gradiva.
Rutheford, F. J., & Ahlgren, A. (1995). Ciência para todos. Gradiva.