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Interpersonal Relationship and Group Management

Scholar Year: 2023/2024 - 2S

Code: LAS15    Acronym: RIGG
Scientific Fields: Ciências Sociais
Section/Department: Social Sciences and Education


Acronym N. of students Study Plan Curricular year ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LAS 27 Study Plan 5,0 60 135,0

Teaching weeks: 15


Gina Cláudia Enguiça Marques Pereira de LemosHead

Weekly workload

Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes


Type Teacher Classes Hours
Contact hours Totals 1 4,00
Maria Inês Peceguina   4,00

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)

This curricular unit aims to develop fundamental skills that lie ahead as essential to the professional areas sports as the analysis of forms of being, behaving and communicating with regard to the relationship with you and the other the identification and management of basic phenomena in the dynamics of interpersonal relationships and group or promoting a collaborative work environment.
- Examine ways of being and behaving, as regards the relationship with yourself and others
- Recognize the dynamics involved in the emergence and development of groups
- Identify and manage basic phenomena of the internal dynamics of a group
- Communicate and interact with others, promoting collaborative work environment
- Research and analize information and reflect critically mobilizing theoretical elements in conjunction with practical issues.


1. Key elements in interpersonal relationships
- Verbal and non-verbal language
- The effectiveness of communication
- The perception of others
- The processes of social influence
- Personal communication styles

2. Impression formation and categorization processes
- The importance of first impressions
- Factors that contribute to the formation of impressions
- The role of first impressions in the categorization process

3. Conflict within the scope of interpersonal and intergroup relationships
- Meanings attributed to the concept of conflict
- The nature of the conflict
- The cycles of conflict evolution
- Strategies for coping with conflict
- Active listening in mediation processes

4. Group structure and processes
- Group pressure to conform
- Group communication modes
- Observation of group interaction processes
- Tasks and performance in the functioning of the group

5. The group and organizational level of communication
- Organizational structure and communication
- Upward, downward and lateral communication
- Group management in professional activity

Demonstration of the syllabus coherence with the UC intended learning outcomes

This Curricular Unit has as its fundamental objective the development of skills that are seen as essential for the professional areas in question, such as: the analysis of ways of being, behaving, communicating with regard to the relationship with oneself and with others, the identification and management of basic phenomena in the dynamics of interpersonal and group relationships or the promotion of a cooperative work environment, from this perspective these are the central syllabus contents.

The work of future graduates in the areas of animation and sociocultural intervention will be framed within interpersonal and group relationship dynamics, meaning that knowledge and mastery of theoretical principles, knowledge and techniques that enable the management of people and groups appears to be essential.

Teaching methodologies

Teaching methodologies
The work will take place primarily in the context of theoretical and practical sessions
Strategies for self-learning are promoted to encourage the search capabilities of scientific, analytical and critical thinking
In the sessions that the lecture method is predominantly used, are inserted one or more moments of discussion of key issues in large groups, film or practical elements to facilitate the integration of theoretical concepts exposed in everyday reality and / or professional

a) the preparation of a written essay on one of the themes addressed in the UC
b) the dynamics of a presentation-oriented elements of the theory developed in written work and its articulation with the practical component
c) the performance of individual reflection written about one of the topics taught in class, with consultation and character face
d) the participation of students in classes and activities proposed

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes
Overall, the objectives, expected learning outcomes, following the completion of the course are:
a) ownership and use of different concepts and relevant related issues developed at UC;
b) the field of theoretical principles, knowledge and techniques allowing autonomy in its application;
c) contextualization of learning proposed by the UC course and performance of the professional role;
d) selection and organization of information from different types of media text production of dimensions and variables indicating issues critical analysis and reflection;
e) the public presentation of work.
To achieve these objectives, in addition to the strategies and methodologies are enhanced above the following strategies:
- Tutorial support in order to support, guide and advise students on their learning path; the tutorial activity may be developed either during classes or in specific sessions intended for this purpose, as well as through extraordinary face-to-face and/or distance monitoring sessions, depending on the specific needs felt.
- Active and interested participation on the part of students, essential to the progress of learning and success in assessments, namely through: participation in classes, carrying out guided research, carrying out work proposed by the teacher, participation in extra-curricular activities that enhance knowledge acquired through classes and study.

Assessment methodologies and evidences

There are two types of assessment in the UC, namely, the continuous assessment regime and the summative assessment regime.
The continuous assessment regime includes the following assessment elements:
a) preparation of three written reports, carried out in groups, on the sessions designated at the beginning of the semester and which involve dynamics carried out in the classroom.
b) individual written assessment relating to the theme of conflict in the context of interpersonal relationships, with oral presentation.

Student participation in class has a weight of 10%, group reports 40% and individual reports 50%. The exam is worth 100%.

Attendance system

Students who wish to be assessed according to the continuous assessment regime (with the exception of student workers) must attend at least 75% of classes.


Caetano, A. (1993). A formação de impressões. In J. Vala & M. B. Monteiro (coord.), Psicologia Social (pp. 89 - 111). Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. 

Curral, L. & Chambel, M. J. (2001). Processos de comunicação nas organizações. In J. M. Carvalho, J. Neves & A. Caetano (coord.), Manual de Psicossociologia das Organizações (pp. 357 – 378). Lisboa: Editora McGraw-Hill.

Fachada, O. (2005). Psicologia das relações interpessoais. Lisboa: Edições Rumo. 

Herédia, R.A.S. (2000). Resolución del Conflicto.Bilbao: 
Ediciones Mensajero.

Jesuino, J.C. (1993). Estrutura e processos de grupo: Interacções e fatores de eficácia. In J. Vala & M. B. Monteiro (coord.), Psicologia Social (pp. 259 – 286). Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

Neves, J. (2001). O processo de liderança. In J. M. Carvalho, J. Neves & A. Caetano (coord.). Manual de Psicossociologia das Organizações (pp. 377- 403). Lisboa: Editora McGraw-Hill .

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